Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Crackas worst nightmare. “The White House has become a ghetto!?!??””

"OH DEAR JESUS!! Did Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre just do one of those dances from the scary ghetto?!!"

"OH NO NO NO NO, Madam Secretary!!! WTF was THAT?!!"

"Is she going to TWERK next?!! My gosh, I don't even recognize this GOD-LESS country any more!!"

No one wants their creative property being the theme of a klan rally.

Especially after witnessing Trump's infectious, REVERSE midas-touch in action. It's bad for business.
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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

BREAKING: Kamala Harris has just unveiled an aggressive economic policy agenda. Details:

- $25,000 Subsidy for First-Time Homebuyers:

A federal subsidy of $25,000 for more than 1 million first-time homebuyers to assist with down payments.

- $6,000 Child Tax Credit:
A $6,000 Child Tax Credit for the first year of a baby’s life, in addition to restoring the Biden administration’s Child Tax Credit that expired in 2021, which provided $3,000 per child (up from $2,000).

- Elimination of Medical Debt:
Proposing to cancel medical debt for millions of Americans by using federal funds to buy and forgive outstanding medical debt from healthcare providers.

- Ban on Price Gouging for Groceries and Food:
Introducing the "first-ever" ban on price gouging for groceries and food, including authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to impose fines on grocery stores that engage in excessive price hikes.

- Cap on Prescription Drug Costs:
Expanding on provisions from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, Harris proposes capping out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs at $2,000 annually for all Americans, extending beyond just Medicare beneficiaries.

- Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion:
Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower-wage workers by up to $1,500.

- Affordable Care Act Subsidies:
Extending subsidies for Americans on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges.

- Targeting Pharmaceutical Companies:
Harris plans to target pharmaceutical companies that block competition and engage in abusive practices, supporting ongoing efforts by the Federal Trade Commission.

I’m sure Trump supporters will claim that this will put us more into debt.

Not if she rolls back the $2 Trillion in corporate tax cuts that Trump put in place. This simply puts average Americans ahead of corporations.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"OH DEAR JESUS!! Did Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre just do one of those dances from the scary ghetto?!!"

"OH NO NO NO NO, Madam Secretary!!! WTF was THAT?!!"

"Is she going to TWERK next?!! My gosh, I don't even recognize this GOD-LESS country any more!!"

Especially after witnessing Trump's infectious, REVERSE midas-touch in action. It's bad for business.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

BREAKING: Republican pollster Frank Luntz drops brutal news on Donald Trump to explain why he's losing to Kamala Harris, says that he needs to "to stop behaving like a petulant child."

But Luntz was just getting started...

"If I were advising him, which I am not, I would look him straight in the eye and say, ‘Sir, you need to shut up. You need to stop behaving like a petulant child, and start focusing on what the American people want, in a way that they want to hear it,’" Luntz said on CNN.

"Look, if I yell at you every time you have me on, you’ll stop having me on and you’ll stop listening," Luntz went on.

"Trump doesn’t understand that," he continued. "People have to tell him the truth, because at this point she’s got her convention bounce before the convention, and I think Harris could have a 5- or 6-point lead coming out of that convention if Donald Trump continues to behave the way that he has."

Unfortunately for Republicans, Donald Trump is incapable of changing. He's an angry old man with a deteriorating mind who has never once in his life exerted an ounce of self control.

Trump will get worse as the election approaches, not better.