This is who Tariq got you stupid motherfuckers voting for?!
Somebody should make this into a game show like Jeopardy. Show a 1-2 minute clip of him answering a question, and then have contestant try to guess what the fuck the actual question was.
This is who Tariq got you stupid motherfuckers voting for?!
Your girl dates white women, so what is your fucking point?
The fuck is your problem? YOU engaged me. I didn’t engage you. I don’t care who she dates. It was YOU who invoked the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan in the discussion about Kamala, not me. YOU think Jamaican is a race, not me, which is why YOU ran from the Sean Paul question. And when I point out that Farrakhan has also praised Trump and that the NOI condemns everything that YOU and YOUR PARTY support (homosexuality, transgender, feminism, abortion, Kamala’s white Jewish husband, etc), it was YOU who got pissy and started talking about Yvette Carnell as if it were relevant to the discussion.
So deal with it. Kamala ain’t black and “you’re not only a CHUMP but you’re a traitor to your race!”
You sound dumb as fuck as usual. Every time y'all get in your feelings you bring up the homo thing, yet your founder is a fucking dyke who likes white women. Obviously, the gay thing can't be that much a problem to begin with.
And if you really want to go there about homosexuals and really have issues with them, feel free to address this rumor that popped up a few years ago.
Malcolm X was bisexual. Get over it
The Sexuality of Malcolm X
The Sexuality of Malcolm X | Journal of American Studies | Cambridge Core
The Sexuality of Malcolm X - Volume 51 Issue
You're not worried about homosexuals but you will keep bringing it up when NO ONE else has, how does that work?
I simply stated FACTS about the political positions of YOUR candidate and YOUR party on a variety of social issues (homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, feminism, integration, interracial dating and marriage, et al) that the Nation of Islam stands in opposition to. I’ll reiterate, YOU brought the NOI into this discussion. And since you wanted to initiate this discussion with a limited clip of a Farrakhan video, why not post the source? I’ll make it easy and do it for you CHUMP, directly from the NOI Facebook page, and I’ll include the caption as well!
"Look how much we (Blacks) gave to the Democratic Party. We've always given them our best shot. But we never got what we deserved.
Mr. Joe Biden has wanted to be president since he first entered Congress. He tried a few times and lost," said The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's during his remarks at the All Virtual National Afrikan/Black Leadership Summit hosted by the Nubian Leadership Conference on Saturday, December 12, 2020.
so we are just going to pretend that the Minister and Malcolm never had a connected history? That the only reason you can quote Malcolm is because he followed Elijah Muhammad just like Farrakhan currently does?
All I said was that the Nation had more respect for A BLACK WOMAN than you did, and all of a sudden you went into a complete butt-hurt melt down.
No, you got mad because I said Kamala wasn’t black, which she isn’t. You tried to invoke Farrakhan and the NOI and assert that being half-Jamaican makes her black, as if all Jamaicans are black. They’re not. Again, is Sean Paul black??? Of course you won’t answer that question. Then I FACTUALLY noted that the NOI stands against everything Kamala and YOU and YOUR party stand for. Where is the lie here? I’ll answer. There isn’t one. Just admit you fucked up by bringing Farrakhan and the NOI into the discussion in the first place.
You’re mad because the Malcolm clip exposes you and your ilk as CHUMPS! His words not mine. And then you try to deflect by posting spurious rumors about HIM!
Just pussy-ass behavior all around from you CHUMP! These words burn your tethering sellout soul like ether!
Now post the Yvette picture because you have nothing to say of relevance.
Trump Withdraws Support, GOP Pulls Funding From ‘Black Nazi’ Mark Robinson
Trump Avoids ‘Black Nazi’ Mark Robinson as GOP Cuts His Cash
The GOP is distancing itself from its controversial nominee for North Carolina