Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor

He about to be back on the crack



The Legend
BGOL Investor

Maga: This country is a mess, and I don't know what to do.

Americans: Did you support raising wages?

Maga: Na

Americans: Did you support unions?

Maga: Na

Americans: Make corporations pay what they owe?

Maga: Na

Americans: Make billionaire's pay what they owe?

Maga: Na

Americans: Bi-partisan border deal?

Maga: Na, Trump said no.

Americans: Universal background checks?

Maga: Na, NRA said no.

Americans: Cap insulin cost?

Maga: Na, big pharma said no.

Americans: Did you fight climate change?

Maga: It's a hoax

Americans: Did you protect reproductive freedom?

Maga: Na, took it away.

Americans: Access to more books?

Maga: Taking them away.

Americans: Coverage for pre-existing conditions?

Maga: Trying to take it away.

Americans: Are you at least trying to make it easier to vote?

Maga: , absolutely not.

Americans: So what's there to do?

Maga: Shut down the government.
