Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Debate is about to start right now.....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I would think unanimous would mean all and by definition that would be more than two thirds. Lol. I ain’t trying to play semantics. I legitimately think something is off in the description. Or maybe not.
I don't know specifically how the FL legislature works. But i know that with the US Congress, it is still possible to veto a bill that has unanimous support.

"Veto-proof" just means that the votes are there in the legislature to override a veto. A president, governor, etc. are still within their power to veto a bill of that nature. It would just be a procedural waste of time, unless they believed that they could make an argument or offer that would sway votes away from an override vote.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

His performance was awful. But so was Trump’s. Biden was feeble. Trump couldn’t directly answer a single question and lied with every response.

The question is what features voters believe make a better POTUS : Feeble, Capable and Ethical vs Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable of telling the truth.

I’ll vote ethical every time.

The reality is Joe wasn’t capable last night of debating someone who only lies. He doesn’t have the energy or ability to shout him down, hold him accountable and laugh at Trump’s responses.

Joe could have held his own against a candidate that actually can discuss policy. But that wasn’t the challenge last night and Joe wasn’t prepared or capable of dealing with Donald and his style.

That aside, there is no way you could listen to Donald last night and come away feeling confident that Trump has the ability to go deeper than his practiced soundbites. He repeated himself often and never directly answered the moderator’s questions

There was nothing that would give anyone confidence he could hold his own in any complicated situation. Or that he could intellectually go toe to toe with any world leader or adversary.

In fact, his non answers about J6 and election acceptance should scare every American about his interest in upholding his oath to the constitution

That doesn’t make Biden’s performance any less awful.
But, he answered the questions he was asked, even if the presentation was underwhelming. And we have the last 3 plus years and of his being POTUS with out his getting laughed or smirked at, no tell-alls or leaks discussing his incompetence. No former advisors or cabinet members saying they won’t vote for him.

That gives me confidence that in the normal duties of the Presidency he can hold his own and do the job.

Unfortunately, This election is not about policies. It’s about soundbites, social media and who delivers them better and the algorithms that deliver them to voters.

Trump is far better than Biden at soundbites and marketing. That’s reality

For that reason , I’m also open to the discussion to replace Biden and/or Harris.

It’s not like Trump’s approval ratings are high. They aren’t. It could be an open door to find someone that immediately out performs Trump.

Beyond the loyalty of his hard core 30 % or so, I think a large number of people who currently support him would walk away to a better alternative.

But if that doesn’t happen, I’m still voting for Biden, the ethical candidate who unquestionably stands by his oath and puts country over self interest.