Brazilian woman arrested for alleged drug-fueled ‘Goodnight Cinderella’ murder of US businessman


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Official Name​

GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate)

Street Name​

G, liquid ecstasy, liquid x, grievous bodily harm, fantasy

What is it?​

GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) is produced naturally in the human body in very small amounts. When taken as a recreational drug, and especially when taken in combination with alcohol or other drugs, GHB can be extremely dangerous.

GHB is a central nervous system depressant. That means it makes you sleepy, and slows down your breathing and heart rate.

The only current medical use of GHB in Canada is as a treatment for narcolepsy, a rare sleep disorder.

It is illegal to possess, traffic, import or produce GHB in Canada.

Where does it come from?​

Access to pharmaceutical GHB is tightly regulated. GHB that is sold as a street drug is produced illegally using chemicals and processes that vary from lab to lab. The strength and purity of the final product also vary.

GHB “precursors” gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4-butanediol (BD) are commercially available industrial substances that are not intended for human consumption. When ingested, these substances are converted by the body into GHB. GBL and BD are also used to manufacture GHB.

What does it look like?​

In its liquid form, GHB looks like water. It has no smell, and is tasteless or has a slightly salty or solvent taste that can be easily masked. It is usually sold as a liquid in small vials. GHB is also available as a white powder or capsule.

Who uses it?​

GHB gained popularity in the 1990s as a “club drug” among young people for its euphoric and sedative effects. At the same time, GHB became notorious as a “date rape drug,” with reports that it was being slipped into drinks to facilitate sexual assault.

Users of GHB include body builders who believe the drug can help to reduce fat and build muscles. GHB also stimulates human growth hormone. Some users claim GHB enhances sexuality.

People who experience cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone) associated with narcolepsy may be prescribed GHB in its pharmaceutical form, known as Xyrem. For people with this condition, taking the drug at night helps to reduce daytime sleepiness.

A 2009 survey of Ontario students in grades 7 to 12 reported that 0.5 per cent had used GHB at least once in the past year. Adult use of GHB in Canada has not been studied.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unlimited f'upness...homie goes to brazil on "bizzness"..tries to fuck/gets murdered. White partner/family can't afford to have his body shipped home/bury pimpin.

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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Those judges are lenient asf for this stuff unless the US pushes. He's Black. How hard you think the US will push?

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
I thought this was only in Columbia. I didn’t know Brazil had something similar.. He picked her up in the area called Lapa. He took her to his spot in Leblon. If you’re looking to just fuck chics your best bet is to go to the termas. Picking up chics you just met can be dangerous.


Immigrant Expat
International Member
I thought this was only in Columbia. I didn’t know Brazil had something similar.. He picked her up in the area called Lapa. He took her to his spot in Leblon. If you’re looking to just fuck chics your best bet is to go to the termas. Picking up chics you just met can be dangerous.

But what are you gonna do though? Megatron you gotta be careful on your travels and keep your guard up... Kangaroos DO box and fight back


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I thought this was only in Columbia. I didn’t know Brazil had something similar.. He picked her up in the area called Lapa. He took her to his spot in Leblon. If you’re looking to just fuck chics your best bet is to go to the termas. Picking up chics you just met can be dangerous.
So you think crime only happens in certain countries? Everything you can think of happens everywhere.. hook a crook been happening since forever and whatever part of the world you’re in there will always be a demographic of broads that will set you up