Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

She stared that mf down damn near a whole minute.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
When Trump can't answer a question he just autorepeats his lies and talking points.



Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

Trump money has dried up very quickly. Trump is going to try to run but I don’t think Russia won’t his ass right now. Trump thought this shit was going to be easy but soon as the Democrats righted the ship he don’t know what the fuck do. As I stated two days ago, the Republicans are close to going into save their own ass Mode right now.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
Yep, this bullshit is going to make a lot of military people hate Trump even more.
I hate to say it but this is not true. I am a retired CSM. In our social media forum it’s a fucking shitstorm about Walz’s retirement timeline and the fact he did not finish the non-resident Sergeants Major academy. The YTs are doing everything short of calling him a ****** lover.

Now for context. I elected the attend the non-res course because I was assigned to a special mission unit and my wife had pregnancy complications. Without compounding it, I will just say the Army doesn’t really tell the Unit “no” so I was swapped out of class 65. The rules for completion of non-resident course are this.

Complete all online requirements in 2 years and then attend a 2 week culmination at the academy for graduation. Resident course is one year full time student (like CGSC and a service college)

You will be assigned to E9 billlets (including as a CSM) while completing course requirements. Like Walsh I was appointed as a BN CSM and finished my stuff while there. It was like completing a MBA and working full time (including deployments and training exercises). Eats up ALL your free time so a lot of people just opt out.

Walz opted out.

This means you will retire immediately (not layers the 6 months and one day) and be reduced in rank to E8. MASTER Sergeant.

Now, was Walz a CSM? Yes.
Should he really refer to himself as a retired CSM? No, because he doesn’t draw E9 retired pay because of the agreement for the rank.

Do I care? No because he was not relieved. He stepped out. The time he left was prior to official deployment notification. This was before stop loss so the NG approved his retirement and let him go.

His service was honorable and he made a choice as a man for himself and his family.

The GOP wants to spin this and the die hard MAGAssholes want you to believe he was a coward. Maybe 20 years ago I would have agreed, but that’s a dumb line of though after all the shit we would up seeing down range.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I hate to say it but this is not true. I am a retired CSM. In our social media forum it’s a fucking shitstorm about Walz’s retirement timeline and the fact he did not finish the non-resident Sergeants Major academy. The YTs are doing everything short of calling him a ****** lover.

Now for context. I elected the attend the non-res course because I was assigned to a special mission unit and my wife had pregnancy complications. Without compounding it, I will just say the Army doesn’t really tell the Unit “no” so I was swapped out of class 65. The rules for completion of non-resident course are this.

Complete all online requirements in 2 years and then attend a 2 week culmination at the academy for graduation. Resident course is one year full time student (like CGSC and a service college)

You will be assigned to E9 billlets (including as a CSM) while completing course requirements. Like Walsh I was appointed as a BN CSM and finished my stuff while there. It was like completing a MBA and working full time (including deployments and training exercises). Eats up ALL your free time so a lot of people just opt out.

Walz opted out.

This means you will retire immediately (not layers the 6 months and one day) and be reduced in rank to E8. MASTER Sergeant.

Now, was Walz a CSM? Yes.
Should he really refer to himself as a retired CSM? No, because he doesn’t draw E9 retired pay because of the agreement for the rank.

Do I care? No because he was not relieved. He stepped out. The time he left was prior to official deployment notification. This was before stop loss so the NG approved his retirement and let him go.

His service was honorable and he made a choice as a man for himself and his family.

The GOP wants to spin this and the die hard MAGAssholes want you to believe he was a coward. Maybe 20 years ago I would have agreed, but that’s a dumb line of though after all the shit we would up seeing down range.
Tim did everything by the book and he wants a natural God for 20 years.