Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
It's worth noting that not too long after this speech, Malcolm X embarked on the Hajj, afterwards recanting his prior black nationalist stances when he realized that all races are subservient to God.

He then left the Nation of Islam and later joined mainstream Sunni Islam. After he left the Nation, Malcom X's views evolved. He extended olive branches to MLK and other organizations like his to try and create a united front to advance the cause of Civil Rights in America.

Malcom was evolving into a liberal.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also, the dixiecrat democrats he spoke of... where did they flock to when they thought the Democratic party was no longer being bigoted enough.... Yup, they became the repiblican base.

So... of course we're still chumps for wanting to keep the Dixiecrats turned republicans and their god out of power, right??? :confused:

It's worth noting that not too long after this speech, Malcolm X embarked on the Hajj, afterwards recanting his prior black nationalist stances when he realized that all races are subservient to God.

He then left the Nation of Islam and later joined mainstream Sunni Islam. After he left the Nation, Malcom X's views evolved. He extended olive branches to MLK and other organizations like his to try and create a united front to advance the cause of Civil Rights in America.

Malcom was evolving into a liberal.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member

I got a buddy like this :smh:

Been friends since 1978.

I kinda knew he had some odd opinions when he uttered a mild disapproval of a thick sexy shawt dark skin chick back in the day.

But now hes on that DT disinformation and propaganda kick.

Whenever I break down and prove his sources are unscientific, nonsensical or otherwise invalid, he scoffs.

Its a mental illness, but I dont know what brings it on in a Black man.