Is she showing us where she lives? IJS
A tweet from Amee Vanderpool. The college gave election day off and it has a line of students. She was quoting this tweet:What was it?
Does he not know that Trump owns Florida? They won't give DeSantis one second of their time, much less someone from somewhere else. This is like going into the enemy's territory.
His last sentence "There problem is you fear the truth." is exactly the what it is. MAGA is holding to Trump to save them/America even though he can't. They just want him no matter what.
Watch him blame the MAGA candidate one way or another for losing the race.....
he thought he locked it in by marrying the white girl...Access Denied...Black folks didn't forget his involvement in not giving Breonna Taylor justiceI’m so glad that no top lip having kewn met his political defeat. Fucker was walking around as if he was about to float into the Gov’s mansion.
Is she showing us where she lives? IJS