[Box Office] Deadpool/Wolverine won the weekend - still #1 now at a 124 Billion

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
How? It was an exact copy with a worse ending.
Dont forget they spoiled the surprise of the villain by their dumb ass announcements

This was a response to complaints that the villain was weak, just wanted to bring it to the spoiler discussion:

As far as weak villian I really blame WB and its woeful handling of this movie.

Those who follow comics early found out ares was going to be the villain. The movie tried to do a good job of miss direction, BUT...


why would you do this when peep had already picked up that Ares was going to be the bad guy behind the scenes?!?

Here is the thread were it was 1st revealed:



DC News: Batman Director Pulls Out As Wonder Woman Scores New Villain
Blake Hampton
1 day ago

It is hard to know who is having a tougher time of it right now, the Trump administration or DC Films. The latter of which appears to transition from one PR disaster to the next. And, despite their assurances that all is well behind the scenes, the studio finds itself in a mad scramble to secure a director for The Batman.

With Ben Affleck turning down the opportunity, citing a lack of focus and a need to concentrate on his acting as a main source, this week Matt Reeves did likewise. The War for the Planet of the Apes filmmaker had been the hot favorite to revive the franchise. At least, until the 50-year old stopped talks with DC and Warner Brothers to break down negotiations in their tracks.

David Destined For Devilish Ares Role

While the caped crusader suffers another loss, Wonder Woman is pushing forward with the addition of a new villain that is sure to excel the project to greater heights. Batman News reports that Englishman David Thewlis will be taking on the part of the horrifying bad guy that is Ares.

Thewlis is best known for his role as Professor Lupin in the Harry Potter franchise. The 53-year old has also enjoyed a storied career to feature in such titles as War Horse, RED 2, Basic Instinct 2, Legend and Macbeth. The position is said to be a mixture of CGI and more grounded personal effects as they bring the comic book creation to life throw Thewlis.

Batman Kicking Ass In JL Pic


Perhaps Ben Affleck is just taking his frustration out at the franchise, Matt Reeves or the whole business. Leaping down to deliver his brand of law enforcement ahead of the November 17, 2017 release of Justice League. The new image from Zack Snyder is true to form from the director as he attempts to engage the public with regular updates from the set of the blockbuster.

This picture fresh from the editing room of Vero shows Batman dropping down in what should be a large scale editing sequence, taking on what could be anything from Parademons to robots. Cinematographer Larry Fong shot the picture as the pair were working furiously in the DI suite, a room that only the filmmakers work in if the shooting is complete.

If the movie is coming along on schedule, there is a chance Snyder could take the helm of The Batman. But it would require a huge change in fortune from the critics coming in the wake of Batman v Superman. A title that still leaves a bitter taste

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
How? It was an exact copy with a worse ending.
I just thought it was a better film artistically. I don't believe it was a lot better than Captain America but I just enjoyed it more. Those WWI battle scenes were like something out of 1917.

But, yeah, the plot was definitely a copy of CA.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
I just watched it. These are my observations coming from someone who's not a Marvel fan, though I've watched most of their movies. Overall the movie was great. They did a great job of turning a movie without a good plot or substance into something emotional and entertaining. The Deadpool actor is smarter and funnier than Robert Downey Jr. Marvel should have picked him instead of RDJ to be Ironman. RDJ's predictable sarcasm puts me to sleep. Maybe the comic books say that Ironman is supposed to be a sarcastic dumbass. I don't know. I know the fanboys would call me crazy, but I'm not a fanboy and I'm looking at things objectively.

Things I didn't like about the movie:
The dog scenes were too much. One slow-motion scene is fine. But having several slow-motion scenes is boring.
I didn't like the constant gay references in the movie. They were forced and unnecessary. One or two is fine but the whole movie was gay this and gay that when it didn't need to be injected in the scenes.
I don't like the multiverse concept. It makes the outcomes of the films meaningless. It doesn't matter who lives, dies, or even if a whole planet is wiped out because you can just go to another universe and bring that person or planet back to life. The multiverse idea makes it pointless to watch a movie. There's no importance in rooting for something.
The story seemed to have been made up on the fly. Any weird thing could happen at any time. It didn't have to follow a logical scenario. This type of writing is lazy and requires no creativity.
The scene with Deadpool fighting the other Deapools was 100% unnecessary.

Things I liked:
The Deadpool character (minus the excessive gayness). He turned a badly written movie into a must-watch Blockbuster. Wolverine was cool, but the Deadpool guy made that movie.
The cameos. I literally yelled "Oh shit!" in the movie theater when you know who appeared.
The characters didn't take themselves seriously. This is funnier than your typical Avengers movie. Some of the characters there try too hard to "be cool" and that shit just put me to sleep. If it weren't for Loki, the first Avengers and Thor movies would have been unwatchable.
I liked the villain. There was no character development and she seemed random but her powers made you think "How in the f are they going to beat her?"
It was emotional. More than most Marvel movies. There were times when I felt bad for the characters and other times when I genuinely laughed.
And of course, I liked the action in the movie.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Almost to a billie, Marvel is back and its a hard R-rated flick as well.
I've been saying this shit over and over and over.

You can do rated R. Fuck this PG-13 softy bullshit.

"Oooh. We're cutting off part of our market. The kiddies won't be able to see it."

We saw rated R movies back in our day. Even if we had to pay some random person to buy our tickets, we got into the fucking movie theater. Plus, Who in the hell is stopping people paying money nowadays? They'll let you buy a ticket, if not, have somebody else buy the ticket.

Now, you can buy the ticket at a kiosk and not even have to see a person.

When movies started going PG-13 It really fucked shit up. There are more of us than there are of them. And the difference is we have the money to pay for the fucking tickets. They only have money they're fucking parents give them.

I bet you can name some movies on the top of your head that were shit, but if they were rated R instead of PG-13 they would have been much better - Venom is the first movie that comes to mind.

How the fuck you going to have a movie about a hero that eats people and have it PG-13? You going to cut away every time it eats? Fuck out of here

Y'all remember how much better wolverine was when it was finally rated R? Shit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
How high will it go ...?:idea:

Inside Out cracked the top 10 ....:eek2:


Inside Out 2 gonna be a solid top ten like maybe as high as 7.

I saw Deadpool again yesterday in 4dx and the theatre was 3/4 full.


What I tell you sensei?

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I think it speaks volumes that this movie has been out for over a month and the only thing people want to discuss is how much money it's making.

Not the plot, or the characters, or how this movie might affect the larger MCU. Nope. At least 3 Deapool/MCU related threads on the main board and NO real discussion is happening in any of them. Just people talking about how much it's grossing like they getting a percentage

I think the story in this was the weakest outta all 3 DP movies. And that's really saying something since the other 2 DP movies had TJ Miller in them.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I liked the movie but it was light on plot like was previously mentioned. However, it got my wife into MCU shit FINALLY so I know it’s doing something. Only so many fucking cop TV shows I can take, fam….
I swear every chick has at least one fucking cop show that they're obsessed with :lol:
The amount of FBI's and CSI's shows is insane.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think it speaks volumes that this movie has been out for over a month and the only thing people want to discuss is how much money it's making.

Not the plot, or the characters, or how this movie might affect the larger MCU. Nope. At least 3 Deapool/MCU related threads on the main board and NO real discussion is happening in any of them. Just people talking about how much it's grossing like they getting a percentage

I think the story in this was the weakest outta all 3 DP movies. And that's really saying something since the other 2 DP movies had TJ Miller in them.

My opinion...

First one was good
2nd one was unwatchable trash
3rd was good for a 1 time watch but no rewatchability


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think it speaks volumes that this movie has been out for over a month and the only thing people want to discuss is how much money it's making.

Not the plot, or the characters, or how this movie might affect the larger MCU. Nope. At least 3 Deapool/MCU related threads on the main board and NO real discussion is happening in any of them. Just people talking about how much it's grossing like they getting a percentage

I think the story in this was the weakest outta all 3 DP movies. And that's really saying something since the other 2 DP movies had TJ Miller in them.

I don't think that's fair.

People and these tik tok youtube social sites have been pumping out tons if content passed on Easter eggs, potential spin offs etc etc etc.

but I agree with you sales talk OVERALL is an issue but that's been going on for years now in music and movies and TV too with streaming.

Everyone thinks they are an executive now.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
My opinion...

First one was good
2nd one was unwatchable trash
3rd was good for a 1 time watch but no rewatchability
The 1st one has that amazing highway scene, but overall there is way too much TJ Miller & DP adlibbing.

The 2nd one is the most rewatchable cause of all the X force stuff.

The 3rd is worth exactly one watch. Hopefully in a crowded theater with people making all the appropriate yoooo and awww sounds whenever a new cameo pops up. Try to watch this at home on your own to really get into the characters and plot and .... good luck and have a nice nap.

I don't think that's fair.

People and these tik tok youtube social sites have been pumping out tons if content passed on Easter eggs, potential spin offs etc etc etc.

but I agree with you sales talk OVERALL is an issue but that's been going on for years now in music and movies and TV too with streaming.

Everyone thinks they are an executive now.
The closest I get to social media is BGOL. In previous Marvel movie threads there was usually a good discussion for a few pages. Even the Thor Love and Thunder and Antman Multiverse and the Quantumverse threads had some good discussions and those movies were trash.