Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Potential Star
you can't be this dumb.

women don't want women to have power and rather be led by men. I know that's weird because you were probably raised by one only and used to her being your authority figure, but other races don't see it that way.

YouGov poll of 1,582 U.S. adult citizens conducted between July 13 and 16 found 39 percent of respondents would vote for Harris if she was the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, against 44 percent for Trump. This put Harris slightly behind Biden, who the survey found would lose to Trump by 41 percent of the vote against 43 percent.

she polls worse than Biden!

she about to get molly whopped. you are being delusional. step back from the Dem machine that you get nothing out of anyway, and see the world and situation for what it is.
I really wish I could beat your ass in real life. You really think you could speak to any man like that in real life ?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
I really wish I could beat your ass in real life. You really think you could speak to any man like that in real life ?
I just did. yes you would just get whupped physically too because your mind is to weak to use words. double loss. you might end yourself afterwards