Cacs Cacing: Kevin Sorbo accused of sexual harassment by former co-star Haley Webb #metoo


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Kevin Sorbo accused of sexual harassment by former co-star Haley Webb

William Hughes

6/21/19 7:43pm
Filed to: FILM

Photo: Vivien Killilea (Getty Images), Loreen Sarkis (Getty Images)
Earlier this week, former Hercules actor-turned-conservative and religious movie strawman Kevin Sorbo drew attention to himself online, criticizing the forces of feminism for refusing to speak out in support of soon-to-be-departing White House press secretary Sarah Sanders. A great many people criticized Sorbo for his comments, but one took it to a much more specific and detailed place: Actress Haley Webb, who starred with Sorbo in 2015's Single In South Beach, and who has now accused the actor of propositioning and sexually harassing her on the set of a film.

Webb—who also starred in Teen Wolf and 2009's TheFinal Destination—has yet to talk to press about the allegations, which include an accusation that Sorbo intentionally lobbied directors (presumably South Beach’s Alejandro Itkin and Hunter Carson) for an extraneous sex scene between their characters after she refused his advances. Sorbo has yet to address the allegations directly, but did post a very boilerplate “Oh, so we’re just believing people when they say things?” comment on Twitter today.


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I gave up on Kevin Sorbo a long time ago, after he came out as an ultra conservative bigot.
He's in that category of celebrities who I used to like, but who's political stances have completely soured how I now look at them.
Prime examples:



Mind you; it's not that I now dislike them because they're Republicans/Conservatives. But because they've ALL openly and proudly aligned themselves with & supported party ideals that are detrimental to the well being of poor, disenfranchised and marginalized people in this country. And (in some cases) detrimental to Black people in particular. (Stacey Dash). :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck this ignorant, untalented, hypocritical Trump-supporting trash.

By the way, notice how openly conservative these washed up cacs get when the acting jobs dry up. They’re all fine and dandy with “liberal Hollywood” when they’re collecting a paycheck though.
yeah and whats sad is , at times u can draw a parallel , to how u ever wonder when u will see some blackfolks who live shitty live all of a sudden become "politically active" and start spewing right wing rhetoric becos their lives arent going as successful as they wished it was? start blaming "foreign blacks and immigrants for all their woes?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I gave up on Kevin Sorbo a long time ago, after he came out as an ultra conservative bigot.
He's in that category of celebrities who I used to like, but who's political stances have completely soured how I now look at them.
Prime examples:



Mind you; it's not that I now dislike them because they're Republicans/Conservatives. But because they've ALL openly and proudly aligned themselves with & supported party ideals that are detrimental to the well being of poor, disenfranchised and marginalized people in this country. And (in some cases) detrimental to Black people in particular. (Stacey Dash). :smh:
and none of them had a problem with "liberal hollywood" when they were on the gravy train with all their "liberal hollywood" co-stars and liberal charities and liberal organization and attended liberal parties with caviar and fake titties model.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and none of them had a problem with "liberal hollywood" when they were on the gravy train with all their "liberal hollywood" co-stars and liberal charities and liberal organization and attended liberal parties with caviar and fake titties model.
And notice, most of them became very openly political after this guy was elected POTUS.

Gee, I wonder why...? :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I gave up on Kevin Sorbo a long time ago, after he came out as an ultra conservative bigot.
He's in that category of celebrities who I used to like, but who's political stances have completely soured how I now look at them.
Prime examples:



Mind you; it's not that I now dislike them because they're Republicans/Conservatives. But because they've ALL openly and proudly aligned themselves with & supported party ideals that are detrimental to the well being of poor, disenfranchised and marginalized people in this country. And (in some cases) detrimental to Black people in particular. (Stacey Dash). :smh:

Yeah bro. I don't give a fuck if someone wants to be conservative, but it seems like prideful conservatives all subscribe to an evil mentality of hate


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah bro. I don't give a fuck if someone wants to be conservative, but it seems like prideful conservatives all subscribe to an evil mentality of hate
They love to call for cutbacks on government social programs "entitlements" spending that actually aids poor people and tell them bullshit like; "Work harder and pull yourself up by the bootstrap to succeed" . As to say the vast majority of poor, impoverished & disenfranchised people haven't already been doing that shit ALL THEIR FUCKING LIVES... :hmm::hmm::hmm:
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They love to call for cutbacks on government social programs "entitlements" spending that actually aids poor people and tell them bullshit like; "Work harder and pull yourself up by the bootstrap to succeed" . As to say the vast majority of poor, impoverished & disenfranchised people haven't already been doing that shit ALL THEIR FUCKING LIVES... :hmm::hmm::hmm:

They keep saying "liberal Hollywood elites" don't understand real if a trust fund baby that gets a job based on nepotism is somehow in touch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I gave up on Kevin Sorbo a long time ago, after he came out as an ultra conservative bigot.
He's in that category of celebrities who I used to like, but who's political stances have completely soured how I now look at them.
Prime examples:



Mind you; it's not that I now dislike them because they're Republicans/Conservatives. But because they've ALL openly and proudly aligned themselves with & supported party ideals that are detrimental to the well being of poor, disenfranchised and marginalized people in this country. And (in some cases) detrimental to Black people in particular. (Stacey Dash). :smh:
Nah not coach, damn


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah not coach, damn
Coach/Mr. Incredible himself... :smh:
Craig T Nelson is one of those "No government handouts/entitlements" conservatives. I saw an interview with him (on Fox News I think) where he was stroking his own cock talking about how he became successful with NO outside help or government aide. He seemed to be insinuating that; unlike most poor people, his success is due to him being totally self reliant and hard working and that somehow the vast majority of poor people are not.
Fuck that bullshit...:hmm:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
True, he had like one show and Xena>>>>Hercules

It's as actually VERY scary and f**king sad the we have seen a lot of these "white" TV heroes be exposed willingly as filthy racists and predators.

Superman, duke's of hazard, hulk hogan etc

Now imagine what may have been happening to black fans if these assholes?

And I was a huge Xena and Hercules fan coming up.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Serious question how is this bug eyed cave honky surviving? He still eating off Hercules? Was t that out in the fucking 90’s? What do people like him do for money? Scott Bayo too. What the fuck are they doing for money? Working g at apple bee on weekends?