That looks like something Roger Stone would wear leading them
That was her momma and her step dad. This guy here (biological dad) been in the background until now..Didn't he and his family turn down an invite from Biden then went and posed with tRump who spelled her name wrong? Sorry you lost your daughter but gtfoh.
Fuck all ANTI Obama coons
1. Unlimited immunity for presidents
2. Tax incentives that encourage off shoring of manufacturing jobs
-Giving companies tax subsidies anyway even after they offshore the jobs
3. Tariff war that leads to farm bankruptcy and farmer suicides
4. Interference of women’s health care between she and her doctor
5. Presenting a budget every year to cut social security and Medicare
6. Blackmailing Saudi Arabia in to flooding the market with oil to bankrupt hundreds of small US oil and gas producers and cost us tens of thousands of oil and gas layoffs all to save 7 cents a gallon on gas to make himself look good
7. Getting rid of the COPS program
8. Killing the TPP to benefit China
9. Pulling the pandemic response team out of China prior to Covid and cutting Security funding for the labs
10. Withdrawing from the Paris accords 11. Withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal
12. Allowing Iran to sell oil by lifting sanctions
13. Trying to repeal the affordable care act with no viable replacement, despite promising for years that one was coming in 2 weeks
14. Encouraging NATO allies to be attacked by Russia if they don’t spend enough of their GDP on defense
15. A xenophobic total travel ban from primarily Islamic countries
16. Permanent tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations but ones that sunset over ten years for individuals and eventually raise taxes on the bottom 50%
17. Privately acknowledging the severity of Covid 19 and then publicly saying it was no big deal and would magically go away
18. Ending DACA
19. “Zero tolerance policy” that separated families at the border
20. The same oil crash above causing refineries to close which is why we’re still a million barrels a day short on refining capacity to this day
21. The 2020 2 year oil production cut deal with Russia and OPEC which not only caused skyrocketing gas prices for us but also made Saudi aramco the largest company in the world.
Please continue!
That was her momma and her step dad. This guy here (biological dad) been in the background until now..Didn't he and his family turn down an invite from Biden then went and posed with tRump who spelled her name wrong? Sorry you lost your daughter but gtfoh.
...and this is one of The many reasons why I don't joker make fun at until he loses in 2024 and it is no longer a threat to being the President again... period... I hate them motherfucker. Old rich white people should NEVER draft legislation that governs ''other'' people.Keeps the base motivated to either vote for Trump or make sure Biden losses (pandering to the couch surfers).