BGOL BLACK PANTHER Movie Thread [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever drops on Disney+ 2/1/23]


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
He aint wrong, sadly. Jews own the Industry so they get paid, a Jew (Stan Lee) created this character so he gets paid...note his name is "Black Panther" which in itself is racist and a play off the political Black Panthers...what other color is a Panther? So Black is in reference to the person in the suit. Its all just a big ploy to pretend to give us something and monetize off our willingness to support what we think is "our" content. I will most definitely support and go see maybe multiple times but don't be fooled in thinking this is progress or a Win...

Real progress would be a movie about an actual or fictional African/African-American hero created, produced, written, directed, and distributed by Blacks like the Indians do in Bollywood or Chinese in China....THAT would be a win.

Has anyone ever heard of ICON & Rocket? That would be a sick movie created by US for US then acquired by DC....Alien crash lands on a slave plantation and assimilates a slave baby but has powers on par with Superman....they keep that dude burried in the archives only recently had a cameo on Young Justice Cartoon only to play intergalactic lawyer :curse:



I think I STILL have almost EVERY Milestone issue in plastic bags at my moms crib


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It won’t see $300 million.

And even though black panther will be the most visually beautiful movie ever film, it won’t do well either. Disney won’t see the writing until the avengers numbers come in. They’re going to have to get rid of everyone at espn.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Just geeking out to robs discussion of Thor ragnarok

While watching he mentioned the Panther God bast, which gives the black panther the ability to communicate with previous BP.

He hinted that this could be the missing infinity soul gem.

In the past it was thought heimdal was the soul gem (or had access to it) which would make this little Easter egg AWESOME


Of course we now know heimdal is NOT connected with the soul gem and the Panther God bast (who is now the best bet for the soul gem) does not start with the needed H to fulfill this awesome act of geekdom....

But the full name Bast-Hathor DOES!!!

Darth Furious

Platinum Member
Just geeking out to robs discussion of Thor ragnarok

While watching he mentioned the Panther God bast, which gives the black panther the ability to communicate with previous BP.

He hinted that this could be the missing infinity soul gem.

In the past it was thought heimdal was the soul gem (or had access to it) which would make this little Easter egg AWESOME


Of course we now know heimdal is NOT connected with the soul gem and the Panther God bast (who is now the best bet for the soul gem) does not start with the needed H to fulfill this awesome act of geekdom....

But the full name Bast-Hathor DOES!!!


It would be cool to connect Asgard to the Wakanda people via Heimdall and the Soul Gem but the way they are going is even better. The soul gem being connected to a power that fuels the Wakanda mythos and its people and technology and the vibranium too. Its just SO much to take in.

I believe this to be true.




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Chadwick Boseman Chose His Black Panther Accent to Make a Point About White Supremacy

James Whitbrook

Yesterday 1:02pm

Image: Still via Youtube

The whole point of Wakanda is that it is a truly isolated nation—isolated by its people’s own choosing, turning itself into a technological utopia away from the influence of people beyond its borders. That isolation became crucial to Chadwick Boseman’s portrayal of Black Panther, because he wanted the hero to speak “without colonialism tainting it.”

Speaking to CNET about Wakanda’s identity and evolution, Boseman had a frank reaction to being asked about the accent he developed while playing T’Challa in both Captain America: Civil War and Black Panther. Why doesn’t a European-educated man like T’Challa speak with a European accent? For Boseman, it came down to a simple fact: T’Challa speaks like a Wakandan, because Wakanda evolved and thrived without the taint of Colonialism that ravaged the African continent:

People think about how race has affected the world. It’s not just in the States. Colonialism is the cousin of slavery. Colonialism in Africa would have it that, in order to be a ruler, his education comes from Europe. I wanted to be completely sure that we didn’t convey that idea because that would be counter to everything that Wakanda is about. It’s supposed to be the most technologically advanced nation on the planet. If it’s supposed to not have been conquered — which means that advancement has happened without colonialism tainting it, poisoning the well of it, without stopping it or disrupting it — then there’s no way he would speak with a European accent.

If I did that, I would be conveying a white supremacist idea of what being educated is and what being royal or presidential is. Because it’s not just about him running around fighting. He’s the ruler of a nation. And if he’s the ruler of a nation, he has to speak to his people. He has to galvanize his people. And there’s no way I could speak to my people, who have never been conquered by Europeans, with a European voice.

It’s a refreshingly honest response, and one that makes sense—not just for T’Challa as a character but for Wakandans in general, given the pride they hold in the country’s ruthlessly-defended isolation. Projecting that through their voice and the way they speak makes a clear message even clearer.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

This whole series is DOPE AF. :yes:

My ONLY BEEF is... I wish Marvel had dropped all of these ALOT sooner. :yes:
(ie - at the same time when the ORIGINAL Teaser Trailer dropped, during the summer. :o)

If so, it would have prevented alot of folks (who didn't know much about the Black Panther)
from being 'confused' about any of the characters in the trailer. :yes:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This whole series is DOPE AF. :yes:

My ONLY BEEF is... I wish Marvel had dropped all of these ALOT sooner. :yes:
(ie - at the same time when the ORIGINAL Teaser Trailer dropped, during the summer. :o)

If so, it would have prevented alot of folks (who didn't know much about the Black Panther)
from being 'confused' about any of the characters in the trailer. :yes:

After Punisher drops next weekend, then Agents of Shield on December 1st and a month of Star Wars...

Marvel and Disney are about to go All Black Panther everything (Superbowl, NBA All Star Weekend, Black History Month...)

And With BP as the Infinity War lead in with the Soul Gem...

People will have enough time to get familiar...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This whole series is DOPE AF. :yes:

My ONLY BEEF is... I wish Marvel had dropped all of these ALOT sooner. :yes:
(ie - at the same time when the ORIGINAL Teaser Trailer dropped, during the summer. :o)

If so, it would have prevented alot of folks (who didn't know much about the Black Panther)
from being 'confused' about any of the characters in the trailer. :yes:

Probably didn't want to step on Thor: Ragnarok's marketing. There's still another trailer coming and the cast is going to be everywhere. We might get some kind of prequel comic/animation that ties into the story. Also, we haven't heard much of anything about the soundtrack or music in the film. A Black Panther soundtrack could do as well or better than the soundtracks for Guardians of the Galaxy and Suicide Squad, creating even more buzz.

Darth Furious

Platinum Member

White boys at work started screaming, one was in his office like he hit the lotto this morning. Folks were looking around and laughing. He came straight over to me like Hey brah, Did you see this shit pop up on your Google feed?!! Jesus fucking Christ dude!

I was trying to be cool and calm about it, looked at the posters like - yeah man, of course I seen it. Cool.

Then I went in the bathroom like...


This whole series is DOPE AF. :yes:

My ONLY BEEF is... I wish Marvel had dropped all of these ALOT sooner. :yes:
(ie - at the same time when the ORIGINAL Teaser Trailer dropped, during the summer. :o)

If so, it would have prevented alot of folks (who didn't know much about the Black Panther)
from being 'confused' about any of the characters in the trailer. :yes:

I get you but nah, they gotta plan. Ragnarok got everybody still talking, Punisher is out soon and Star Wars is next month. They gonna give Black Panther a trailer ahead of Star Wars, a superbowl spot, AND I HOPE they give up that first Infinity War Trailer too.

After Punisher drops next weekend, then Agents of Shield on December 1st and a month of Star Wars...

Marvel and Disney are about to go All Black Panther everything (Superbowl, NBA All Star Weekend, Black History Month...)

And With BP as the Infinity War lead in with the Soul Gem...

People will have enough time to get familiar...

Yup. Co Sign.

Probably didn't want to step on Thor: Ragnarok's marketing. There's still another trailer coming and the cast is going to be everywhere. We might get some kind of prequel comic/animation that ties into the story. Also, we haven't heard much of anything about the soundtrack or music in the film. A Black Panther soundtrack could do as well or better than the soundtracks for Guardians of the Galaxy and Suicide Squad, creating even more buzz.

Keep in mind Black Panther leads directly into Infinity War so I HOPE they attach the first trailer to it. And as far as the stones go, Ragnarok faked everybody out. Look how they been started spacing the hints and the reveals out. That's some good writing but they made it all fit together as if that was the plan all along.

1. The Cosmic Cube - Iron Man/ Captain America/ Avengers
2. The Mind Stone - Avengers/ Age of Ultron/ Civil War
3. The Reality Gem - The Dark World
4. The Power Stone - Guardians of the Galaxy
5. The Time Gem - Doctor Strange
6. The Soul Gem - Black Panther!!

In the trailer for Infinity War they even show T'Challa and Winter Soldier armed with guns and the army behind them getting ready to battle Thanos' forces. I dunno if Cap is still in Wakanda. I can only assume the heavies are coming for a Stone.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White boys at work started screaming, one was in his office like he hit the lotto this morning. Folks were looking around and laughing. He came straight over to me like Hey brah, Did you see this shit pop up on your Google feed?!! Jesus fucking Christ dude!

I was trying to be cool and calm about it, looked at the posters like - yeah man, of course I seen it. Cool.

Then I went in the bathroom like...


I get you but nah, they gotta plan. Ragnarok got everybody still talking, Punisher is out soon and Star Wars is next month. They gonna give Black Panther a trailer ahead of Star Wars, a superbowl spot, AND I HOPE they give up that first Infinity War Trailer too.

Yup. Co Sign.

Keep in mind Black Panther leads directly into Infinity War so I HOPE they attach the first trailer to it. And as far as the stones go, Ragnarok faked everybody out. Look how they been started spacing the hints and the reveals out. That's some good writing but they made it all fit together as if that was the plan all along.

1. The Cosmic Cube - Iron Man/ Captain America/ Avengers
2. The Mind Stone - Avengers/ Age of Ultron/ Civil War
3. The Reality Gem - The Dark World
4. The Power Stone - Guardians of the Galaxy
5. The Time Gem - Doctor Strange
6. The Soul Gem - Black Panther!!

In the trailer for Infinity War they even show T'Challa and Winter Soldier armed with guns and the army behind them getting ready to battle Thanos' forces. I dunno if Cap is still in Wakanda. I can only assume the heavies are coming for a Stone.


And I have a feeling this will be adapted for the Black Panther mid credit scene (probably already shot for Infinity War, like Ant Man/Civil War scene)...
