Cacs Cacing: Paris Hilton Doesn’t Believe the Women Who’ve Accused Trump of Assault


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aris Hilton wants you to know she didn’t vote for Donald Trump. She didn’t vote at all, actually, contrary to what she told an Australian morning show in November, just a week after her family’s longtime friend made his surprising ascent to the presidency. But if she had voted, would she have voted for Trump? You already know the unfortunate answer.

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl. And he’s always been so nice, so respectful, and sweet," she told writer Irin Carmon in a Marie Claireinterview and in further excerpts from the conversation that Carmon posted on Twitter. While Hilton told Carmon that she identifies as a feminist (“I just feel it’s about women’s empowerment and girl power, and I’m very into that”), she revealed that she wasn’t bothered by Trump’s comments to Howard Stern, where he described first meeting Hilton at age 12 (“The first time I saw her she walked into the room, I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’”).

Hilton also didn’t mind Trump’s comments in the Access Hollywood tape where he made his now infamous “grab them by the pussy” comment on a hot mic, saying she believes that he wouldn’t assault a woman. But what about the many women who have come forward claiming that Trump has done just that?

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“I think that they are just trying to get attention and get fame. I feel like, a lot of people, when something happens all these opportunists will come out,” she said. “They want to get money or to get paid to not say anything or get a settlement when nothing really happened. So I don’t believe any of that. And I’m sure that they were trying to be with him, too. Because a lot of women, I’ve seen, like him because he’s wealthy and he’s charming and good-looking so I feel like a lot of these girls just made the story up. I didn’t really pay attention to it. I heard a couple things about it. I don’t believe it.”

Hilton knows a thing or two about what it takes to get attention, which apparently includes saying good things about unpopular public figures. But accusing over a dozen women of lying about sexual assault has never been in her arsenal of tactics before, and this seems like an especially strange time to add it into the mix. Though given Trump’s influence on Hilton’s early life, perhaps we shouldn’t wonder why she can’t seem to stop herself from saying the wrong thing.


Rising Star
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Paris Hilton says she was sexually abused as a teen at boarding school

"It was really scary and something that I really had blocked out for many years, but it's coming back all the time now and I think about it."
By Emlyn TravisOctober 12, 2022 at 01:30 PM EDT

Paris Hilton has spoken out about the alleged abuse she says she faced as a teenager while attending Provo Canyon School, a therapeutic boarding school, in Utah.
Hilton claims that she and other female students were subjected to "medical exams" at "three or four in the morning" by multiple staff members as part of an exposé on the troubled teen industry published in the The New York Times on Tuesday.
"It wasn't even with a doctor — it was with a couple different staff members, where they would have us lay on the table and put their fingers inside of us," Hilton said. "I don't know what they were doing, but it was definitely not a doctor."


Paris Hilton

Holding back tears, Hilton added, "It was really scary and something that I really had blocked out for many years, but it's coming back all the time now and I think about it. Now, looking back as an adult, that was definitely sexual abuse."

Following its publication, the Cooking With Paris star shared the article on her Twitter account and further detailed the "cervical exams" she says she received at Provo.
"Sleep-deprived & heavily medicated, I didn't understand what was happening. I was forced to lie on a padded table, spread my legs & submit to cervical exams," she wrote. "I cried while they held me down & said, 'No!' They just said, 'Shut up. Be quiet. Stop struggling or you'll go to Obs.'"
Hilton added that it was a "recurring experience not only for me but for other survivors," saying, "I was violated & I am crying as I type this because no one, especially a child, should be sexually abused. My childhood was stolen from me & it kills me this is still happening to other innocent children."
She continued, "It's important to open up about these painful moments so I can heal & help put an end to this abuse."

A representative for Provo Canyon School responded to EW's request for comment, pointing to a media statement on its website that notes, "Provo Canyon School was sold by its previous ownership in August 2000. We therefore cannot comment on the operations or student experience prior to that time."
Hilton attended Provo Canyon School in the 1990s. She first opened up about her experience there in her 2020 YouTube documentary This Is Paris. The school, which came under Universal Health Services' ownership in 2000, is described on its website as an "intensive, psychiatric youth residential treatment center."
Since the documentary's release, Hilton has continued to be an advocate for child facility reform. In October 2021, she urged congress to pass the Accountability for Congregate Care Act in a passionate speech on Capitol Hill.
"I wish I could tell you that what I experienced and witnessed was unique or even rare, but sadly it's not," she said at the time. "Every day in America, children in congregate care settings are being physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. Children are even dying at the hands of those responsible for their care."


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor

Paris Hilton says she was sexually abused as a teen at boarding school

"It was really scary and something that I really had blocked out for many years, but it's coming back all the time now and I think about it."
By Emlyn TravisOctober 12, 2022 at 01:30 PM EDT

Paris Hilton has spoken out about the alleged abuse she says she faced as a teenager while attending Provo Canyon School, a therapeutic boarding school, in Utah.
Hilton claims that she and other female students were subjected to "medical exams" at "three or four in the morning" by multiple staff members as part of an exposé on the troubled teen industry published in the The New York Times on Tuesday.
"It wasn't even with a doctor — it was with a couple different staff members, where they would have us lay on the table and put their fingers inside of us," Hilton said. "I don't know what they were doing, but it was definitely not a doctor."


Paris Hilton

Holding back tears, Hilton added, "It was really scary and something that I really had blocked out for many years, but it's coming back all the time now and I think about it. Now, looking back as an adult, that was definitely sexual abuse."

Following its publication, the Cooking With Paris star shared the article on her Twitter account and further detailed the "cervical exams" she says she received at Provo.
"Sleep-deprived & heavily medicated, I didn't understand what was happening. I was forced to lie on a padded table, spread my legs & submit to cervical exams," she wrote. "I cried while they held me down & said, 'No!' They just said, 'Shut up. Be quiet. Stop struggling or you'll go to Obs.'"
Hilton added that it was a "recurring experience not only for me but for other survivors," saying, "I was violated & I am crying as I type this because no one, especially a child, should be sexually abused. My childhood was stolen from me & it kills me this is still happening to other innocent children."
She continued, "It's important to open up about these painful moments so I can heal & help put an end to this abuse."

A representative for Provo Canyon School responded to EW's request for comment, pointing to a media statement on its website that notes, "Provo Canyon School was sold by its previous ownership in August 2000. We therefore cannot comment on the operations or student experience prior to that time."
Hilton attended Provo Canyon School in the 1990s. She first opened up about her experience there in her 2020 YouTube documentary This Is Paris. The school, which came under Universal Health Services' ownership in 2000, is described on its website as an "intensive, psychiatric youth residential treatment center."
Since the documentary's release, Hilton has continued to be an advocate for child facility reform. In October 2021, she urged congress to pass the Accountability for Congregate Care Act in a passionate speech on Capitol Hill.
"I wish I could tell you that what I experienced and witnessed was unique or even rare, but sadly it's not," she said at the time. "Every day in America, children in congregate care settings are being physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. Children are even dying at the hands of those responsible for their care."

I don't believe her.


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Rising Star
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The machine has been working overtime the past few months trying to overhaul this chick's image. Instead of her being Paris Hilton, the coked-up, casually racist, trust-fund celebutante -- they're characterizing her as a strong Me-Too survivor who shed her "fake" dumb blonde persona to become a loving wife, mother, and entrepreneur. Bullshit!!

My guess is now that National politics has devolved into the People's Choice Awards, somebody somewhere is grooming her for a run at political office. If "First Lady" Melania could have nudes circulating the interwebs, then Representative Hilton might be able to get away with having an entire sex tape for sale. :smh:


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