Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since the Supreme Court's Chevron decision has taken independent regulation powers away from government agencies, let's take this opportunity to review what happens now if Trump wins and the GOP gets to launch Project 2025.

Hint: The 2 are connected.
Abortions could be made nearly impossible nationwide, because

1. Abortion would not be subject to any safety regulation under the Dept. of Health.

2. The president would force the now-powerless FDA to rescind its approval of mifepristone and judges could declare it illegal.

3. The Office of Human Rights, also powerless, would no longer enforce any federal laws protecting LGBTQ people, racial minorities, disabled people, etc. Get ready for even more rollbacks of civil rights! - Been Saying their ultimate goal is to eliminate the 1964 Civil rights act smh

4. The EPA would be in the tank for expanded coal, oil, and gas projects.
The president would now totally control the FCC. Which means:

5. Any station that airs something Trump doesn't like could be punished. The president rules over mass media. - No more Urbanview radio, Black political news talk, Roland No more MSNBC, CNN, Daily show etc.

6. Porn is banned. Control over the FCC gives the president leeway to ban content deemed 'pornographic'. - and "pornographic' to who exactly? they already feel that black and latinas bodies are overly sexual even when they're fully dressed. they gonna start policing/prosecuting our women for just existing.

7. The newly-powerless Dept. of Ed is dismantled. All rules protecting the rights of students are gone, all national standards to ensure a fair education in public schools are gone, all public school funding is transferred to private and religious schools via a voucher program.

8. Get ready for an immigrant Holocaust. Immigration agencies can't act independently now. The president can use the National Guard to round up immigrants in EVERY state for mass deportations and send them to concentration camps.

9. The FBI and DOJ would be totally under the president's control, so he could have them investigate his enemies and criminally punish dissenters. If he decides the army should be used to help violently break up protests, he has no federal red tape to go through.

10. And all federal employees, all civil servants, all State Department staff, etc...they're all fired and replaced by Trump loyalists. So there's NOBODY acting independently of the president or the judiciary's whims. Trump wins, fascist theocracy rules, the courts endorse it.
As I've said before, none of this is speculation or exaggeration. ALL of it is based on the actual text of Project 2025. It's publicly available. The Heritage Foundation acknowledges it. Trump supports it.

Heritage has even said there's more stuff they haven't made public.
This is the reality we're looking at if Trump and the GOP win this year.

Want to stop it?

I suggest you quit your doom-screaming and hand-wringing over Biden, make sure you and other people are registered to vote and aware of the stakes, and make damn sure Trump loses. /End
P.S. To people who tell me I don't know what I'm talking about: I read the Project 2025 playbook. It's right here:

To people telling me to stick to Australian politics, I've lived in Australia for 5 months.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

to Merrick Garland: "We write to request that you appoint a Special Counsel to investigate possible violations of federal ethics and tax laws by Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas. Over the past year, public reporting and Senate investigations have uncovered evidence of repeated and willful omissions of gifts and income from Justice Thomas’s financial disclosure reports required by the Ethics in Government Act. The Senate is investigating these omissions as it considers improvements to ethics and tax laws."