Breaking: Anti-Israel protesters are attacking the police at Barnard College in New York City.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In this climate if you are a professional and publicly speak out against Israel you're done.

You better be papered up. They're cutting down on free speech. They can outlast you in court and break your pockets.

I've posted how if you go against Israel in my state of Georgia you risk the ability to receive state government contracts by law.


Platinum Member
In this climate if you are a professional and publicly speak out against Israel you're done.

You better be papered up. They're cutting down on free speech. They can outlast you in court and break your pockets.

I've posted how if you go against Israel in my state of Georgia you risk the ability to receive state government contracts by law.

Man I think That’s the same in Texas or Florida

No hurricane relief funds or something like that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
America was built on witchcraft and sorcery. We know they are devils but you lie to the subconscious long enough it will begin to believe the lies. Real history is a black and white thing. Space technology is a black and white thing. What they are doing in Israel is more practice of what they got in plan for us. Actually they have already done it to us before. They plan on doing it again but this time for good. The clock of destiny is ticking out. All the evidence proves that on every part of this earth blacks were there before any other race. Yet slavery happened because of satan's rule. We could not even act like whites were devils during slavery. Elijah Muhammad was the first we saw to bring a message of truth. They killed the messenger but the message is still the truth yesterday and now. We live in fear, our fear of unemployment, prison, homelessness, death, etc. They live in fear of us regaining control of ourselves.