Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

In Trump's Elon discussion, he said he wants to change the Dept of Ed, and sure "15 states would struggle" but the others would do fine. Racist broke white people think they're going to be the exception, but all those southern and Bible belt states are going to tank hard. I don't know why people keep saying Trump is a business genius, when he is willing to allow 30% of states to shit the bed. Marketing genius? I'll give him that, because he can sell some bullshit like nobody else.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In Trump's Elon discussion, he said he wants to change the Dept of Ed, and sure "15 states would struggle" but the others would do fine. Racist broke white people think they're going to be the exception, but all those southern and Bible belt states are going to tank hard. I don't know why people keep saying Trump is a business genius, when he is willing to allow 30% of states to shit the bed. Marketing genius? I'll give him that, because he can sell some bullshit like nobody else.

Yeah one of the state representatives from SC, Bambert- who also was the lead lawyer in the Walter Scot case, explained how this would impact SC.....It's long, but I am sure it's the same for other bible states



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I hate having to say stuff like this, but it is what it is. I hope my middle ground Republican friends don’t hate me after this, but I’m a straight shooter. The Republican Party, the party that includes the “Christian Conservatives” is dead. As a Democratic State Representative that is young, I have had Republican friends, teachers, and folks I’ve known forever privately message me and say things like I am someone kids look up to so I should watch what I say (when it def ain’t THIS BAD).

Meanwhile, the same folks are all SILENT on things like today and continue to support someone who is responsible — whether you want to admit it or not — for THIS TYPE OF MOVEMENT — a group of pro-Trump folks holding a “CUMala Harris” event at University of South Carolina saying things like young girls should SUCK DICK if they want to make it in life because that’s what VP Harris did you get to where she is. Disgraceful.

Hypocrites. I am so sad that politics has degraded to this point, but what do you expect when the leader of one ship spurs it on. I am convinced that people who back Donald J. Trump are either unfortunately ignorant, are focused one a single aspect of policy they like or love while disregarding the other negatives, or are so hateful towards Democrats, minorities, or people who are different from them that they’re willing to give the worst of the bulk of their group a pass and pretend like they don’t exist because of political party alignments. Good leaders bring out the BEST in people, not the WORST.

If you want to support Trump for legit reasons on policy, I ain’t mad at you. This ain’t directed towards you. BUT if you support him and think this type of commentary is OK, that’s a different story. A 5 gallon bucket with the word “CUM” on it, yet wanna preach “Christian Conservative” values as being your guiding light to who you vote for — I call 150% BULLSHIT.

If Justin Bamberg, the State Rep and lawyer, EVER supported an event like this for a candidate people would be DEMANDING I step aside, apologize, or publicly denounce it. But people want to have their cake and eat it too. I have campaigned on progress with none of this negative type stuff and still had to deal with people unfortunately having meetings saying they don’t want a black Rep or writing “******” on my signs out in the country. Supporting youth programs while paying for EVERYTHING out my own pocket for people to say “why do yall have him on it.” That ain’t everybody, but we’re at a point where the purposeful silence of so many is empowering the worst of the worst people, and only yall can fix your own circles of friends.

Republican. Democrat. It should be about policy and policy alone. I don’t care who you vote for, but degrading a woman in such a fashion and saying some of the stuff in these clips is ridiculous. We are at a point now where it’s bigotry, hatred, and nastiness that dictates which side one aligns with, and it’s going to take DECENT PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES to put an end to this nonsense. Period.

If I throw an event at home and invite people to come and say stuff you’d never want your children to hear, you better stay out my inbox and sit quiet like you are now if you ain’t willing to be honest about the negativity being displayed on behalf of Former President Trump. People out here being fake, hiding their true thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. or selling their soul for politics and it’s a shame. HOW have people allowed politics to become THIS??? You gotta police your OWN house. Do better.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I've performed improv for an LGBT fundraiser for kids that get kicked out of their houses and disowned. I wouldn't do a performance for a bunch of racists, but after thinking about it for a second, I'd do the show and say the most inappropriate shit to make fun of the event goers. I would be calling them all types of rapists, chomos and inbreds.
Scene: dinner table
"I'll never ever get an abortion"
You don't know that!
"Because little boys can't get pregnant. Can I get a heck yeah?!?!"

My goal would be getting kicked out of the event and talked about on Newsmax.