BREAKING NEWS: 2 Delta planes collide while taxiing at Atlanta airport, knocking tail section from one


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
There is a shortage of commercial airline pilots in this country cuz these airlines, like other employers, refuse to invest into the American education system getting young people engaged in getting a pilot’s license.

They are fast tracking mofos thru these flight schools and throwing them into these jets before they are ready.

Good chance that regional jet pilot is inexperienced.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fuck is going on? A couple days ago two planes were cleared for landing and take off at the same time and barely missed hitting each other. :smh:
It's not normal for planes to takeoff and land on the same runway.
Normally one runway is designated for takeoffs....and another designated for landing.
The ATC personnel gonna get some people killed.