Caught my 13 year old nephew searching for porn


Rising Star
I didn’t bust his balls, but told him it wasn't smart to use the living room TV and that everyone can see the search history.



Rising Star
Come on, chief; you saw the part where li'l man was searching about waxing balls and tight pants, and you're still asking if he had much influence?:lol:

Thank you-- Obviously, as a child of the 90s who has always sported baggy pants and a hairy sack, the child has not followed my path.


Rising Star
What would you say to your nephew in this situation?
Well, the first thing I'd do is run to the internet and post a picture of the gay ass search history that I took with my phone on b g o l, a notoriously safe space for the gays and not even make mention of how absurdly homosexual it was.

I'm hunkering down and bunkering up for your inevitable FTP air raid....


Rising Star
Well, the first thing I'd do is run to the internet and post a picture of the gay ass search history that I took with my phone on b g o l, a notoriously safe space for the gays and not even make mention of how absurdly homosexual it was.

I'm hunkering down and bunkering up for your inevitable FTP air raid....

So you have no actual advice on how to handle the situation. :hmm:

And posting it here was like the 8th thing I did. :hmm: :hmm:


Troll Hunter
BGOL Investor
You would be the one to study the reflection hoping to gain insight into my fabled life.

And of course only you would mistake a bong for a dildo. :smh:

Having a dick shaped bong around your 13 year old nephew raises a few questions.

Well, the first thing I'd do is run to the internet and post a picture of the gay ass search history that I took with my phone on b g o l, a notoriously safe space for the gays and not even make mention of how absurdly homosexual it was.

I'm hunkering down and bunkering up for your inevitable FTP air raid....

He air dropped that faggotry in here with confidence. With a dick shaped bong on the table. Like we are supposed to know it's a bong.