Breaking: Federal prosecutors broke law in Jeffrey Epstein (Pedo) case, judge rules (Trump related)


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BGOL Investor

Breaking: Federal prosecutors broke law in Jeffrey Epstein case, judge rules

A judge ruled Thursday that federal prosecutors — among them, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta— broke federal law when they signed a plea agreement with a wealthy, politically connected sex trafficker and concealed it from more than 30 of his underage victims.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth A. Marra, in a 33-page opinion, said that the evidence he reviewed showed that Jeffrey Epstein had been operating an international sex operation in which he and others recruited underage girls — not only in Florida — but from overseas, in violation of federal law.

“Epstein used paid employees to find and bring minor girls to him.,’’ wrote Marra, who is based in Palm Beach County. “Epstein worked in concert with others to obtain minors not only for his own sexual gratification, but also for the sexual gratification of others.’’

Instead of prosecuting Epstein under federal sex trafficking laws, Acosta, then the U.S. attorney in Miami, helped negotiate a non-prosecution agreement that gave Epstein and his co-conspirators immunity from federal prosecution. Epstein, who lived in a Palm Beach mansion, was allowed to quietly plead guilty in state court to two prostitution charges and served just 13 months in the county jail. His accomplices, some of whom have never been identified, were never charged.
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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Trump was sued for rape by minor girl in a "fixed" Epstein case


Trump was involved in Epstein's actions. Trump was sued by the minor girls. The case was "fixed" before the election.



Katie Johnson vs. Trump and Epstein: Case 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS Document 1 Filed 04/26/16



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Curious, Does anyone thing underage sex is what Russia has on Trump? If so, could that legitimately bring his presidency down?

I asked, because i don't believe for a second, if his based learned that he had sex with minors they would bat an eye.

I wouldn't doubt it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Curious, Does anyone thing underage sex is what Russia has on Trump? If so, could that legitimately bring his presidency down?

I asked, because i don't believe for a second, if his based learned that he had sex with minors they would bat an eye.
If they could prove Trump was involved in a pedo ring, he be done no mater what his inbred base would think.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Donald Trump, Robert Kraft, and Jeffrey Epstein: it’s all coming out now

It’s time we talk about Jeffrey Epstein. You know who he is: financier, philanthropist, registered sex offender and Donald Trump’s travel buddy. After sexually abusing dozens of under-age girls, Epstein received a mere slap on the wrist by then prosecutor, Alex Acosta, who is now Trump’s Secretary of Labor. Because of course.

The Epstein prosecution has now been ruled illegal by a judge, as Acosta refused to follow the law. We will see what happens to Epstein in the next months, but don’t expect this to go away any time soon. Epstein ran a plane service dubbed the “Lolita Express” in which he would host parties with underage girls in the privacy of his 727. Those who allegedly partook of such travels were Alan Dershowitz, of Fox News and Harvard Law fame, Prince Andrew, and, because, (of course!), Bill Clinton who was known to dodge his Secret Service detail for such junkets. If any of these men sexually abused under-aged girls, then all of them must go down and take the jail time.

The investigation is going to be an ugly one. There are now investigations into Trump Model Management, the modeling agency accused of bringing in underage girls from Eastern Europe to work as escorts for Trump’s rich friends. Apparently the tapes Putin may have of Trump are far worse than the Pee Pee Tape, as they too are alleged to be of him raping children.

None of this is pretty. None of it is going away. With Epstein being looked at through a microscope, all of this will be investigated. The #MeToo movement is also empowering the women who were abused as young girls to speak out. If being Putin’s lapdog wasn’t enough, if selling our nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia wasn’t enough, I predict this will finally be enough.

We now know that Donald Trump’s close friend, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, has been charged in relation to a sex trafficking ring in Jupiter, Florida. According to ESPN, he is apparently not the biggest name involved. Which makes one wonder, whose name are they holding back for now, and why? Who is even bigger than the owner of an NFL team? Just a reminder, the “spa” where Kraft committed his alleged crimes is located about 20 miles north of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. Brace yourself, America.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Donald Trump, Robert Kraft, and Jeffrey Epstein: it’s all coming out now

It’s time we talk about Jeffrey Epstein. You know who he is: financier, philanthropist, registered sex offender and Donald Trump’s travel buddy. After sexually abusing dozens of under-age girls, Epstein received a mere slap on the wrist by then prosecutor, Alex Acosta, who is now Trump’s Secretary of Labor. Because of course.

The Epstein prosecution has now been ruled illegal by a judge, as Acosta refused to follow the law. We will see what happens to Epstein in the next months, but don’t expect this to go away any time soon. Epstein ran a plane service dubbed the “Lolita Express” in which he would host parties with underage girls in the privacy of his 727. Those who allegedly partook of such travels were Alan Dershowitz, of Fox News and Harvard Law fame, Prince Andrew, and, because, (of course!), Bill Clinton who was known to dodge his Secret Service detail for such junkets. If any of these men sexually abused under-aged girls, then all of them must go down and take the jail time.

The investigation is going to be an ugly one. There are now investigations into Trump Model Management, the modeling agency accused of bringing in underage girls from Eastern Europe to work as escorts for Trump’s rich friends. Apparently the tapes Putin may have of Trump are far worse than the Pee Pee Tape, as they too are alleged to be of him raping children.

None of this is pretty. None of it is going away. With Epstein being looked at through a microscope, all of this will be investigated. The #MeToo movement is also empowering the women who were abused as young girls to speak out. If being Putin’s lapdog wasn’t enough, if selling our nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia wasn’t enough, I predict this will finally be enough.

We now know that Donald Trump’s close friend, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, has been charged in relation to a sex trafficking ring in Jupiter, Florida. According to ESPN, he is apparently not the biggest name involved. Which makes one wonder, whose name are they holding back for now, and why? Who is even bigger than the owner of an NFL team? Just a reminder, the “spa” where Kraft committed his alleged crimes is located about 20 miles north of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. Brace yourself, America.


Who knows how high and far this type of behavior goes. Who knows how many rich white executives across industries are involved in this type of stuff. Also, you better believe if one goes down for something like this then they're are snitching and a lot of big names are going to be outed.

What you thought movies like Eyes Wide Shut etc were not based on these very real underground worlds?
Why do you think Trump ran a "modelling agency?" For legit modelling business or for recruitment?
How do you think he met his wife?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
BREAKING NEWS: Dems call on Trump to fire Acosta

By Juliegrace Brufke - 02/22/19 04:01 PM EST

Three House Democrats are collecting signatures for a letter calling on President Trump to demand the resignation of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta.

The push comes a day after a federal judge ruled that Acosta and other federal prosecutors acted illegally in making a plea deal with accused child sexual abuser and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein before speaking with his victims.

“Despite abundant evidence and multiple witnesses still willing to come forward, then-U.S. Attorney Acosta failed to charge Epstein under federal trafficking laws, which could have put Epstein away for life,” the letter states. “Instead, he pleaded guilty to far lesser prostitution-related charges and served only 13 months in a private wing of a county jail but was able to leave 6 days a week for 12 hours at a time.”

A police investigation found that Epstein had sexually abused dozens of girls. He got a shockingly light sentence.

The money manager was accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion between 2001 and 2006. But as Julie K. Brown reports at the Miami Herald, he ultimately got just 13 months in a county jail, thanks to a deal signed by Alexander Acosta, then the US Attorney for Miami and now President Trump’s secretary of labor. On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that Acosta’s team broke the law by concealing the agreement from more than 30 girls who said Epstein abused them, Brown reports.

He was granted work release to go to a “comfortable office” for 12 hours a day, six days a week, despite the fact that the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department prohibited work release for sex offenders.

Jeffrey Epstein: sex offender reaches settlement, averting victim testimonies

He was also good friends with Donald Trump, who described Epstein to New York magazine in 2002 as someone who“enjoys his social life.”

Much of Epstein’s “social life” involved very young women. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years,” Trump said at the time. “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor

Who knows how high and far this type of behavior goes. Who knows how many rich white executives across industries are involved in this type of stuff. Also, you better believe if one goes down for something like this then they're are snitching and a lot of big names are going to be outed.

What you thought movies like Eyes Wide Shut etc were not based on these very real underground worlds?
Why do you think Trump ran a "modelling agency?" For legit modelling business or for recruitment?
How do you think he met his wife?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

@cashwhisperer I believe this maybe the *key* to all this craziness with Trump and Russia. This opens the door to all sorts of nastiest and all sorts of undisclosed folks.
I really believe Trump is operating on if you don't protect me and I go down then so will you and lose everything.

It's like that Hollywood story I read a few years back about
Hayden Panettiere, The cheerleader in Heroes being hoed around in hollywood on some underground sex ring thing.


Rising Star
BREAKING NEWS: Dems call on Trump to fire Acosta

By Juliegrace Brufke - 02/22/19 04:01 PM EST

Three House Democrats are collecting signatures for a letter calling on President Trump to demand the resignation of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta.

The push comes a day after a federal judge ruled that Acosta and other federal prosecutors acted illegally in making a plea deal with accused child sexual abuser and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein before speaking with his victims.

“Despite abundant evidence and multiple witnesses still willing to come forward, then-U.S. Attorney Acosta failed to charge Epstein under federal trafficking laws, which could have put Epstein away for life,” the letter states. “Instead, he pleaded guilty to far lesser prostitution-related charges and served only 13 months in a private wing of a county jail but was able to leave 6 days a week for 12 hours at a time.”

A police investigation found that Epstein had sexually abused dozens of girls. He got a shockingly light sentence.

The money manager was accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion between 2001 and 2006. But as Julie K. Brown reports at the Miami Herald, he ultimately got just 13 months in a county jail, thanks to a deal signed by Alexander Acosta, then the US Attorney for Miami and now President Trump’s secretary of labor. On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that Acosta’s team broke the law by concealing the agreement from more than 30 girls who said Epstein abused them, Brown reports.

He was granted work release to go to a “comfortable office” for 12 hours a day, six days a week, despite the fact that the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department prohibited work release for sex offenders.

I am really beginning to hate the democrats - in political positions - as entities - more than the republicans. this sh*t has been pubic record since day one. Rachel Maddow did a whole segment on this a looooooonnnnnnng time ago and the b*tchass Dems twiddled their thumbs. Not an ounce of courage throughout the lot of them. NOW they puff up because a "federal Judge" gives them cover. I swear politicians are the worst. No one stood for these victims but now its a political chip to be pushed to the middle of the tale. The victims are now victims again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

It's like that Hollywood story I read a few years back about
Hayden Panettiere, The cheerleader in Heroes being hoed around in hollywood on some underground sex ring thing.

WHAT?!! I knew she had a thing for older cats, dating the Klitschco cat and Milo also on heroes..... But got damn she got turned out like that...?!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All those Republican faggots in positions of power conspired to get their boy dump in office

They used their media and the whores they employed to work with the Feds .....

And right before the election they got their fbi boy whore comey to fuck hillary up a week before the elections..

But Feds had nothing to say on trump raping underaged human trafficked girls tho...

Comey needs to come clean on who gave him the orders to pull that monkey shit... to kick off this fuckin monkey show

In the white house.. .

These super wealthy parasites got their boy in illegally and heads need to fucking roll...

People are too fucking stupid to realize the super wealthy is fucking the masses of middle and lower incomers in the ass.

and got the whole nations looking at trump and not his fuckin puppeteers...

When are we going to grow the fuck up..

Not get so amused by the colors and flashing hypnotic lights of news programs like faux news

CNN etc...

When are we gonna open our eyes and truly see the super wealthy parasites pulling the strings..

It's such a simple concept in capitalistic society we find ourselves in..

Just ignore the distractions and follow the money

Can I get a ETA???


BGOL Investor

Who knows how high and far this type of behavior goes. Who knows how many rich white executives across industries are involved in this type of stuff. Also, you better believe if one goes down for something like this then they're are snitching and a lot of big names are going to be outed.

What you thought movies like Eyes Wide Shut etc were not based on these very real underground worlds?
Why do you think Trump ran a "modelling agency?" For legit modelling business or for recruitment?
How do you think he met his wife?
How high and far? Look to the Vatican that’s the highest it’s gonna go


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
I am really beginning to hate the democrats - in political positions - as entities - more than the republicans. this sh*t has been pubic record since day one. Rachel Maddow did a whole segment on this a looooooonnnnnnng time ago and the b*tchass Dems twiddled their thumbs. Not an ounce of courage throughout the lot of them. NOW they puff up because a "federal Judge" gives them cover. I swear politicians are the worst. No one stood for these victims but now its a political chip to be pushed to the middle of the tale. The victims are now victims again.
You really dont understand congressional politics, do you?

House democrats now have power to make things happen.

It hasnt been that way for 10 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is why nobody will openly shit on trump. They are all either in bed oligarchs or children. Those are the Only two reasons anyone would ignore all the shit Trump does.


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BGOL Investor
Miami U.S. Attorney's Office recuses itself from Jeffrey Epstein case

Source: Miami Herald

Just days before a Friday deadline, the Justice Department has reassigned the Jeffrey Epstein victims’ rights case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Atlanta, the attorneys representing Epstein’s victims said Tuesday.

Miami federal prosecutors, in a letter to attorneys for the victims on Monday, said they had recused themselves from the case, according to Brad Edwards and Jack Scarola, representing Epstein’s victims.

The reassignment means that the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, Byung J. “BJay” Pak, will oversee the case for the government. Pak, a former Georgia lawmaker, was appointed Atlanta’s chief federal prosecutor by President Donald Trump in October 2017.

The Justice Department is still under a Friday deadline for prosecutors to confer with the victims’ attorneys in an effort to settle the case. On Feb. 22, U.S. District Judge Kenneth A. Marra in Palm Beach County ruled that federal prosecutors, under former Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta, broke the law when they concealed a plea agreement from more than 30 underage girls in Palm Beach who had been sexually abused by Epstein, a multimillionaire New York hedge fund manager.

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BGOL Investor
Trump supporter Alan Dershowitz accused -- in open court -- of having sex with victim of billionaire's

Source: Raw Story

Alan Dershowitz was accused in federal appeals court of involvement in billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking ring, The Daily Beast reported Wednesday evening. The allegations were made before the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday.

The case is over a lawsuit filed by the Miami Herald and thirty other media organizations to unseal documents in a lawsuit by Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

Giuffre’s attorney, Paul Cassell, said witness testimony shows Dershowitz’s involvement in the alleged trafficking. “When all the records come out it will show that Epstein and [Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine] Maxwell were trafficking girls to the benefit of his friends, including Mr. Dershowitz,” Cassell said.

Epstein is also reportedly friends with President Donald Trump, who Dershowitz frequently defends on television.

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