Black Adam movie gets a release date of July 29, 2022. (Dwayne Johnson, The Rock )

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
I rank Superman 1977 the best cuz it was the first superhero movie that basically changed the game and set the foundation on how to do it correctly.

It also is a timeless classic that people enjoy watching over and over again. People who are not comic heads or have any interest in superhero movies to this day watch it.

The current crop of MCU/DCEU films since the 2000s, they are enjoyable to watch, but the majority of them fit in the category of “Watch it once and you pretty much don’t have any interest in watching it again”.
It's only the first if you don't count the live-action superhero serials from the 1940s that played in the cinemas.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I KNEW D.C was on a road to nowhere

when they couldnt get The Fantastic Four


If they could just get the fuckin Fantastic

Four right..

they would be on an poppin


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So did Black Adam flop?

I haven't seen consistent numbers on budget + marketing to compare to the box office.

it's wild considering 20-25 yrs ago all movies pretty much hoped to get near even in theaters and then sell a ton of copies on the back end


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
DC and fantastic four?

wait ... fantastic four was marvel, I always thought that corny movie

was D.c..

I shouldve known that because superman was the only d.c comic

I ever bought..

I just started getting into these movies recently

impressed by the xmen, spiderman, and black panther,

Before that...

I was full amnesia on the whole comic thing..

I never like the fantastic four, I always thought they

were corny

and the only cool thing about them is when the Thing

went Full Clobber time on muthafuckas..

So I mustve subconsciously catergorized them

with the corniness of D.C characters..

Thanks for the correction,

So then if fantasitc four is Marvel

How come they cant get that shit right??

I remember tryin to watch it and was bored

out of my mind..

I was like..

D.C cant make movies for shit...

They shouldve just build a story around The Thing...

Its all good tho, because the way disney is fuckin up

marvel now...

Im about to get comic book amnesia


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Fuck that, I want to see Man of Steel 2.

I think Henry Cavill did a great job as Superman and just needs a good script/director for a sequel to really do the character justice.
Don't worry. I think they are going to make him Superman. And it's good he is on the side of the fans.

Good script for all this shit. This isn't rocket science. Stick close to the source material and hire writers who give a fuck and are fans themselves. If D.C. wants to stop being allergic to money, that's what they will do.

And by source material, I don't mean any of the new, weird shit D.C. been putting out in comics. God no. That shit flops in comics and will have D.C. burning through money in film. Might be best to stick to storylines from 2010 and before. And none of that 'for the modern audience' horseshit.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Just putting things into perspective.

The best superhero film is a toss up between the first Blade and Logan by the way

That gets away from my original point.

My point is DC, which is owned by Warner Bros. Those are Marvel properties you listed.

Warner Bros. acquired DC back in 1969. Directly after that they mainly focused on animation/live action with Saturday morning cartoons and shows thru the early 1970s.

WB first real attempt at a good live action was Linda Carter’s “Wonder Woman” in 1975.

When they announced the Christopher Reeve Superman, the general perception was it was going to be a cornball live action flick similar to the Adam West “Batman” and Linda Carter “Wonder Woman”.

When that Superman dropped, it caught everyone off guard, especially Marvel.

Everything that has come out since with DC and Marvel has been trying to repeat that formula from Superman.

Marvel studios so far has done a better job than DC.

Disney acquired Marvel back in 2009. Look how much they have accomplished since then and look what WB has accomplished since 2009.

Warner Bros. has had DC now for over 50 years.

What have we gotten?

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
That gets away from my original point.

My point is DC, which is owned by Warner Bros. Those are Marvel properties you listed.

Warner Bros. acquired DC back in 1969. Directly after that they mainly focused on animation/live action with Saturday morning cartoons and shows thru the early 1970s.

WB first real attempt at a good live action was Linda Carter’s “Wonder Woman” in 1975.

When they announced the Christopher Reeve Superman, the general perception was it was going to be a cornball live action flick similar to the Adam West “Batman” and Linda Carter “Wonder Woman”.

When that Superman dropped, it caught everyone off guard, especially Marvel.

Everything that has come out since with DC and Marvel has been trying to repeat that formula from Superman.

Marvel studios so far has done a better job than DC.

Disney acquired Marvel back in 2009. Look how much they have accomplished since then and look what WB has accomplished since 2009.

Warner Bros. has had DC now for over 50 years.

What have we gotten?
This is a good historical summation for the most part. That said, my view of what DC has done in the last 50 years is a bit more optimistic than yours.

Even if you just focus on live-action, you have the Nolanverse which was a remarkable trilogy. The DC films of the 90s were mixed, but there were some good features, as is the current DCEU.

It took some time for Marvel to get its stride and, with a few exceptions, it likely never would have if not for Disney. The fact is Marvel could've made a great film using the Bixby-Ferrigno Hulk franchise but it didn't. Instead they chose to make those shitty direct-to-video movies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

you know someone in the hood is calling it that..:giggle:
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Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
DC aint built for the world building team up.
Which makes sense. Marvel invented the notion of a coherent shared universe in their comic books.

DC didn't care back in the day, for instance, if it didn't make sense for Batman to be on another planet in a Justice League magazine while still on Earth fighting Joker in his own magazine.

Marvel considered those details when writing their comics from at least the Silver Age.