Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

State Senator Caught Pleasuring Himself In Public​

The incident occurred during the afternoon of Aug. 4, although West Virginia Senator Mike Maroney was not arrested until Tuesday. According to a criminal complaint obtained by Law&Crime on Thursday, police said when they arrived at Gumby’s they spoke to two female staff on duty who stated that Maroney was in the back room on a gaming machine but that he had “come out to the ATM machine and was breathing heavy and was touching himself.” “Unsure as to what was going on, they started to observe him on the CCTV, in doing so they witnessed him masturbating,” the complaint stated. Prosecutors say that when one of the women called police at her supervisor’s behest, she told a dispatcher Maroney was “doing it right now.”


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor

State Senator Caught Pleasuring Himself In Public​

The incident occurred during the afternoon of Aug. 4, although West Virginia Senator Mike Maroney was not arrested until Tuesday. According to a criminal complaint obtained by Law&Crime on Thursday, police said when they arrived at Gumby’s they spoke to two female staff on duty who stated that Maroney was in the back room on a gaming machine but that he had “come out to the ATM machine and was breathing heavy and was touching himself.” “Unsure as to what was going on, they started to observe him on the CCTV, in doing so they witnessed him masturbating,” the complaint stated. Prosecutors say that when one of the women called police at her supervisor’s behest, she told a dispatcher Maroney was “doing it right now.”

He got the Jared from subway look. He definitely did that shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is OLD, from 2016. Don't fall for the MAGA okie doke.

Yeah, you know it's old because those protesters now know that trump rallies ain't going to be a safe space for them. that's why they attacking liberals and black folk because they go home intact after protesting.

Still waiting for those "Genocide" protesters to show up at trump rallies and demand justice from the party that wants "to finish the job"