Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
This kid knows what's up. He's already got the necessary tools to figure things out in the future.

That's little Knowa. He is a sweetheart. He used to have spaces on twitter debating grown folk and he made them look so stupid they tried to get his page shut down a few times because if his age. Usually he had another adult from his family in the room to keep an eye out on him tho. He just has a genuine interest in politics and his family supports his interest.

Hes met VP Harris, Biden and Fani Willis and a few other high profile dems.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Well look at this. A Democratic Governor doing something MAGA hates, but benefits everyone. MAGA wants to destroy the ACA​

N.C. moves to wipe medical debt for up to 2 million patients​


Illustration of a patient chair in a doctor's office covered in a long receipt.

Illustration: Shoshana Gordon/Axios

More than two million North Carolinians could be freed of medical debt in the coming years under a newly announced plan from Gov. Roy Cooper and state health department Secretary Kody Kinsley.
Why it matters: The move could relieve as much as $4 billion in debt that low- and middle-income North Carolinians owe to the state's hospitals beginning as early as 2025.
  • Doing so would help hospitals as well, state leaders say, by funneling additional federal funds to them that could offset the money they are owed — and in many cases, would not get back in full — from patients.
  • "Freeing people from medical debt can be life changing for families, as well as boost the overall economic health of North Carolina," Cooper said in a statement Monday.
How it works: North Carolina is asking the federal government to approve a proposal to provide hospitals with additional Medicaid dollars if they relieve existing and move to prevent some future medical debt. Eligible medical debt could date back to 2014 and include:
  • Non-Medicaid recipients who have debt deemed uncollectible and incomes below 350% of the federal poverty line or debt worth more than 5% of their annual income.
  • Medicaid recipients.
Going forward, hospitals would also need to:
  • Discount medical bills on an income-based sliding scale for those with income below 300% of the federal poverty line, or $93,600 for a family of four.
  • Implement a policy to automatically enroll patients in financial assistance, also known as charity care, rather than requiring patients to apply for assistance.
  • Commit to not selling the medical debt of patients with income below 300% of the federal poverty line.

  • Commit to not reporting certain patients' debt to credit reporting agencies.
  • Cap interest rates on medical debt at 3%.
What's next: The federal government must approve the plan. If it does, hospitals would then have to opt in to the program and work with a third-party vendor to identify outstanding debt eligible for relief.
The big picture: North Carolina is among the states holding the biggest share of medical debt, Axios reported earlier this year.
  • Between 2019-2021, 13.4% of North Carolinian adults had medical debt.
  • The state has since expanded Medicaid, making another 600,000 residents eligible for health coverage.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Im digging all this push back against the mainstream media by folks on social media.

I'm not depressed by this shit, but I am bewildered.

We need 3 national laws implemented:

All elected officials should be sworn in to tell the truth during any official act while in office, just like people are sworn in during court sessions. If they blatantly lie about any fucking thing, and I dont mean make a mistake, I mean LIE they can be fined or jailed for perjury.

This way they'll have to fashion their rhetoric in a way that focuses on their opinion, but their opinion would have to be fact based.

If you have felonies for any kind of fraud you should be barred from any public office. If you have a history of lying for profit gtENTIREfoh.

Partisan propaganda in media should be outlawed. You have freedom of speech, but you cant have freedom to lie about official government actions.

There are some more including supreme court reform, insider trading reform, campaign finance reform, but these first 3 would fix a lot of the bullshit we've been facing for the past 25 years.


Rising Star
Im digging all this push back against the mainstream media by folks on social media.

I'm not depressed by this shit, but I am bewildered.

We need 3 national laws implemented:

All elected officials should be sworn in to tell the truth during any official act while in office, just like people are sworn in during court sessions. If they blatantly lie about any fucking thing, and I dont mean make a mistake, I mean LIE they can be fined or jailed for perjury.

This way they'll have to fashion their rhetoric in a way that focuses on their opinion, but their opinion would have to be fact based.

If you have felonies for any kind of fraud you should be barred from any public office. If you have a history of lying for profit gtENTIREfoh.

Partisan propaganda in media should be outlawed. You have freedom of speech, but you cant have freedom to lie about official government actions.

There are some more including supreme court reform, insider trading reform, campaign finance reform, but these first 3 would fix a lot of the bullshit we've been facing for the past 25 years.
I wish those would be planks