Biden’s Stimulus is sending inflation through the roof!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
How old are you? Do you remember 18% home loans?

Did you live through trickle down economics? What was the interest payment on your first vehicle? Do you remember 18 cents per gallon gasoline?

What did the house or apartment you grew up in cost?

Do you remember penny candy or the 1 cent candy store?

Let me know so we can discuss further.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor



Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Corporations lost billions during the 2 year lock down even though they were given taxes breaks by 45 it didn't do much good if people weren't spending there money on there products. Amazon made billions upon billions cause of cheap prices and delivery of damn near everything. Companies are trying to pass those loses on to consumers now and pointing the finger and blaming everyone else for raised prices and supply issues. A prime example the whole made up Xbox/PS shortage warehouses have tons of systems but corporate will only release a specific amount to keep prices and demand up. I have a family member who works at a warehouse for a market chain that limits the amount of some meat products that go out to stores even though they have plenty of trucks to move it and are overload with supply to the point they have to throw stuff away every week cause it goes bad just sitting in the warehouse.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

All information I’ve already posted months (and years) in advance based on my own knowledge and not Twitter sources so what’s new? The thieves in DC and the bankers run the same playbook. People should know how to beat it now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.
The old person “back in my day” speech all of the baby boomers that made these poor decisions to set back their descendants. The same that are mad about the face that some of us have surpassed them despite all the hurdles they put in place by siding with the so-called white.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The old person “back in my day” speech all of the baby boomers that made these poor decisions to set back their descendants. The same that are mad about the face that some of us have surpassed them despite all the hurdles they put in place by siding with the so-called white.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
The old person “back in my day” speech all of the baby boomers that made these poor decisions to set back their descendants. The same that are mad about the face that some of us have surpassed them despite all the hurdles they put in place by siding with the so-called white.

And many of them are ignorant to (or don't give a fuck) about the economic changes and challenges faced by younger generations.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
So we should be complacent about our economic situation?
No, but there is only so much we can do. If black people could work together, we could force these corporations to thier knees, but too many are gone. We (especially our women) are consumers. If we refused to consume as a group and pooled resources together I bet they would break before us.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
No, but there is only so much we can do. If black people could work together, we could force these corporations to thier knees, but too many are gone. We (especially our women) are consumers. If we refused to consume as a group and pooled resources together I bet they would break before us.



One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator

What is your solution then?


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
That's why we ask for representation from our politicians lol.
Niggas just sitting up in washington sitting on their hands not doing a damn thing about this lol.
As a native Washingtonian and University of Maryland graduate in Economics, with friends on the Hill, let me set the record straight here..

Those politicians you’re asking to represent you, simply do not and never will. Most, if not all, are in bed with those corporations that wanna fuck everybody day in and day out and are happy to do it. Their pockets are lined and will continue to be lined, with the corporations best interest at heart.

Ever wonder why Ted Cruz be everywhere BUT Texas? He don’t give a shit about Texans lol.

Ever wonder why infrastructure is 3rd world here? We have no bullet train anywhere while Japan is living in 2050? Where does that money go? Some invisible national debt?

They’re selling you, and everyone who believes in this political process, smoke. And don’t take my word for it, just look around you. The proof is everywhere. Especially leaving your wallet, dollar for dollar.

You can elect every cycle til your dead and gone, and whatever state you’re in, your politicians will never give two fucks about you. They’re gonna take your states tax dollars and spend it on swanky downtown restaurants and luxurious getaways every chance they get. All on your dime. I’ve seen it firsthand.

I know a woman who’s a budget analyst for a law firm that represents an unnamed Senator here on K Street.

She shared an itemized bill with me recently for 3 people that included:

- 9 Patron shots: $720
- 2 Tomahawk Steaks: $1475
- 1 Caesar wedge: $340
- Tip: $75

You think that’s reasonable? When gas, food and rent is skyrocketing for the average man? You are 100% correct when you say they are sitting on their hands doing absolutely nothing about this. They aren’t and they won’t cause they wanna keep doing that.

Best bet is to listen to actual economists and people who are outside of Washington and the politics of this town all together.

There needs to be a economic revolution and a banding of those at the bottom via boycott, redistribution of dollars and all out economic war on this system, because trust and believe, politicians, judges, police, and corporations are all working together to keep this inflation up and down, for the rest of our lives.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
What is your solution then?


Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

@LordSinister the specific answer what I believe @VAiz4hustlaz is stating is this:

"For the gap to be closed, America must undergo a vast social transformation produced by the adoption of bold national policies, policies that will forge a way forward by addressing, finally, the long-standing consequences of slavery, the Jim Crow years that followed, and ongoing racism and discrimination that exist in our society today.

Addressing racial wealth inequality will require a major redistributive effort or another major public policy intervention to build black American wealth. This could take the form of a direct race-specific initiative like a dramatic reparations program tied to compensation for the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow, and/or an initiative that addresses the perniciousness of wealth inequality for the entire American population, which could disproportionately benefit black Americans due to their exceptionally low levels of wealth. Indeed, the two strategies -- reparations for America’s record of racial injustice or the provision of the equivalent of a substantial trust fund for every wealth poor American— need not be mutually exclusive. "

But it doesn't answer how. Should it start from smaller municipalities and city governments then collected as a tax(ie the show Atlanta). Then work it's way up the governmental ladder?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But Biden ...
But Trump ...
But Obama ...

Nobody ever talks about the Corporation!
The corporations are who influence them on what to do. That’s how you know who is really astute when it comes to politics. All politicians are for sale and will push any agenda based on self interest (e.g. Obama and LGBT) or whoever pays the most (Trump and foreign banking interests). The USA is a corporation itself, run by the banking cartels of Inner London.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
@LordSinister the specific answer what I believe @VAiz4hustlaz is stating is this:

"For the gap to be closed, America must undergo a vast social transformation produced by the adoption of bold national policies, policies that will forge a way forward by addressing, finally, the long-standing consequences of slavery, the Jim Crow years that followed, and ongoing racism and discrimination that exist in our society today.

Addressing racial wealth inequality will require a major redistributive effort or another major public policy intervention to build black American wealth. This could take the form of a direct race-specific initiative like a dramatic reparations program tied to compensation for the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow, and/or an initiative that addresses the perniciousness of wealth inequality for the entire American population, which could disproportionately benefit black Americans due to their exceptionally low levels of wealth. Indeed, the two strategies -- reparations for America’s record of racial injustice or the provision of the equivalent of a substantial trust fund for every wealth poor American— need not be mutually exclusive. "

But it doesn't answer how. Should it start from smaller municipalities and city governments then collected as a tax(ie the show Atlanta). Then work it's way up the governmental ladder?

What you don't get is that LordSinister doesn't want an answer!!! He just wants to ask the same question over and over again.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
System needs to change. Working class never wins under capitalism
So... revolution? Are you going to storm the Capitol, the white house, Supreme court and kidnap/kill all of the bankers gatekeepers of the system?

Crypto is a threat and they are working to kill/manage it.

Just like the oil industry and lobbying jack asses are delaying solar until they can claim ownership of the sun.

The people are the frogs in the pot of boiling water. They may never jump out.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
There needs to be a economic revolution and a banding of those at the bottom via boycott, redistribution of dollars and all out economic war on this system, because trust and believe, politicians, judges, police, and corporations are all working together to keep this inflation up and down, for the rest of our lives.
I basically said this, but in this "secure the bag" social media era it won't happen. People simply can't or won't do what needs to be done.

Shit, please couldn't wait to go out to eat, go on cruises and spend money during a global fucking pandemic!

What economic system exists on this planet that is really equitable for the average person? Human nature will always produce people that will do anything to take from you and yours.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
As a native Washingtonian and University of Maryland graduate in Economics, with friends on the Hill, let me set the record straight here..

Those politicians you’re asking to represent you, simply do not and never will. Most, if not all, are in bed with those corporations that wanna fuck everybody day in and day out and are happy to do it. Their pockets are lined and will continue to be lined, with the corporations best interest at heart.

Ever wonder why Ted Cruz be everywhere BUT Texas? He don’t give a shit about Texans lol.

Ever wonder why infrastructure is 3rd world here? We have no bullet train anywhere while Japan is living in 2050? Where does that money go? Some invisible national debt?

They’re selling you, and everyone who believes in this political process, smoke. And don’t take my word for it, just look around you. The proof is everywhere. Especially leaving your wallet, dollar for dollar.

You can elect every cycle til your dead and gone, and whatever state you’re in, your politicians will never give two fucks about you. They’re gonna take your states tax dollars and spend it on swanky downtown restaurants and luxurious getaways every chance they get. All on your dime. I’ve seen it firsthand.

I know a woman who’s a budget analyst for a law firm that represents an unnamed Senator here on K Street.

She shared an itemized bill with me recently for 3 people that included:

- 9 Patron shots: $720
- 2 Tomahawk Steaks: $1475
- 1 Caesar wedge: $340
- Tip: $75

You think that’s reasonable? When gas, food and rent is skyrocketing for the average man? You are 100% correct when you say they are sitting on their hands doing absolutely nothing about this. They aren’t and they won’t cause they wanna keep doing that.

Best bet is to listen to actual economists and people who are outside of Washington and the politics of this town all together.

There needs to be a economic revolution and a banding of those at the bottom via boycott, redistribution of dollars and all out economic war on this system, because trust and believe, politicians, judges, police, and corporations are all working together to keep this inflation up and down, for the rest of our lives.
Thank you so much for your response. I understand fully where you are coming from.
The lady in this very post has/had a sig that says "more than half of Americans dont vote" or something like that. I brought this up to her that people are hip to game and understand that their representatives do shit jobs and are bought and paid for.
When people like me try to change the status quo, we get called names, and accused of being attached to the party they dont like.
Shits sad and frustrating AF bro.