Broke Thug Beat 3 Year Old Child For Eating Last Piece Of Cheesecake


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
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Broke Thug Beat 3 Year Old Child For Eating Last Piece Of Cheesecake
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A Tennessee toddler is in critical condition after his mom's boyfriend savagely beat him for eating the last slice of cheesecake, police said.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
the most dangerous person to be around a child is a man that is not that child's father. It is unnatural for a man to be around a child and raise it like it is his own when it is not. In the animal world, the very first thing a lion does when he takes over a new pride is kill the Cubs from the previous male. many human males often do the same thing, or treat the kid poorly, or have a quick temper and exact harsh discipline in essence because they don't want this child around.

some men step up to the job, but most just want to have sex with the mother.


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
the most dangerous person to be around a child is a man that is not that child's father. It is unnatural for a man to be around a child and raise it like it is his own when it is not. In the animal world, the very first thing a lion does when he takes over a new pride is kill the cubs from the previous male. Many human males often do the same thing, or treat the kid poorly, or have a quick temper and exact harsh discipline in essence because they don't want this child around.

Some men step up to the job, but most just want to have sex with the mother.



Wait for it.....
OG Investor
the most dangerous person to be around a child is a man that is not that child's father. It is unnatural for a man to be around a child and raise it like it is his own when it is not. In the animal world, the very first thing a lion does when he takes over a new pride is kill the Cubs from the previous male. many human males often do the same thing, or treat the kid poorly, or have a quick temper and exact harsh discipline in essence because they don't want this child around.

some men step up to the job, but most just want to have sex with the mother.

Never a truer statement made on bgol!:cool:

No doubt women, especially the sistas, who do this to their own seed are very
suspect as far as their natural order goes...:smh: to fail to protect and keep
safe their own child for some new dick,....:smh:

A new dude that is cruel enuf to treat your existing child bad and then the broad
can't figure out why he's not around when he has a seed by the same bitch. :smh:

Viscous cycle that needs to be addressed from both points of view, these bitch
made dudes who would do this to a child and these bitches that let them.

Auto Self Destruct - Psyche result of slavery and oppression

Low self Esteem - Result of low emotional intelligence and denial.

Pure hate for
the bio father
- Result of low emotional intelligence/denial and brainwashing.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
cheese cake serious tho. Every last one of those niggas sound hella ignorant

It's any excuse. He doesn't want the kid around, so anything the kid does was going to set him off. It would have happened if the kid drank the last bit of kool-aid. Even being around another man's kid when you are fucking that man's ex is something that is unnatural. I have a cousin that did it, manned up and was a father to his girlfriend's - now wife's - 3 kids, but his father did the same thing for his two brother's and his sister. I have another uncle that did the same thing for my aunt's 3 sons, but men who are willing to do this are rare.

There is a certain diminished power when dealing with a woman's kids that aren't yours. "Don't yell at my kid." "Don't touch my kid!" "If they do something, tell me and I'll deal with them."

I'm not playing grown babysitter in my own house, or a home I live in. That is a reason that I wouldn't do it. THere are other reasons, but this is one.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
well now the fuckin moron has a record for

child beating, and has to go to jail and explain

why he is in there...

thats gonna leave a mark!!!

talk about bad decision making...