If you're posting random XXX pics, vidclips, scenes or GIFs of lesser-known beauties (but know their name / names), please include said name(s) or add a link or two with it. That way people can follow up on additional content.
Feel free to share links to quality, reliable tubesites and XXX blogs that are proven over time. Too many of them over time get bogged down with adware, spyware, malware, or whatever the fuck. It's helpful to remind people which places are worth checking and supporting regularly, that way less time is spent on the bullshit tubes.
When you're checking out the aforementioned tubesites ... always look around at various parts of the site. The recommended stuff, the playlists, the other tags/categories and sub-sections like New, Upcoming, Trending, Popular, etc. You'll often find gems. For instance, Spankbang is really well-indexed. Whereas over at Pornhub you'll often see members curating playlists of content. So if you're liking what you're seeing in those sections ... check any linked playlists ... you'll often find hundreds (or thousands) of equally-good, specific content. Just use an auto-downloader and save a bunch of your fave scenes or movies and check them out later at your own time. The playlists are really great with homegrown & webcams.