Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any right leaning BGOLer should be worried about this. These motherfucker will end up taking it all from veterans. they always start small and then go big. Fuck that...I worked too hard for my VA Benefit. Loosing it is not an option.
Right. I got a dad, 2 uncles, and a few cousins that get some type of VA benefit.

I 100% agree with you.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Any right leaning BGOLer should be worried about this. These motherfucker will end up taking it all from veterans. they always start small and then go big. Fuck that...I worked too hard for my VA Benefit. Loosing it is not an option.
See Imo that's the problem this should be a simple black or white, yes or no, up or down issue.

Do you want to keep the benifits and shit you got or risk losing it to these right bred cac cock sucker's who are telling you they want to cut it?!?

Do you want the scotus to be more packed with these lying bastards and bitches who when they go thru confirmation hearings talk that good shit about established rule of law and then first chance they get kill it?!?

Do you want a president who has COMPLETELY alienated our long term allies and praises dictators as a model he aspires to emulate?!?

Its really that simple but you got dumb idiots who worried about a dudes age and the fact he was stuttering in the last debate... EVEN THO IT'S KNOWN HE HAS A FUCKING STUTTERING PROBLEM?!?

give me the stutterer over the known lying wannabe dictator.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Any right leaning BGOLer should be worried about this. These motherfucker will end up taking it all from veterans. they always start small and then go big. Fuck that...I worked too hard for my VA Benefit. Loosing it is not an option.

Right. I got a dad, 2 uncles, and a few cousins that get some type of VA benefit.

I 100% agree with you.

See Imo that's the problem this should be a simple black or white, yes or no, up or down issue.

Do you want to keep the benifits and shit you got or risk losing it to these right bred cac cock sucker's who are telling you they want to cut it?!?

Do you want the scotus to be more packed with these lying bastards and bitches who when they go thru confirmation hearings talk that good shit about established rule of law and then first chance they get kill it?!?

Do you want a president who has COMPLETELY alienated our long term allies and praises dictators as a model he aspires to emulate?!?

Its really that simple but you got dumb idiots who worried about a dudes age and the fact he was stuttering in the last debate... EVEN THO IT'S KNOWN HE HAS A FUCKING STUTTERING PROBLEM?!?

give me the stutterer over the known lying wannabe dictator.
Worst case scenario, the only thing I can take solace in is Hakeem Jeffries will inevitably be the SOTH next year regardless of how the presidential election turns out. And in that case this shit has no chance of passing let alone getting 60 votes in the Senate.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

If Dems found half as much energy to attack MAGA, the real threat, then we’d be good. For all the geniuses out there who think someone else would be better,
1) explain to me who it is,
2) how they get on the ballot in all 50 states,
3) how they get the money and apparatus together to get this done in 4 months (the over 100 million Biden has on hand doesn’t transfer) 4) how we explain that a random person has been selected… subverting the votes that were casts, because of bad polls. Dems spend all their time seeking perfection, while Republicans focus on their disastrous agenda & could care less so long as they rig the system in their favor! USE YOUR ENERGY ADDRESSING PROJECT 2025 & the fact that this Supreme Court has laid the foundation to finalize the full destruction of our democracy!

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
4) how we explain that a random person has been selected… subverting the votes that were casts, because of bad polls. Dems spend all their time seeking perfection, while Republicans focus on their disastrous agenda & could care less so long as they rig the system in their favor! USE YOUR ENERGY ADDRESSING PROJECT 2025 & the fact that this Supreme Court has laid the foundation to finalize the full destruction of our democracy!