So....have you asked for and gotten tangibles from this guy for your support/vote?
IDK this guy but I checked Ballotpedia and he answered their questions.So....have you asked for and gotten tangibles from this guy for your support/vote?
This doesn't answer my question to the poster as to whether or not he asked for and received tangibles for his vote/support.IDK this guy but I checked Ballotpedia and he answered their questions.
Who are you? Tell us about yourself.
My name is Gregg "Marcel" Dixon, I grew up and still live in one of the poorest areas of the United States of America, the SIXTH POOREST out of the 435 districts of the United States of America and this is after having James Clyburn as its representative for nearly 30 years. My area has been neglected and now, I am running for Congress to represent my district and most of all, my people, Native Black Americans, Freedmen, those that are Descendants of The Black Americans That Were Enslaved By the American Government. I have no experience, I have no money, I have no machine but the people in Congress right now have all of that, and look at where it has gotten us, NOWHERE. People do not want "experience" they want RESULTS, they want answers to the problems that impact their lives, relief from the pain that has been inflicted on them, especially in the case of Black Americans. I know that pain, I have felt it my entire life, I have seen it inflicted on the people I love, and whether we realize it or not, all of us will continue to hurt even if just one of us hurts. As the great Fannie Lou Hamer said "nobody's free until everybody's free", now I say that America will never truly be great until America has truly been made whole and America will truly never be made whole until it makes amends and the needed repairs to fix the damage it has done to Black America.
Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. What are the main points you want voters to remember about your goals for your time in office?
What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about?
- The only way to truly fix America is to repair Black America which is something that is over 400 years overdue. America can never truly be great if America is not truly whole and America will not ever truly be whole until it has truly repaired all the damage it has inflicted upon Black America. My Better Deal For Black America Plan will address all these harms via direct monetary payments, land grants, business grants, a protected class designation, the return of the Freedmen's Bureau to address the needs of Black Americans, and more
- If we want to fight crime then we must fight poverty and poverty is more than just a lack of money but it is a lack of access to resources, every American should have easy access to quality healthcare for their physical and mental needs, equitably funded schools, safe communities, a liveable wage, adequate food, decent housing, trustworthy childcare, and high levels of community investment. Citizens that have access to resources for their physical, mental, social, and emotional needs lead to happy families that lead to happier and SAFER communities, this is a right of every American citizen.
- America is a large country with large counties, cities, and towns but many Americans are literally trapped in their small corners of the world, many struggle to commute a few miles from their home to get to work or school let alone a neighboring state. A car can no longer be considered a luxury, it is a need for many families, especially rural families, a necessity. Too often when the issue of transportation is discussed people think of public transportation modes such as subways and buses but cars are used by most Americans for transportation and many Americans struggle to buy and maintain one. I have a plan where qualified Americans will be able to receive immediate assistance for purchasing, maintaining, and paying for a car.
A leader does not do what is popular, a leader does what is right. That is my motto and in that spirit the area of public policy of which I am most passionate is the area of racial justice for Native Black Americans, meaning Black Americans That Are The Descendants Of Those Enslaved By The American Government, Freedmen.
Outside of that, I feel extremely passionate about the fact that it is morally wrong, evil, and near unforgivable for America to constantly declare that we are the richest, greatest, and most powerful country in the world while we have millions of people that live in poverty, suffer from a lack of food, die early due to preventable health challenges for which they lacked the means to obtain proper care, attend poorly funded and supported schools, live in areas plagued by extreme gun violence, and there is extreme inequality with the wealthiest neighborhoods being just minutes from the poorest. I am unapologetically an advocate for America to provide wider and stronger safety nets to take care of our citizens instead of spending billions of dollars on citizens in other countries and resources on people that are not citizens of the US.
What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official?
Elected officials should always seek to do what is right even if it is not popular, even if it is not easy. What is right is always going to be that which works for the good of all citizens, that which is humane, that which is just. An elected official should serve with a strong sense of not just integrity but self accountability, meaning that if they see that in spite of their best efforts they have not been effective at providing for the needs of their constituents then they ought to have the decency, the courage, the humanity to say that this is not the job for them, and resign immediately. They should want to engage with their constituents, making themselves as accessible as possible, to seek to be held accountable. If any elected official cannot live up to these basic principles of serving others and serving them well then they need not be an elected official.
What legacy would you like to leave?
He did, not what was popular, not what was easy but what was right.
What was your very first job? How long did you have it?
My first was job was cleaning vacation homes with my great-grandmother and her best friend, my honorable great-grandmother, "Mrs. Frances" on Hilton Head Island. They took my sister and me with them and sometimes other relatives such as my aunt would also accompany us. I did the job for 3 summers; 1999, 2000, and 2001.
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Nina Simone- Feeling Good
What qualities does the U.S. House of Representatives possess that makes it unique as an institution?
Ideally, the US House of Representatives should give different sections of a state that will definitely have different cultural, religious, linguistic, social, economic, and political backgrounds all the opportunities to have their voices, views, desires, and needs addressed and represented. It is a chance for the heterogeneity of a state's citizenry to be presented which is unlike the Senate that is statewide, the US House of Representatives is more responsive to the immediate needs of a state's citizenry since it has a more personal connection and a smaller number of constituents.
Do you believe that it's beneficial for representatives to have previous experience in government or politics?
It is not necessarily beneficial because just because someone has worked in the government or politics and might even know the processes and protocols does not automatically result in better outcomes in the lives of their citizens as clearly shown in the case of James Clyburn who has been in office for nearly three decades and all he has to show is a majority-black district that is the sixth poorest out of the 435 districts in the United States of America. What I believe is beneficial for a representative to have is effectiveness at improving the lives of their constituents.
What do you perceive to be the United States’ greatest challenges as a nation over the next decade?
The greatest singular challenge to the United States is its continuing failure to address the continuing legacy of anti-black racism. If not for this the US would have a long time ago implemented greater social programs to provide a far, far higher quality of life for its citizens; it would have long ago held traitors, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists accountable to the greatest extent of the law; the US would be a far more equitable and educated country which would have to eliminate the high levels of poverty, violence, and inequality we see now. Until the US does right by its Black American citizens, the descendants of the people that built the nation, it will continue to be plagued with serious social issues.
If you are not a current representative, are there certain committees that you would want to be a part of?
I am flexible but as an educator for nearly twenty years, I have a particular interest in the labor and education committee. However, the transportation and infrastructure, ways and means, ethics, and judiciary committees all interest me as well.
Do you believe that two years is the right term length for representatives?
Yes, the voters have the right to decide if they like what they have seen, if the representative has been responsive and truly representative of their needs.
What are your thoughts on term limits?
Term limits should be decided by the voters of an official's district or state.
Is there a particular representative, past or present, whom you want to model yourself after?
Robert Smalls
Both sitting representatives and candidates for office hear many personal stories from the residents of their district. Is there a story that you’ve heard that you found particularly touching, memorable, or impactful?
There are too many and as a teacher of nearly two decades, and now as a candidate, I am hearing even more. One, in particular, was how a family, a Black American family of five, were driving their children to school, and then the parents were planning to go to work. Unfortunately, their tire blew, and since they did not have the money to pay for a tire nor an available spare tire since the car was old, they and their three children had to walk home for miles in the rain. The children and the parents missed days of work and fell further into poverty when they were fined for leaving their vehicle on the side of the road. One parent lost their job, the family had to enroll their children in a school that provided transportation to and from school, and they were on the brink of homelessness since the one parent's check could not sustain the needs of the household. This story showed me how far too many families, especially black families, are living on the edge economically, socially, mentally, physically, and emotionally and all it takes is even the most mundane of life's inconveniences to hurl a family into a crisis.
Do you believe that compromise is necessary or desirable for policymaking?
No, flexibility is needed for policymaking but not compromise. "Compromise" in the sense of American politics usually means which group do we care about the least, if at all, and hence let us do policies to make the group of which we are most concerned, which usually means white people, happy, and let us do absolutely nothing or even pass policies that will hurt the group of which we care little for or not at all, and that has always meant Black Americans. Flexibility on the other hand refers to letting us pass policies that will make America a happy, stable, prosperous, and EQUITABLE country for everyone even if it means we have to explore another avenue that I had previously not considered to get there.
The Constitution says that all bills for raising revenue must originate in the House. What role would this power play in your priorities if elected?
This would not drastically impact my priorities but I do intend to make sure that all Americans are paying their fair share with a tax rate that can help supplement the budgetary responsibilities that the federal government has. This will primarily be in the role of taxing assets and raising the taxes on corporations to ensure they are giving back to the communities where they are located.
Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.
Feel free to post some folks you feel should be elected instead of posting twitter talk from folks that like to talk smart and do nothing but complain.
This always makes me laugh. When you have to go back 60+ years to find the last time you weren't racist, then that's a self admission that you're currently racist.
If the teachers are crazy, why would you want them armed?I want to slap the shit out of him![]()
You're right, I just added more info from that guy. A twitter address isn't enough info to tell if he's worth it.This doesn't answer my question to the poster as whether or not he asked for and received tangibles for his vote/support.
Because of Republicans this country looks Third World-ish right now.If the teachers are crazy, why would you want them armed?
I can agree that there is a level of politics that is just completely dog shit and a straight up peanut gallery... I'm aware there's a contingency of don't vote people on here so I'm curious what issues could a candidate stand on that would garter your support and gain a vote?This is why I can't take American politics seriously this is nonsense. After a while you're gonna realize your talking to a mirror, as long as money is involved people will play dumb.
You gottdamn right...they are against every fucking advancement. This country should have been had multi highspeed rail lines. Straight troglodytics... The only advancements they are willing to invest in are military weapons.Because of Republicans this country looks Third World-ish right now.
This guy claims to teach kids how to critically think. Can you believe that? Mr. Twitter teaches kids to think other than posting snapping twitter quotes, what exactly are you doing to help the cause?
That’s a cac trying to stop Blacks from voting Dem. He posts like a bot. He offers no solutions just whining and random anti Democrat tweets .so other than posting snapping twitter quotes, what exactly are you doing to help the cause?
I can agree that there is a level of politics that is just completely dog shit and a straight up peanut gallery... I'm aware there's a contingency of don't vote people on here so I'm curious what issues could a candidate stand on that would garter your support and gain a vote?
One of your fellow "don't voters" posted this candidate as someone they think is qualified and I agree... What are your thoughts?![]()
Issues | Tamara For Georgia
Tamara Johnson-Shealey is a 2022 Candidate for the United States Senate (GA). Tamara is an Activist, Advocate, Author, Entrepreneur, and host of the internet broadcast "Tamara For Georgia"
Educating black men to critically think and not follow people and politicians because everybody else is. Teaching them how to take care of their community and redistribute wealth and get away from rugged individualism. Been doing the work for 14 years. No fake promises no I would help but this one politician stopping me lolso other than posting snapping twitter quotes, what exactly are you doing to help the cause?
It's easy to want to implement things when you don't have to deal with them. Everyone that knows the perfect healthy diet...but for someone else. Everyone that wants tough on crime...when the gestapo won't be terrorizing their neighborhood. Everyone that wants teachers armed...their kids don't go to that school. When will these dumb fucks realize that they're willing to subject citizens to all types of disastrous social experiments, including the ones that you think are on your team.Because of Republicans this country looks Third World-ish right now.
I respect your response, don't have anything to dispute... Quick response for now, I'll fall back thru later today to fully reply...I like her views but I'm in Florida, I'm not saying don't vote but don't vote unless it's for real change, change usually starts locally and works it's way up to regional then state then whole.
IMO Reparations is just a talk to gain interest from like minded people, kinda like white folks and immigration talk, it's a signal and coded language that brings them together.
Her views are really good but all that takes money and if it comes from white America white america will have a huge say in it so honestly you should get my point.
It's mostly symbolic but it still goes through white people who honestly benefit when we cry and feel pain, I posted how fast they moved off the racist cac killing old folks in Buff to "Mental Health" and "video games" and lack of family values" when a Hispanic 18 year old lights up some church goers getting groceries.
So we live in a system and it's not beneficial to help us, money comes from the negative, the single mother, the criminal, that's where the money is at, prisons are getting more private for a reason and that's money. This is business bro, no offense so to me, no real purpose IMO, it's mostly symbolic.
On paper it sounds greats but won't do much in real life cuz it will be handicapped greatly.
Look at the school loans, 10k ain't shit for most of us making 40k owning 40k, the interest alone isn't even really dropping the payment, they need to be canceled.
yes. yes I have.So....have you asked for and gotten tangibles from this guy for your support/vote?
Now contrast to the establishment DEMs when ask JUST LAST WEEK and they (Abrams and Warnock) pulled a Kamala and said what they NOT gonna do for Black people lolThis doesn't answer my question to the poster as to whether or not he asked for and received tangibles for his vote/support.
Thank you.IDK this guy but I checked Ballotpedia and he answered their questions.
Who are you? Tell us about yourself.
My name is Gregg "Marcel" Dixon, I grew up and still live in one of the poorest areas of the United States of America, the SIXTH POOREST out of the 435 districts of the United States of America and this is after having James Clyburn as its representative for nearly 30 years. My area has been neglected and now, I am running for Congress to represent my district and most of all, my people, Native Black Americans, Freedmen, those that are Descendants of The Black Americans That Were Enslaved By the American Government. I have no experience, I have no money, I have no machine but the people in Congress right now have all of that, and look at where it has gotten us, NOWHERE. People do not want "experience" they want RESULTS, they want answers to the problems that impact their lives, relief from the pain that has been inflicted on them, especially in the case of Black Americans. I know that pain, I have felt it my entire life, I have seen it inflicted on the people I love, and whether we realize it or not, all of us will continue to hurt even if just one of us hurts. As the great Fannie Lou Hamer said "nobody's free until everybody's free", now I say that America will never truly be great until America has truly been made whole and America will truly never be made whole until it makes amends and the needed repairs to fix the damage it has done to Black America.
Please list below 3 key messages of your campaign. What are the main points you want voters to remember about your goals for your time in office?
What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about?
- The only way to truly fix America is to repair Black America which is something that is over 400 years overdue. America can never truly be great if America is not truly whole and America will not ever truly be whole until it has truly repaired all the damage it has inflicted upon Black America. My Better Deal For Black America Plan will address all these harms via direct monetary payments, land grants, business grants, a protected class designation, the return of the Freedmen's Bureau to address the needs of Black Americans, and more
- If we want to fight crime then we must fight poverty and poverty is more than just a lack of money but it is a lack of access to resources, every American should have easy access to quality healthcare for their physical and mental needs, equitably funded schools, safe communities, a liveable wage, adequate food, decent housing, trustworthy childcare, and high levels of community investment. Citizens that have access to resources for their physical, mental, social, and emotional needs lead to happy families that lead to happier and SAFER communities, this is a right of every American citizen.
- America is a large country with large counties, cities, and towns but many Americans are literally trapped in their small corners of the world, many struggle to commute a few miles from their home to get to work or school let alone a neighboring state. A car can no longer be considered a luxury, it is a need for many families, especially rural families, a necessity. Too often when the issue of transportation is discussed people think of public transportation modes such as subways and buses but cars are used by most Americans for transportation and many Americans struggle to buy and maintain one. I have a plan where qualified Americans will be able to receive immediate assistance for purchasing, maintaining, and paying for a car.
A leader does not do what is popular, a leader does what is right. That is my motto and in that spirit the area of public policy of which I am most passionate is the area of racial justice for Native Black Americans, meaning Black Americans That Are The Descendants Of Those Enslaved By The American Government, Freedmen.
Outside of that, I feel extremely passionate about the fact that it is morally wrong, evil, and near unforgivable for America to constantly declare that we are the richest, greatest, and most powerful country in the world while we have millions of people that live in poverty, suffer from a lack of food, die early due to preventable health challenges for which they lacked the means to obtain proper care, attend poorly funded and supported schools, live in areas plagued by extreme gun violence, and there is extreme inequality with the wealthiest neighborhoods being just minutes from the poorest. I am unapologetically an advocate for America to provide wider and stronger safety nets to take care of our citizens instead of spending billions of dollars on citizens in other countries and resources on people that are not citizens of the US.
What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official?
Elected officials should always seek to do what is right even if it is not popular, even if it is not easy. What is right is always going to be that which works for the good of all citizens, that which is humane, that which is just. An elected official should serve with a strong sense of not just integrity but self accountability, meaning that if they see that in spite of their best efforts they have not been effective at providing for the needs of their constituents then they ought to have the decency, the courage, the humanity to say that this is not the job for them, and resign immediately. They should want to engage with their constituents, making themselves as accessible as possible, to seek to be held accountable. If any elected official cannot live up to these basic principles of serving others and serving them well then they need not be an elected official.
What legacy would you like to leave?
He did, not what was popular, not what was easy but what was right.
What was your very first job? How long did you have it?
My first was job was cleaning vacation homes with my great-grandmother and her best friend, my honorable great-grandmother, "Mrs. Frances" on Hilton Head Island. They took my sister and me with them and sometimes other relatives such as my aunt would also accompany us. I did the job for 3 summers; 1999, 2000, and 2001.
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Nina Simone- Feeling Good
What qualities does the U.S. House of Representatives possess that makes it unique as an institution?
Ideally, the US House of Representatives should give different sections of a state that will definitely have different cultural, religious, linguistic, social, economic, and political backgrounds all the opportunities to have their voices, views, desires, and needs addressed and represented. It is a chance for the heterogeneity of a state's citizenry to be presented which is unlike the Senate that is statewide, the US House of Representatives is more responsive to the immediate needs of a state's citizenry since it has a more personal connection and a smaller number of constituents.
Do you believe that it's beneficial for representatives to have previous experience in government or politics?
It is not necessarily beneficial because just because someone has worked in the government or politics and might even know the processes and protocols does not automatically result in better outcomes in the lives of their citizens as clearly shown in the case of James Clyburn who has been in office for nearly three decades and all he has to show is a majority-black district that is the sixth poorest out of the 435 districts in the United States of America. What I believe is beneficial for a representative to have is effectiveness at improving the lives of their constituents.
What do you perceive to be the United States’ greatest challenges as a nation over the next decade?
The greatest singular challenge to the United States is its continuing failure to address the continuing legacy of anti-black racism. If not for this the US would have a long time ago implemented greater social programs to provide a far, far higher quality of life for its citizens; it would have long ago held traitors, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists accountable to the greatest extent of the law; the US would be a far more equitable and educated country which would have to eliminate the high levels of poverty, violence, and inequality we see now. Until the US does right by its Black American citizens, the descendants of the people that built the nation, it will continue to be plagued with serious social issues.
If you are not a current representative, are there certain committees that you would want to be a part of?
I am flexible but as an educator for nearly twenty years, I have a particular interest in the labor and education committee. However, the transportation and infrastructure, ways and means, ethics, and judiciary committees all interest me as well.
Do you believe that two years is the right term length for representatives?
Yes, the voters have the right to decide if they like what they have seen, if the representative has been responsive and truly representative of their needs.
What are your thoughts on term limits?
Term limits should be decided by the voters of an official's district or state.
Is there a particular representative, past or present, whom you want to model yourself after?
Robert Smalls
Both sitting representatives and candidates for office hear many personal stories from the residents of their district. Is there a story that you’ve heard that you found particularly touching, memorable, or impactful?
There are too many and as a teacher of nearly two decades, and now as a candidate, I am hearing even more. One, in particular, was how a family, a Black American family of five, were driving their children to school, and then the parents were planning to go to work. Unfortunately, their tire blew, and since they did not have the money to pay for a tire nor an available spare tire since the car was old, they and their three children had to walk home for miles in the rain. The children and the parents missed days of work and fell further into poverty when they were fined for leaving their vehicle on the side of the road. One parent lost their job, the family had to enroll their children in a school that provided transportation to and from school, and they were on the brink of homelessness since the one parent's check could not sustain the needs of the household. This story showed me how far too many families, especially black families, are living on the edge economically, socially, mentally, physically, and emotionally and all it takes is even the most mundane of life's inconveniences to hurl a family into a crisis.
Do you believe that compromise is necessary or desirable for policymaking?
No, flexibility is needed for policymaking but not compromise. "Compromise" in the sense of American politics usually means which group do we care about the least, if at all, and hence let us do policies to make the group of which we are most concerned, which usually means white people, happy, and let us do absolutely nothing or even pass policies that will hurt the group of which we care little for or not at all, and that has always meant Black Americans. Flexibility on the other hand refers to letting us pass policies that will make America a happy, stable, prosperous, and EQUITABLE country for everyone even if it means we have to explore another avenue that I had previously not considered to get there.
The Constitution says that all bills for raising revenue must originate in the House. What role would this power play in your priorities if elected?
This would not drastically impact my priorities but I do intend to make sure that all Americans are paying their fair share with a tax rate that can help supplement the budgetary responsibilities that the federal government has. This will primarily be in the role of taxing assets and raising the taxes on corporations to ensure they are giving back to the communities where they are located.
Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.
He's literally got hundreds of hours on various platforms online for you to digest.You're right, I just added more info from that guy. A twitter address isn't enough info to tell if he's worth it.
Congressman Tim Ryan is his opponentWho is the Democratic nominee out of Ohio?
This guy is actively sabotaging his campaign or the people of Ohio are nuts.
Does BGOL have another mod in the waiting?
The loser who ran for president?Congressman Tim Ryan is his opponent
The same one. He also lost to Pelosi trying to become Speaker of the house tooThe loser who ran for president?
... or the people of Ohio are nuts.....