Trump personally ordered the postmaster general to double Amazon’s shipping rates: report
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (left, via Wikimedia Commons) and President Donald Trump (right, via Creative Commons/Gage Skidmore).
President Donald Trump has reportedly personally asked the postmaster general to double Amazon’s shipping rates in an escalation of his animosity towards the company and its CEO, Jeff Bezos.
The Washington Post reported Friday on the claim made by three people close to the matter. U.S. Postmaster General Megan Brennan has repeatedly pushed back on the president’s request in a number of conversations occurring both this year and last year.
Brennan told Trump “these arrangements are bound by contracts and must be reviewed by a regulatory commission,” the Post‘s sources said.
“She has told the president that the Amazon relationship is beneficial for the Postal Service and gave him a set of slides that showed the variety of companies, in addition to Amazon, that also partner for deliveries,” the report continued.
We all know lobbyist are in congress for different platforms: Foreign, Military, Drug companies. To lobby laws in congress.
But is this true? That Drug companies (Big Pharma) lobbied for these lines to be added?
Did Bernie Sanders know this?
If true this shouldn’t be A Dem/Republican issue. Everyone should be against this.
Nevermind all the pro-Trannie stuff I’ve seen posted that is also in that bill
Also, it shows how stupid Dem/Rep leadership is.
To let Drug companies write the laws. Did they bother reading this???
I understand they don’t like RFK Jr. (see HHS is specifically mentioned so to stop him)
But did they know ‘not be eligible for compensation’ is also there.