Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A conversation I had with a Trumper last night...

Him: "I like Mellencamp's music. Sucks he's a stupid liberal Democrat, though."
Me: What's your beef with Democrats?
Him: "Are you a Democrat?"
Me: Yes.
Him: "You need to change your ways."
Me: Why's that?
Him: "You actually like Kamala?"
Me: I do.
Him: "You need to change your ways. She's a communist-Marxist-socialist."
Me: Those terms aren't identical. Do you actually know what they mean?
Him: "Yeah"
Me: Okay, what do they mean?
Him: "What about inflation?"
Me: What about it?
Him: "She had 3.5 years to do something about it, and nothing."
Me: That's not true. First off, she's Vice President, not President. Secondly, she broke the Senate tie to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. Not a single Republican voted for it."
Him: "Yeah, inflation"
Me: Inflation was 9.1% and is 2.9% today.
Him: "That's bullshit. Look it up. Look it up."
Me: :: I look it up ::. Here you are. These are the inflation numbers. June of 2022, it was at 9.1%. In the latest report, it was 2.9%. Those are facts.
Him: "Fake numbers. That's bullshit. What is that, a fake news site?"
Me: It's the U.S. Bureau of Labor.
Him: "Whatever"

That's exactly how it plays out with those people. They can't admit they just don't like black people