Brian Tyler Cohen 4m · GLOVES OFF: Jasmine Crockett hits Trump where it hurts MOST


Rising Star
Platinum Member
No, this "Broad" is has a spine and is FEARLESS.
This broad is a clown, she thinks being uncouth and ghetto is some sort of relatable trait that black people want to attach themselves to on a political level
No, this "Broad", as you say, is extremely well educated, an accomplished layer, and had her own firm. She comes to work prepared and loaded with receipts. Debate her at your peril because she WILL hand you your head by shooting you with facts.
She is FEARLESS... unlike most of the other democratic congress people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This broad is a clown, she thinks being uncouth and ghetto is some sort of relatable trait that black people want to attach themselves to on a political level
What the hell? I'll take things a white person would think for 500 Alex.