Thats what happened when the extreme right maga wing took over the michigan GOP. The big money doners stopped giving and the party nearly went bankrupt. So, the traditional repubs kicked out the newly elected maga chairperson and have been struggling to pull it back together ever since. The rhino types were fine with the under educated, rural nut jobs supporting them, but the regan worshipers don't want tinfoil hat wearing, nazi, confederates that peaked in fifth grade running the show.... the donors are going to close their wallets and pocketbook.
White folks in general are afraid of black and brown people. A group of black/brown teenagers strikes a level of fear in them that makes them irrational. To them, that feeling isn't a lie. So they will do whatever in their power to stay separate, build enclaves, and vote for anything that can keel the black and brown people away.MAGA are scared to death of black people. What does she mean personal safety? Crime is down from the high that started under Drumpf. There’s a reason why so many whypipo are susceptible to that lie.