BGOL Ongoing Formula One Thread: 2025 Off-Season

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lewis at the start of the race....

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ham better get his shit together.
He's saying now it was a clutch issue and he just took the blame to calm his engineers for the rest of the race. I can't call it, what I do know is he's had a lot of bad starts this year and that Mercedes gap ain't as strong as it was to overcome the guys behind. The only reason Ferrari didn't come in 2nd and probably 3rd was because they opted for Super Softs and that meant a 2 stop strategy otherwise if they ran the same strategy as Merc, Lewis would've had a hell of a time getting by Raikkonen and Vettel.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With all the stuff going on with athletes in America, I'm left to wonder what if Lewis Hamilton was an American, if he chose to kneel or put up a fist during the anthem he would be doing it great risk because he's literally covered in sponsors. From literally his head to his pants.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Listen, they do give Ham short shrift but not nearly as much as people think. That's F-1. It's really become much much of a soap opera with manufactured drama all over the place. Especially since they took away the big plants. And since Ham, being the only Black driver provides instant drama with his race, racing ability, and sometimes controversial comments; there you have it. I remember when McLaren just totally fucked up his pit stops even though he was clearly a better driver than Button. He could have easily won at least one more title at McLaren but that's just the way it is; that's the way racist ass bernie wants it. And quiet as it's kept, the safety measures have made it more boring. Add that to small engines and stricter formulas for other things.

Man, I love F-1 but I wish we still had Group C. That shit was bananas.

BTW, Merc is turning a 230 mil profit this year.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Im a sore loser, so yes... Enough with the tight regs, open the shit up like it used to be. Im tired of the same fight in every race. What is the point of all the tech, if youre not going to let them use it??? Why invest in your team, and its resources if you cant use them??? All in the name of fairness???:lol: F1 was never intended to be fair, its not fair now!!! The way the prize money is distributed is actually counter productive to all these regulations that want to keep big teams from elbowing smaller teams out. Here we are in the 3rd season of Merc dominance, after 4 years of Red Bull dominance after they put regs in place to derail the Ferrari dominance. And the product is bad. I watch every race weekend. Even if its just on, and the racing is stale, the atmosphere is stale. I really hope the new owners tell the FIA enough of the bullshit, bring back F1. Because the shit thats on TV now is weak, and if they keep leaving the old venues and replacing them with these "trendy" locales what happens when theyre over the F1 thing and stop paying??? F1 is starting to give me the NFL vibe. Yes Ill watch it, but its largely because I enjoy the sport and I have a team I want to see do well. But Im more entertained by other forms/lower tiers now.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Godammit, I waited all day to watch the shit and even intentionally stayed of the any sites with F1 news. You're right Lewis, how the fuck can an engine as reliable as the Merc PU have so many part failures with no other Merc PU on the grid, suffering anything remotely related. :smh:


International Member
Hamilton really needs a few non-finishes by Rosberg to have any chance of winning the Championship.


International Member
Mercedes want to appeal to the American market so they decide not to fuck up Hamilton's car.

Even a blind man can see their bullshit.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
He needs a code red. Sometimes you just need yo ass beat
And singlehandedly caused that collision between Vettel and Riccardo. Looking at Maxs line he left both no room to exit that corner. So they both had to lock them up to keep from hitting him. I don't condone it... But had Vettel/Riccardo not braked, and ran into him I'd completely understand.