Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) claimed she didn’t cast a vote to prevent the country from going into default as a protest against President Joe Biden’s debt ceiling deal. Bobo had tweeted from her home in Colorado on Saturday that she had protested the Friday vote.

“I was ticked off that they wouldn’t let me do my job,” lies Lauren while wearing a super-dignified backward hat.

A new video shared on Sunday by an associate producer at CNN shows that Boebert actually missed the vote entirely. And it was because she was literally running too late.

CNN‘s Morgan Rimmer tweeted the footage of the imminent grandma-to-be clomping up the Capitol steps in a hasty attempt to cast her vote against the deal. Rimmer can be heard calling out to Bobo that the vote was already closed.

Boebert responds like a teenager running late for her final exam or else she won’t get to graduate. “They closed it?” she says breathlessly, then keeps running. Lying Lauren’s intention was to vote “nay” all along instead of not voting.

Rimmer’s proof is a literal “started/going” meme of why “#LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb” trends on Twitter on the regular.

“Call it a protest…” Except there are receipts, Lying Lauren!



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

I know I’m beating a dead horse, but they fucked around and now they are finding out. Plenty of people told these fools what was going to happen but yet they still did it. And to the Cubans who voted for this bullshit are getting a huge wake up call.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
kenny always on point !! i cant wait to hear the usual suspects response , and its no coincidence the person that pulled kenny into it is an FBA clown

Yeah, he's a lil sweet so I know many on BGOL will automatically dismiss him, but hes not annoying or over the top unless he's doing a skit type vid, and he is so informative in soundbites that I just really like his commentary. I've also seen comments that indicate that he puts his blackness above his sexuality, or at least sees them equally important. He advocates for black issues all the time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, he's a lil sweet so I know many on BGOL will automatically dismiss him, but hes not annoying or over the top unless he's doing a skit type vid, and he is so informative in soundbites that I just really like his commentary. I've also seen comments that indicate that he puts his blackness above his sexuality, or at least sees them equally important. He advocates for black issues all the time.
YEp!! Kenny has never put his sexuality above his blackness , if anything its people who bring up his sexuality in attempts to dismiss his often researched factual points


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

watch how the usual suspects disappear from this thread posts