Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


The Legend
BGOL Investor

Sellers: I think it's patently absurd that we're having this discussion to be completely honest with you. I think we're chasing this rabbit of The New York Times saying that a Parkinson's expert visited The White House eight times without even corroborating that with whether or not the President was there or who that doctor actually saw. It's extremely clear now that he did not see the President of the United States and to use visitor logs to simply say or deduce that someone has Parkinson's is not journalism. We spent more time talking
about Joe Biden's age than we have Project 25, the Chevron ruling, the ruling on presidential immunity. And I think that's a disservice to voters in this country.

I like that brother. Biden should pick him up unless he runs again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like that brother. Biden should pick him up unless he runs again.

Man Bakari the only person on CNN with some damn sense.

When he ran for Lt Governor of SC, we all was rooting for him.
Wish he would run for a higher position, but I don’t think he wants the stress esp since he makes good money as a lawyer and with the media.

Time will tell though. He may go for Clyburn position when he retires.


The Legend
BGOL Investor

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The Legend
BGOL Investor
Let me make this crystal clear…
1) I don’t have a problem speaking my mind to the press If I have something to say.
2) I don’t violate the confidences of my colleagues in our closed door meetings. I’ve had practice with keeping people’s most private conversations; private (atty/client privilege).
3) if someone tries to recount my words, DON’T… I know how to convey them myself.
4) finally, I did attend the caucus meeting, today. I DID NOT speak! Out of respect for my colleagues that hadn’t been heard, I listened. I’ve been on local & national news, both print & tv, on panels, podcasts, social media, possibly even radio… I HAVE SAID WHAT I SAID & haven’t changed, PERIOD!
5) RECAP; JOE BIDEN IS THE NOMINEE. He said he’s not stepping down & so I, Congresswoman Jasmine Felicia Crockett, Esq., AM RIDING WITH BIDEN; Period! I’ll do everything within my power to educate people about the threat that exists within project 2025, MAGA, Trump, etc. I am ready to work for the PEOPLE!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

NEW @PuckNews: ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who recently interviewed Biden and was today caught in TMZ video saying he doesn’t think Biden “can serve four more years,” tells me, via spokesperson: “Earlier today I responded to a question from a passerby. I shouldn’t have.”

In a separate statement, an ABC News spokesperson tells me, “George expressed his own point of view and not the position of ABC News.”

TMZ video:…


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Llistening to this and the host seems to have some of the details wrong.

Donalds 1st wife wasn't pregnant, but he divorced her to marry the second wife who was.

I think the 1st wife was a US citizen, she married him for Florida residency to be able to atrend school there. There is no "anchor baby." I don't know if that gets corrected or not.

I haven't listened to this yet but it sounds like it was a good time.
