Both Sides: Why we don't fuck with the GOP


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I don't know how accurate this is. Just sharing to see if anyone thinks tariffs could be used as a "protection racket".



Rising Star

i see a lot of people are going on about these new changes that will be coming

and bot some will come

what those on the left and right seem to gloss over is the fact that Trump and a lot of his people IN govt have surrounded himself with people who are ANTI government -

to republicans that are naive they think its the old Reagan idea of less government - a reduction in the size and reach of the fed to enact specific policies that dont have very broad support

what is arually there are people and specifically groups ( especially a lot of patriot and nationlist groups ) that want to tear down and rebuild the govt to mirror one in their own ideaology - its ultra patriot its heavily christian leaning and it wishes to thwart efforts by marginalized groups to legally reverse the legal protections they have under the law .

calling these fascist or racists or whatever - they are simply utilitarians whose goal is tilt the playing field so that if you are wealthy or white or male you will have an advantage.