Bioweapons Playbook


Transnational Member

In Africa, a specific playbook was utilized to ensure a high infection rate of AIDS, we can see the same pattern being used today. It is not about releasing a virus to destroy people, it involves other tactics. By looking at these other tactics, it increases the likelihood that AIDS intentionally released, than followed up with antiretroviral drugs to lull these countries into not enacting strict control measures because people are able to live full lives. This resulted in a high infection rate and drug resistant strains.

Finally, there is propaganda to champion the rights of people with AIDS and enacting strict control measures is discrimination against those infected. There is no talk about protecting the rights of those not infected and being informed about the health of their sexual partner. The movie Philadelphia is a perfect example, it is played in many African countries in 1993 due to Denzel Washington role in the movie.


The Chinese came up with this drug combination using anti-malarial drugs for COVID-19 where its efficacy has been questioned. They hit you with the virus first than followup with antiretroviral drugs later to shut down your efforts to enact strict measures. Since you are not dying immediately from the disease, you take no other measures. People on these medications continue to infect other people and can rationalize it because the other person is not dying from the disease.
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Chinese experts, based on the result of clinical trials, have confirmed that Chloroquine Phosphate, an antimalarial drug, has a certain curative effect on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a Chinese official said here Monday.

The experts have "unanimously" suggested the drug be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and applied in wider clinical trials as soon as possible, Sun Yanrong, deputy head of the China National Center for Biotechnology Development under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), said at a press conference.

Chloroquine Phosphate, which has been used for more than 70 years, was selected from tens of thousands of existing drugs after multiple rounds of screening, Sun said.

According to her, the drug has been under clinical trials in over 10 hospitals in Beijing, as well as in south China's Guangdong Province and central China's Hunan Province, and has shown fairly good efficacy.

In the trials, the groups of patients who had taken the drug have shown better indicators than their parallel groups, in abatement of fever, improvement of CT images of lungs, the percentage of patients who became negative in viral nucleic acid tests and the time they need to do so, she said.

Patients taking the drug also take a shorter time to recover, she added.

Sun gave an example of a 54-year-old patient in Beijing, who was admitted to hospital four days after showing symptoms. After taking the drug for a week, he saw all indicators improve and the nucleic acid turn negative.

So far, no obvious serious adverse reactions related to the drug have been found among the over 100 patients enrolled in the clinical trials, she said.

On Feb. 15, several departments including the MOST, the National Health Commission and the National Medical Products Administration called a video conference to listen to drug research and clinical experts' opinions on the drug's efficacy on COVID-19.

The expert team, led by Zhong Nanshan, a renowned respiratory specialist and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, agreed that Chloroquine Phosphate can be used to treat more COVID-19 patients, Sun said.

Previous in vitro experiments showed that it can block virus infections by changing the acidity and basicity value inside the cell and interfering receptors of SARS coronavirus.

It also shows immune-modulating activity, which may enhance its antiviral effect in vivo and is widely distributed in the whole body, including the lungs, after oral administration.


How Remdesivir, New Hope for Covid-19 Patients, was Resurrected

The trial, sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, included more than 1,000 hospitalized patients and found that those receiving remdesivir recovered faster than those who got a placebo: in 11 days, versus 15 days. But the drug did not significantly reduce fatality rates.

Philadelphia (1993)
DOMESTIC (37.5%)


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Transnational Member
Here is my movie I am directing, called Chicago:

A women infected by AIDS is stuck in a relationship with a man cheating on her. She is unable to seek out other men to have a relationship and procreate because of her HIV status. With the help of her black Civil Rights attorney, she seeks relief from the government on her plight.

In the movie, it will show the policy failures of the government who do not establish mandatory testing. They fail to realize that courtship is a highly emotional process, two people that are attracted to each other will not be able to wait on test, and things can pop off between them at any time.

Those of us not infected have rights, she had a right to readily know the health status of her partner. By having a yearly test as a fail safe, it would have reduced her chances of being infected.
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Transnational Member

Ventilators may be another therapeutic to lull you into not enacting strict control measures. The death rate is 90% for those needing ventilation, yet the propaganda makes its seem that the shortages will prevent doctors from saving lives. All we need is to get a ventilators, instead of setting up a testing infrastructure.
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Transnational Member

Coronavirus patients taking hydroxychloroquine, a treatment touted by President Trump, were no less likely to need mechanical ventilation and had higher deaths rates compared to those who did not take the drug, according to a study of hundreds of patients at US Veterans Health Administration medical centers.

The study, which reviewed veterans' medical charts, was posted Tuesday on, a pre-print server, meaning it was not peer reviewed or published in a medical journal. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia.

French study finds hydroxychloroquine doesn't help patients with coronavirus

In the study of 368 patients, 97 patients who took hydroxychloroquine had a 27.8% death rate. The 158 patients who did not take the drug had an 11.4% death rate


Transnational Member


In the movie Philadelphia, a homosexual lawyer that was wrongfully terminated is represented by a personal injury attorney who empathized with his plight due to his experience with discrimination as an African American. Because of the imagery, enacting strict control measures such as mandatory testing violates a person Civil Rights implicitly through Denzel Washington, the Civil Rights attorney and Tom Hanks, a gay attorney afflicted with AIDS that was unjustly terminated. It would be similar to a pedophile being represented by Benjamin Crump, his presence would imply that pedophilia and the Civil Rights struggle as being the same issue. The fight to vote, ending apartheid, or to be treated equal is tied with pedophilia.


The same thing played out in Amazon where a African American worker was fired for violating his mandatory quarantine imposed by Amazon. They are using the branding of our Civil Rights struggle and gay persecution against us by linking the imposition of strict control measures to prevent the spread of a deadly disease.


Just recently, Tom Hanks has claimed to have recovered from COVID-19, trying to bring back the propaganda of the movie Philadelphia/AIDS epidemic.

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Transnational Member

The women that went to Chris Smalls claiming she was not feeling well and was waiting on COVID test was setting him up, much the same way that Kobe Bryant was setup. As predicted, he did what they wanted him to do and complained which caused his 14 day quarantine to be imposed. Predictably feeling obligated to warn his fellow workers, he came back to the site which caused his termination. Now they are waiting on him to run to some high powered Civil Rights attorney that will represent him such Benjamin Crump to associate the imposition of strict control measures such as a 14 day quarantine to protect workers by a corporation as similar to the right to vote. Now these employers will let somebody come to work sick with COVID, and hide behind Civil Rights as the reason for not imposing a 14 days quarantine on them.


Much the same way they claimed AIDS came from monkeys to deride Africans, the intentional release of documents attacking his/African American intelligence was to spew WS propaganda as being inferior to the white race.

Already the DOJ is stating that a Stay at Home Order is House Arrest by the government, yet will have no problems imposing Stop and Frisk which has been a Stay at Home Order for decades in New York City.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I checked some of this out. I can see where you are coming from but in South Africa you had a lot of people being tested for aids and they did not have it. But they were given drugs to kill them. This way they did not have to settle law suits since Apartheid was suppose to be over with and they would have the same rights as the white devils that invaded the country.
Over here in America they have been planning these lock downs for some reason. Blackwater was given the authority to be able to take over any city, county, etc. and not give a reason why until they had took it over no matter how many people they killed. This was during Bush president and the owner of blackwater is a friend of Bush. His name is Erik Prince. They say he sold the mercenary business in 2010 but the plan all seem the same. Why was FEMMA being trained by blackwater?
Besides the genocide of blacks there seems to be a hit list that they are still working on right now.


Transnational Member
There was various conspiracy theories about AIDS but there was no way to substantiate it. However with COVID, we are seeing the same disturbing pattern of conduct. Looking from their perspective, releasing a virus is just not enough, you have to enact other measures with it.

Observing those involved with promoting antiretroviral drugs (China) or propaganda (Amazon) can help us pinpoint the people involved. We will never know who released the virus.

I saw Chris Smalls on TV recently, he is focusing more on Amazon not having PPE and social distancing. He was not talking about Amazon quarantining him which was the basis of his termination, or using some prominent Civil Rights Attorney to talk for him in the interviews.
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Transnational Member

Alan Mansfield

I did some more research on the movie. It was buried in the news clippings, one of the name of the lawyers helping him. I found this picture, of a white guy, Alan Mansfield, Geoffrey Bowers (Andrew Beckett) was nowhere near a black attorney.

His story was published in the newspaper which got the attention of Sony/Tristar. They sent some guy to steal his story from Bowers and made some oral agreement which they did not honor, than changed it up when they shot the movie.

By stealing the idea, they were able to stick a black attorney in it and put in this MLK/Nelson Mandela civil rights garbage that never happened.

They were a courtroom scene in which Beckett opens his shirt to display his lesions, and one in which Beckett’s mother encourages his fight, saying ``I didn’t raise my kids to sit in the back of the bus.″

If they had paid Bowers for the rights to his story, they would not have been able to stick all this bullshit such as Denzel Washington/Civil Rights targeting African countries with propaganda.
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Transnational Member
Robert Balsam and Daniel Felber represented him during the trial with the New York Human Rights Commission. They made an oral agreement to make a movie about his plight with Sony/Tristar (Asian Company) which they later settled. By not honoring this agreement, they were able to stick in all this garbage about Civil Rights.



Sony Tristar claimed this movie was aggregated from various AIDS discrimination cases such as another gay black attorney that was demoted with one year left to live. By using this gay black attorney story, it looks like they intentionally targeted us with this propaganda; however, using the story of this white attorney and looking like you are casting a white comedic attorney for Joe Miller than picking Denzel Washington by 'luck'.

Casting Joe Miller (Denzel Washington)

In a 2008 interview with The Oregonian, Demme talked about the lessons he learned regarding casting while making Philadelphia. "The part of Joe Miller—Denzel's part—had been written aggressively for a white actor with strong comedic chops; specifically I was hoping for either Robin Williams or Bill Murray to play Joe Miller," Demme said. "And one of our producers was on a plane with Denzel, and he said 'what's that you're reading,' and he gave it to him, and he read it and said, 'I like that Joe Miller part; I'd be interested in playing that.'"

Part of Demme's reasoning for wanting a known comedian was to be able to add some levity to the film. "So I call Denzel up, and he says, 'I like that script, I'd like to play that part,'" Demme recalled. "And I said, 'Well, to tell you the truth, we're gonna have such a struggle to get people to see an AIDS movie, we were hoping to cast it with someone who, right out of the box, the mention of their name signals to people that there's gonna be a lot of humor in this movie.' And Denzel said, 'Well, I happen to be very, very funny.'"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Put Denzel on a plane, while reading this script in front of him, of course he is going to ask what is he reading. Claimed they were going to cast a comedic white actor as the attorney.
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Transnational Member

Firing a worker with AIDS that has a year left to live or testing your employees with a communicable disease is not racial discrimination or persecution of the LGBTQ. You have a right not to be infected with a deadly disease or one that will limit your ability to procreate. I feel sorry for the person afflicted with these viruses, but we can't just let it spread wildly throughout the population where it will most likely end up in the black community.

Amazon due to the pressure from it shareholders and my exposure is setting up weekly testing for COVID on site.

Companies test for drugs all the time why not COVID?
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