BGOL BLACK PANTHER Movie Thread [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever drops on Disney+ 2/1/23]


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The trailer reactions I saw were overwhelming positive. Black Panther trended on twitter for most of Monday, but some youtube stuff confuses me. It never made youtube's trending video page. You'll see trailers for New Mutants and Stranger Things 2 but not Black Panther. Even the new Punisher trailer made today's trending videos. :dunno:

I should also point out that the Wonder Woman trailers didn't have huge views on youtube either, so don't panic. It's just funny how the BP teaser performed so well across all social media platforms with 89 million total views but only so-so on youtube this time around. Not concerned, just curious.


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
The trailer reactions I saw were overwhelming positive. Black Panther trended on twitter for most of Monday, but some youtube stuff confuses me. It never made youtube's trending video page. You'll see trailers for New Mutants and Stranger Things 2 but not Black Panther. Even the new Punisher trailer made today's trending videos. :dunno:

I should also point out that the Wonder Woman trailers didn't have huge views on youtube either, so don't panic. It's just funny how the BP teaser performed so well across all social media platforms with 89 million total views but only so-so on youtube this time around. Not concerned, just curious.
It could be that new metric that YouTube is using to move certain videos either up or down their trending pages.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It could be that new metric that YouTube is using to move certain videos either up or down their trending pages.

You're probably right. Marvel can't be happy about this though. The last thing BP needs is the perception that people aren't interested.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The trailer reactions I saw were overwhelming positive. Black Panther trended on twitter for most of Monday, but some youtube stuff confuses me. It never made youtube's trending video page. You'll see trailers for New Mutants and Stranger Things 2 but not Black Panther. Even the new Punisher trailer made today's trending videos. :dunno:

I should also point out that the Wonder Woman trailers didn't have huge views on youtube either, so don't panic. It's just funny how the BP teaser performed so well across all social media platforms with 89 million total views but only so-so on youtube this time around. Not concerned, just curious.
You're probably right. Marvel can't be happy about this though. The last thing BP needs is the perception that people aren't interested.


this NEEDS to be monitored more closely.


in fact I may contact YouTube directly.

Send a letter to YouTube if you want to reach their customer service department.

Write to “YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066.”

Do not expect a prompt reply.

Alternatively, you can fax a letter to 650-253-0001.!forum/youtube
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Haven’t clicked the vid yet... just clicked the comments hoping for this gif. Never gets old.

Shit is tiring and sad by sad folks. Every Marvel thread turns into a bash at DC. Why? Especially by people that claim to love the genre. Essentially detailing the whole purpose of the thread. Stuff like this helps to create a toxic environment for everyone. How much does Disney pay the Marvel Fan-boys? How much does DC? What does it add to your life? Really really sad state.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh, it was somebody's girl told this nigga that told that nigga - that kind of thing. They were at comic-con and the one that dropped in New York too. I didn't believe them at first but the other suit, the EMP shock blast thing, the new Panther suit, the little sister, the rip the wheel off part - they gave bits and pieces and it was all true. I'm shocked man really.

Yes sir. Deadpool shocked the world. Then Get Out came outta nowhere and killed it.

I have NEVER seen anything look like this. The folks doing Aquaman are pissed off right now. This is everything they should be doing with Atlantis and their world. How do you top it?


Really? Please post the link to the Aquaman trailer. Let’s do a side by side comparison. Don’t forget to highlight the “Atlantis” parts to and the comparable Wakanda underwater community.
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The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor

this NEEDS to be monitored more closely.


in fact I may contact YouTube directly.

Send a letter to YouTube if you want to reach their customer service department.

Write to “YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066.”

Do not expect a prompt reply.

Alternatively, you can fax a letter to 650-253-0001.!forum/youtube
The Youtube metric I spoke of was designed by them to interfere with hate vids being front and center of the YT product and make it harder to search for said videos via their 'suggested videos' feature. This type of pseudo-censorship, while designed with good intentions, can and will be used to support a particular agenda in the near future. We can't have free speech only for POVs we support, and this is why.
Side note, it's distinctly possible that YT will soon be supplanted by other platforms that will not pick and choose what is and is not 'fake news' for the masses.
We need to get back to thinking for ourselves.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Shit is tiring and sad by sad folks. Every Marvel thread turns into a bash at DC. Why? Especially by people that claim to love the genre. Essentially detailing the whole purpose of the thread. Stuff like this helps to create a toxic environment for everyone. How much does Disney pay the Marvel Fan-boys? How much does DC? What does it add to your life? Really really sad state.

Tical honestly it's just a joke.

Really now YOUR the one making a big thing of it. This thread and another combined is like 14 pages of love of the first black superhero

and like one CONSTANT joke.

That will never go away.

Mentioned ONCE

It is what it is

It is not some type of referendum on DC as whole

It's a funny gif of a REAL MOMENT where you see someone who for ONCE honestly and wholeheartedly loves something get hurt...

and we ALL can empathize

And still get these jokes off.

It's funny not in a hurtful way though it's just a way of showing how things pan out.

These fans these critics are fickle as f*ck

Nothing more nothing less.

I can speak for many, we really want justice League to rock, which I actually think it will with Joss.

No one WANTS these movies to fail, none of them.

But Black Panther transcends DC WB Disney Marvel....

This is a cultural bench mark

Just when black people need it most.

And seeing Affleck "cry"?

a confirmed descendent of slave owners at the sight of black excellence?

(All Metaphorically speaking)

Pleases the panther god.

Wakanda Forever.

And free Mister Terrific.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tical honestly it's just a joke.

Really now YOUR the one making a big thing of it. This thread and another combined is like 14 pages of love of the first black superhero

and like one CONSTANT joke.

That will never go away.

Mentioned ONCE

It is what it is

It is not some type of referendum on DC as whole

It's a funny gif of a REAL MOMENT where you see someone who for ONCE honestly and wholeheartedly loves something get hurt...

and we ALL can empathize

And still get these jokes off.

It's funny not in a hurtful way though it's just a way of showing how things pan out.

These fans these critics are fickle as f*ck

Nothing more nothing less.

I can speak for many, we really want justice League to rock, which I actually think it will with Joss.

No one WANTS these movies to fail, none of them.

But Black Panther transcends DC WB Disney Marvel....

This is a cultural bench mark

Just when black people need it most.

And seeing Affleck "cry"?

a confirmed descendent of slave owners at the sight of black excellence?

(All Metaphorically speaking)

Pleases the panther god.

Wakanda Forever.

And free Mister Terrific.

Pretty much all great points. I have a few rebuttals but that’s not the point. This is a BP thread so let’s talk about BP. If anything it’s a continued celebration of comics and this crazy era we live it where we get to see live action versions of this stuff. I’m not going to get into how one studios success or failures hurts the entire genre and hurts all fans. That’s requires grown folks understanding and minimizes the pettiness.

I hope everyone fans of all comics and non-fans alike support this project because it’s much bigger than the BP IPO. It’s success is a great notch for minorities in Sci-Fy and hopefully translates into more similar cast in original and established IPOs.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Pretty much all great points. I have a few rebuttals but that’s not the point. This is a BP thread so let’s talk about BP. If anything it’s a continued celebration of comics and this crazy era we live it where we get to see live action versions of this stuff. I’m not going to get into how one studios success or failures hurts the entire genre and hurts all fans. That’s requires grown folks understanding and minimizes the pettiness.

I hope everyone fans of all comics and non-fans alike support this project because it’s much bigger than the BP IPO. It’s success is a great notch for minorities in Sci-Fy and hopefully translates into more similar cast in original and established IPOs.

Bro, we ALWAYS have good debates...and you always keep it FUN.

Cause on the real?


And we aint getting NONE of that money.

(that I know if)

But these ARE our dreams and memories and fantasies and imaginations.

I think that means something too

and we DO own a piece of it


They aint got nothing.

I also wanted to say when I see that SadAffleck gif

I think of myself watching EVERY...

Fantastic Four movie, Daredevil og version, the last Blade, Iron Fist, the Inhumans and a few X-Men etc...:lol:

But WE ALL fully understand how bad movies and repetitive content not only effect the longevity sustainability and profitability of IP

but can cause fan disloyalty to the entire super hero genre as a whole and threaten its continued viability.

I aint THAT smart and been saying that from day ONE


there isn't ONE member of bgol comic book guild who doesn't understand that too.

That being said?

That doesn't mean they have to care or agree.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro, we ALWAYS have good debates...and you always keep it FUN.

Cause on the real?


And we aint getting NONE of that money. (that I know if)

But these ARE our dreams and memories and fantasies and imaginations.

I think that means something too

and we DO own a piece of it


They aint got nothing.

I also wanted to say when I see that SadAffleck gif

I think of ever myself watching EVERY Fantastic Four movie, Daredevil og version, the last Blade, Iron Fist, the Inhumans and a few X-Men etc...:lol:

But WE ALL fully understand how bad movies and repetitive content not only effect the longevity sustainability and profitability of IP

but can cause fan disloyalty to the entire super hero genre as a whole and threaten its continued viability.

I aint THAT smart and being saying that from day ONE

and there isn't ONE member of bgol comic book guild who doesn't understand that too.

That being said that doesn't mean they have to care or agree.

You definitely have more faith in the big picture thinking of BGOL members than I do. Way too much near-sighted clowns imo. Nonetheless since we are here, a point: I have not seen “one” CBM that have I have not liked.

Think about all the movies from all the studios and I have enjoyed them all.

Certainly, I’ve enjoyed some more than others. As a matter of fact my top movies are from all the different studios(Marvel,Fox,Sony and DC). Why is that?

Several reasons(and something critics and RT definitely doesn’t understand. But interest studios understand. ) the biggest is because I realize if as CBM fans etc we only like what “our” studio put out then in the long run, we that love the genre, are fucked!

Think about it..Marvel currently is king and everyone especially critics love them. Now imagine if every studio follows suit and makes their movies look and feel like Marvel movies. Can you see the big picture danger in that compared to studios doing their own thing with its own look and feel and narrative?

If so, I don’t understand how these “big picture” thinking BGOL members you put all this faith in have problems with other studios work? More specific, chose to mock and not support it?

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Your faith in BGOL members big picture thinking is a lot more than I have. But overall we are in agreement and especially in understanding of that big picture. While we are here I’ll put another big picture thought out there along the lines why I like “every” studio.

You definitely have more faith in the big picture thinking of BGOL members than I do. Way too much near-sighted clowns imo. Nonetheless since we are here, a point: I have not seen “one” CBM that have I have not liked.

Think about all the movies from all the studios and I have enjoyed them all.

Certainly, I’ve enjoyed some more than others. As a matter of fact my top movies are from all the different studios(Marvel,Fox,Sony and DC). Why is that?

Several reasons(and something critics and RT definitely doesn’t understand) the biggest is because I realize if as CBM fans etc we only like what “our” studio put out then in the long-we that love the genre are fucked!

Think about it..Marvel currently is king and everyone especially critics love them. Now imagine if every studio follows suit and makes their movies look and feel like Marvel movies. Can you see the big picture danger in that compared to studios doing their own thing with its own look and feel and narrative?

If so, I don’t understand how these “big picture” thinking BGOL members you put all this faith in have problems with other studios work?

Trust me most if not ALL of the time?

they f*cking with yu

cause you at times come off like a DC LOYALIST.

which isn'ta bad thing

So its a Lebron/Jordan thing.

I think I don't ever get that energy cause I try my best to fair and balanced.

And the fair point is Marvel worked HARD to garner all that good will and created good content.


DC got sloppy in house, a lot of bridges got burned they didn't REALLY embrace the fans and the legacy of the characters

and there was a huge disconnect with the TV arm and movie arm

which FURTHER pissed off long time fans cause it seemed like it was spitting in the face of loyal TV fans.

again perception unfortunately in the modern age age?


SO DC has a whole lot of up hill work too do.

Marvel is not perfect and I don't thi k I have EVER heard anyone say they were.

(Inhumans, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones even?)

but again good will, loyal fan support and a healthy relationship with your audience (especially Disney being the family entertainment KING?)

doesn't hurt

Like I said numerous time

the BEST thing to happen to Marvel is the WORST thing that ever happened.

Losing ownership of a majority of their flagship characters FORCED them to do better and be MORE creative

DC/WB owning all their IP ma have actually HURT cause they got STUCK doing the same things.

and something else

I for one, while CHAMPION diversity in the superhero genre in all forms...

women directors, comedies, horror, TV, streaming, animation etc...

I don't care if Marvel is "bright" and DC is "dark"

that is irrelevant bull shit

I want GOOD.

point blank period.

Being dark just for dark sake?

Or to be counter to Marvel?

is just asinine

cause at the present date?

being counter to Marvel equates to being critically bad and poorly recieved.

DC/WB just needs to concentrate on good and letting these creatives do their damn job.

Nobody who aint got stock cares whose studio makes the movie...

UNLESS they have a REPUTATION for making shitty movies.

I think that's fair.

And if EVERY studio copying Marvel means making quality movies that most people love?

I'm good with that copy Marvel as much as you want.

But again based on the last few hiccups Marvel has had?

I wouldn't go with that.

Just be GOOD and let the artists CREATE their art and HONOR the legacy of these modern myths.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trust me most if not ALL of the time?

they f*cking with yu

cause you at times come off like a DC LOYALIST.

which isn'ta bad thing

So its a Lebron/Jordan thing.

I think I don't ever get that energy cause I try my best to fair and balanced.

And the fair point is Marvel worked HARD to garner all that good will and created good content.


DC got sloppy in house, a lot of bridges got burned they didn't REALLY embrace the fans and the legacy of the characters

and there was a huge disconnect with the TV arm and movie arm

which FURTHER pissed off long time fans cause it seemed like it was spitting in the face of loyal TV fans.

again perception unfortunately in the modern age age?


SO DC has a whole lot of up hill work too do.

Marvel is not perfect and I don't thi k I have EVER heard anyone say they were.

(Inhumans, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones even?)

but again good will, loyal fan support and a healthy relationship with your audience (especially Disney being the family entertainment KING?)

doesn't hurt

Like I said numerous time

the BEST thing to happen to Marvel is the WORST thing that ever happened.

Losing ownership of a majority of their flagship characters FORCED them to do better and be MORE creative

DC/WB owning all their IP ma have actually HURT cause they got STUCK doing the same things.

and something else

I for one, while CHAMPION diversity in the superhero genre in all forms...

women directors, comedies, horror, TV, streaming, animation etc...

I don't care if Marvel is "bright" and DC is "dark"

that is irrelevant bull shit

I want GOOD.

Being dark just for dark sake?

Or to be counter to Marvel?

is just asinine

cause at the present date?

being counter to Marvel equates to being critically bad and poorly recieved.

DC/WB just needs to concentrate on good and letting these creatives do their damn job.

Lol..If I’m one of the only “DC loyalist” on the board But I openly and honestly support all studios. What does that make most of the board members that see ONLY Marvel as damn near perfect, more times, than not? Openly rebellious against other studio properties and members, compare everything to a Marvel product. As a matter of fact, We are not even going to talk about the vastly disportionate shrines and threads dedicated to all things Marvel.

Tell me if I’m a Loyalist what does that make them? When does the word extremist come into play? Hell do “extemist” ever realize when they are?

I’ll make this last point to incompass your last statement. I absolutely HATE the we know better than they mentality. Any professional out there will tell you one of the biggest insults is when everyday people with very little fore-thought and hours served walks into your place of business and “knows” better. “Fans” are the worst and there is a special kind of ugliness that’s prevalant when it comes to CBM fans.

What was enjoyable to us all as youth is turning into a special kind of environmental poison. Death threats to the Director and his family because “you think” he gave “you” the wrong type of Superman? Wtf is that shit?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Lol..If I’m one of the only “DC loyalist” on the board But I openly and honestly support all studios. What does that make most of the board members that see ONLY Marvel as damn near perfect, more times, than not? Openly rebellious against other studio properties and members, compare everything to a Marvel product. As a matter of fact, We are not even going to talk about the vastly disportionate shrines and threads dedicated to all things Marvel.

Tell me if I’m a Loyalist what does that make them? When does the word extremist come into play? Hell do “extemist” ever realize when they are?

I’ll make this last point to incompass your last statement. I absolutely HATE the we know better than they mentality. Any professional out there will tell you one of the biggest insults is when everyday people with very little fore-thought and hours served walks into your place of business and “knows” better. “Fans” are the worst and there is a special kind of ugliness that’s prevalant when it comes to CBM fans.

What was enjoyable to us all as youth is turning into a special kind of environmental poison. Death threats to the Director and his family because “you think” he gave “you” the wrong type of Superman? Wtf is that shit?

Hey THEY think you a loyalist :lol:

we good!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Lol..If I’m one of the only “DC loyalist” on the board But I openly and honestly support all studios. What does that make most of the board members that see ONLY Marvel as damn near perfect, more times, than not? Openly rebellious against other studio properties and members, compare everything to a Marvel product. As a matter of fact, We are not even going to talk about the vastly disportionate shrines and threads dedicated to all things Marvel.

Tell me if I’m a Loyalist what does that make them? When does the word extremist come into play? Hell do “extemist” ever realize when they are?

I’ll make this last point to incompass your last statement. I absolutely HATE the we know better than they mentality. Any professional out there will tell you one of the biggest insults is when everyday people with very little fore-thought and hours served walks into your place of business and “knows” better. “Fans” are the worst and there is a special kind of ugliness that’s prevalant when it comes to CBM fans.

What was enjoyable to us all as youth is turning into a special kind of environmental poison. Death threats to the Director and his family because “you think” he gave “you” the wrong type of Superman? Wtf is that shit?

But you right...

I actually hate that too...that EVERYONE is an expert with ZERO experience or education.

NO ONE can argue against that specific point.

but see here it gets TRICKY in the NEW media of today

I will use the TV show LOST as an example of where CREATIVES allowed OUTSIDE "uneducated" people to actually INFLUENCE the work in real time...

it negatively effected the product

but in the END?

It turned out those crazy internet fans were actually RIGHT.

And later with Arrow same thing

the executive producer THANKED fans for actually helping course correct the series.

So I will say because of the RISE of social media, its tricky to just DISMISS all that

so many leaks and criticism not from just FANS

but DC had IN HOUSE current and former employees going at them.

and to be FAIR

I have read threads on BGOL where members have been down right BRILLIANT with their opinions and viewpoints.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Got dammit someone needs to rage against the machine. Anyway back to this BP thread. What are the spin-off TV/Netflix-franchise possiblities from the BP-verse?

its ALREADY happening since last year...

he is the leader of the Avengers in the animated series....

Black Panther toys are a huge seller

so they doing it right...getting the YOUNG fans ready to accept BP.

I wouldn't want a BP TV series, honestly.

I want him to be LARGER THAN LIFE for now and the foreseeable future.

but I wouldn't mind his guards being included in the Marvel TV universe.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But you right...

I actually hate that too...that EVERYONE is an expert with ZERO experience or education.

NO ONE can argue against that specific point.

but see here it gets TRICKY in the NEW media of today

I will use the TV show LOST as an example of where CREATIVES allowed OUTSIDE "uneducated" people to actually INFLUENCE the work in real time...

it negatively effected the product

but in the END?

It turned out those crazy internet fans were actually RIGHT.

And later with Arrow same thing

the executive producer THANKED fans for actually helping course correct the series.

So I will say because of the RISE of social media, its tricky to just DISMISS all that

so many leaks and criticism not from just FANS

but DC had IN HOUSE current and former employees going at them.

and to be FAIR

I have read threads on BGOL where members have been down right BRILLIANT with their opinions and viewpoints.

Let’s not get carried away here. The majority of the time if we were able to take into account “all” the fans “I know better than you” POV it would be flat out disaster. Meaning the majority of the time fans arent shit and don’t know shit. Every so often the examples like you point out happens. Those diffintely aren’t the norms.

Another HUGE point we have to put out there is when you’re making movies for $100+ million dollars very few Directos have absolutely control over every facet of that project. Meaning there is a lot of shit going on in the background. A perfect example is Marvel Studios under Disney and DC Films under WB. The biggest reasons why Marvel movies all have a certain look and feel is because Disney/Marvel don’t play that shit. Hell I’ll go as far as with Star Wars under Disney too. Everything is tightly controlled. A director comes in and pretty much follows the pre-written script to a Tee. When you don’t you get booted out see ol’boy that recently got fired from the dictatorial job for the Hans Solo movie.

That model has its pros and cons.

WB/DC Films are a “Director Driven” studio “more so” than not and you see the pros and cons.

Long story short “fans work” is not truncated by the politics that goes on with a lot of these $100 million dollar movies.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Another HUGE point we have to put out there is when you’re making movies for $100+ million dollars very few Directos have absolutely control over every facet of that project. Meaning there is a lot of shit going on in the background. A perfect example is Marvel Studios under Disney and DC Films under WB. The biggest reasons why Marvel movies all have a certain look and feel is because Disney/Marvel don’t play that shit. Hell I’ll go as far as with Star Wars under Disney too. Everything is tightly controlled. A director comes in and pretty much follows the pre-written script to a Tee. When you don’t you get booted out see ol’boy that recently got fired from the dictatorial job for the Hans Solo movie.

That model has its pros and cons.


but its working so far...


And having a collaborative effort isn't a BAD thing in such tent poles like this...

Like Coogler helped the Russos and vise versa, same with the director of Guardians.

I like talent talking with talent.

AND having a trusted overseer like Feige

Yes...there is an issue of ideas getting homogenized within the "system"

But at THIS point in the game?

I agree with Marvel concentrating more on establishing successful consistency and vision while STILL flipping the format.

with Antman, Guardians, Jessica Jones and Winter Soldier.

and notice how they are doing with partnering with other studios SUCCESSFUL

Legion, Deadpool, The Gifted.

SO DC/WB gonna PROVE to me that they got this

which I think they do with Joss.

And ANY fans who making this stuff MORE important than REAL LIFE?
