[Box Office] - we have the 1st Billion Dollar movie of the year ..guess who ..?


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
And only been out 18 days ....:eek2:

At that rate it might break the top 20 easily... it`s sitting at 51 right now ...:money:

Bad Boys over $300 ... i am pleasantly surprised ..out doing all it`s predecessors .. that almost never happens especial the 4th one ...:yes:

Mad Max fail ....? I think so not hitting a 100 domestic is a fail to me ...




Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Hell yeah mad max is a fail they already canceled making the direct sequel to the first one so I heard on 1 of those YouTube insider movie shows cause of this installment


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
Hell yeah mad max is a fail they already canceled making the direct sequel to the first one so I heard on 1 of those YouTube insider movie shows cause of this installment

Dam ... i wonder how much the budget was they must have lost a lot of money ...