Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Well I hope the geniuses that pushed the most consequential President of our lifetime out, have a plan. WHO in the hell couldn’t sell the MF Accomplishments & win over a 34 time convicted Felon who isn’t even allowed to operate businesses in the state of NY (and therefore should automatically be disallowed from say running the country) & his ENTIRE team IS project 2025?! Joe wasn’t the problem… dems were. I know one thing, I will only work for
! If it’s anyone OTHER than her, enjoy campaign season… I hope all of my disenchanted colleagues are able to find some walking shoes and get to work because I WILL NOT! FULL


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You're absolutely right. He's qualified only for a dirt nap.

well damn bro... I like it!

That is my only point - if was BETWEEN Michelle and him?

I want to see the NEW bullsh*t mental gymnastics people try to use to either NOT vote period or still JUSTIFY a vote for Agent Orange

Because the BIG argument was this entire time... we hate BOTH OLD WHITE MEN.

So now we give you a qualified Black Woman

(which ALLEDGEDLY folk wanted to run in the FIRST place and was the REASON they voted for Biden LAST TIME)

and the response is...

Nah now we aint voting at all?

Please make it make sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What are you telling them?
Don’t work yourself up over things you can’t control.
Vote and go from there
Go outside and take a walk. Breathing exercises and do some push ups.

I also said if your anxiety gets too bad, call 988 and talk to a professional.

I’m willing to bet the suicide hotline is going to be off the hook over the next couple of months. Just from being in some Twitter spaces and watching YouTube videos of people talking about what could happen.

I work in healthcare and mental health issues are REAL, but I know you already know that.

Some people are like fuck this, BANG!


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I suspect he stepped away cause covid is more serious than they are letting on.
I don’t think he had Covid, but I do think he had some type of feeble problem. I still will have voted for him, but I was talking to somebody who is around his age and they noticed some things with him that was concerning. Trump is showing the same problem. You see a little bit of it doing the speech she gave a couple of days ago.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Kamala, Gavin, hell Lebron James. I be damn if vote for Orange.

Getting a lot of calls from family and friends that work for the federal gov directly and indirectly and I see I’m going to have to be a therapist already.
makes sense. your whole life you been ran by a female.