Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I guess I'm confused here, but if this is how they feel about the dude, then how exactly are they "undecided"?

This happens every cycle, and the shit is frustrating. People clearly have it in their minds that one candidate has problems, and the other one is not as bad, but they are still "waiting" for something demonstrative to happen to declare they are voting a certain way? I guess the only version of the take that makes sense is that you are/vote Republican, but are hoping that something happens to remove Trump as a candidate, maybe.

I don't know, but I feel like the term "undecided" has just started to mean something other than what it actually should mean. Or people are just stupid. One of those tow things.

BGOL Investor
I guess I'm confused here, but if this is how they feel about the dude, then how exactly are they "undecided"?

This happens every cycle, and the shit is frustrating. People clearly have it in their minds that one candidate has problems, and the other one is not as bad, but they are still "waiting" for something demonstrative to happen to declare they are voting a certain way? I guess the only version of the take that makes sense is that you are/vote Republican, but are hoping that something happens to remove Trump as a candidate, maybe.

I don't know, but I feel like the term "undecided" has just started to mean something other than what it actually should mean. Or people are just stupid. One of those tow things.

These people aren't undecided. Undecided voters don't pay attention to politics until it's time to vote. They are usually ignorant of politics all together, ignorant of historical facts or policies. They make their decision the last minute, based on who they talked to last.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Something tells me she won't do it. She's only trying to show "she's in charge" but in reality, she's scared of losing her position.
Does anyone know anything about the guy running against her in GA?

Saw him speak about a month ago and he seems like a solid dude. Military background.

I’m not in GA but I did send him some money for his campaign.

Seems like the perfect candidate considering he did fight for our country.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

Bullshit point after bullshit point.
  1. Biden is already letting Israel "finish the job" in Gaza.
  2. Tired of hearing about this abortion shit. Dems had their opportunity to shore up RvW and failed to do it.
  3. More LGBTQ "first priority" shit.
Bitch is mad because a Republican might get elected and act like a Republican but is telling people to vote for Democrats who don't want to legislate like true Democrats. Miss me with the bullshit!

BGOL Investor
Does anyone know anything about the guy running against her in GA?

Saw him speak about a month ago and he seems like a solid dude. Military background.

I’m not in GA but I did send him some money for his campaign.

Seems like the perfect candidate considering he did fight for our country.

I don't think he has a chance in her district. It is what it is. There'd need a whole demographic shift in her area for her to lose out. She's actually a FULL representation of what they are there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bullshit point after bullshit point.
  1. Biden is already letting Israel "finish the job" in Gaza.
  2. Tired of hearing about this abortion shit. Dems had their opportunity to shore up RvW and failed to do it.
  3. More LGBTQ "first priority" shit.
Bitch is mad because a Republican might get elected and act like a Republican but is telling people to vote for Democrats who don't want to legislate like true Democrats. Miss me with the bullshit!
Same ol lesser or two evils bullshit. Evil is what America was and is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Does anyone know anything about the guy running against her in GA?

Saw him speak about a month ago and he seems like a solid dude. Military background.

I’m not in GA but I did send him some money for his campaign.

Seems like the perfect candidate considering he did fight for our country.

a brick would seem a better choice than that crazy bitch.