Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men Down

dime bag

Rising Star
NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley spoke candidly about the problems facing the black community when appearing on a Philadelphia radio station, accusing “unintelligent,” “brainwashed” African-Americans of keeping successful ones down.

While appearing on “Afternoons with Anthony Gargano and Rob Ellis,” Barkley was asked about a rumor that Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson was getting criticism from his black teammates for not being, quote, “black enough.”

Barkley went on a long monologue on the subject: ”Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we’re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. It’s a dirty, dark secret; I’m glad it’s coming out.”

Barkley said that young black men who do well in school are accused of “acting white” by their peers. “One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret.”

“There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don’t have success,” he continued. “It’s best to knock a successful black person down because they’re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they’re successful…”

“We’re the only ethnic group who say, ‘Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.’ It’s just typical BS that goes on when you’re black, man.”

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Let's not make Barkley the voice of black folk............please??????


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men


I dont know any black person who thinksits a goid thing or honorable to go to prison GTFOH


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

This "unintelligent", "brainwashed" married to a cave-bitch negro has some nerve.


He should just be grateful he was able to excel athletically otherwise he'd be in the same position he's looking down on.


Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I thought Charles Barkley was on the coon train :confused:


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.

good point


BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.

Co sign


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

dumbest shit I've ever heard

fuck white supremacy, fuck 400 years of slavery, fuck the Jim Crow period, fuck 30 years of red lining,fuck the creation of unions to keep blacks unemployed, fuck the creation of crack to destroy black communities, fuck the piss poor schools they have for black children; fuck it all let's blame other black folks. Tell Charles Barkley to go eat a dick in his attempts to keep white folks happy


Rising Star
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.

good point

dumbest shit I've ever heard

fuck white supremacy, fuck 400 years of slavery, fuck the Jim Crow period, fuck 30 years of red lining,fuck the creation of unions to keep blacks unemployed, fuck the creation of crack to destroy black communities, fuck the piss poor schools they have for black children; fuck it all let's blame other black folks. Tell Charles Barkley to go eat a dick in his attempts to keep white folks happy

Man, I was about to type a long ass reply to people agreeing with this BS. Thanks for saving me the hassle.


BGOL Legend
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.



Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Charles Barkley is so on point. People who share my same skin tone are trying to hold me down. This is true racism and there are many racist brothas in our community. Get a job dats for white people. Go to the doctor? Just heal yoself with a tree from Ghana. Bullshit like this.

No the mind set is coming from a weak school system, bad living conditions, a young black teen getting into trouble and not getting the help he needs to grow a real man. We need to build our wealth up to the white people level and control our own shit. At the end of the day we are responsible for our own actions but you still have many whites with money who still have a salve master mentality and some blacks still have a slave mentality........for example South Carolina.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

dumbest shit I've ever heard

fuck white supremacy, fuck 400 years of slavery, fuck the Jim Crow period, fuck 30 years of red lining,fuck the creation of unions to keep blacks unemployed, fuck the creation of crack to destroy black communities, fuck the piss poor schools they have for black children; fuck it all let's blame other black folks. Tell Charles Barkley to go eat a dick in his attempts to keep white folks happy

It's simplifying things and telling half the story

Crabs in the barrel has always existed, and it was never a secret

Slavery and being denied access to education is why some of us view education that way


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

It's simplifying things and telling half the story

Crabs in the barrel has always existed, and it was never a secret

Slavery and being denied access to education is why some of us view education that way

Its almost as if the two things cannot co-exist in the minds of people like Charles Barkley. Crabs in a barrel and white supremacy can co-exist. Crabs in a barrel makes it easier for white supremacy to succeed but to totally remove white oppression as being in any way responsible for the current Black condition is totally idiotic at best.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

dumbest shit I've ever heard

fuck white supremacy, fuck 400 years of slavery, fuck the Jim Crow period, fuck 30 years of red lining,fuck the creation of unions to keep blacks unemployed, fuck the creation of crack to destroy black communities, fuck the piss poor schools they have for black children; fuck it all let's blame other black folks. Tell Charles Barkley to go eat a dick in his attempts to keep white folks happy

none of that has anything to do with black kids picking on other black kids for doing well in school.

as someone who learned early on to do well in school but not be super public about it i am sure that the kids that attempted to pick on me had no knowledge of what you were talking about.

i had to learn to hide my intellect early and be an 'athlete' not to get picked on.

yes, the system of racism has impacted black people. but barkley has a leg to stand on here. crab in the barrel syndrome is not new and it is real.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Chuck doesn't speak for me or share the same views. On this one I think he's spot on. I've certainly seen this and I believe most of you have too. In my case it isn't only my neighbors in the hood I grew up in but also extends to my own family. First off I'm not anywhere near as successful (wealth wise) as say an athlete or entertainer. We're blessed no doubt but none of it came with out a great deal of hard work, discipline or just plain doing without. With all this I see the very thing at my level in life that Charles was talking about. I agree it's not all black people that act or feel this way. For me the bottom line is you can do anything you want except blame the next man for what you don't have or didn't get or accomplish due to worrying about not being black enough. Just my 2 cents


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

See YOU would have those brothas Barkley speaks of living along side the successful brothas and sistas. That 19th century thinking won't work in 2015. I'm already ahead in the calander yr. I wouldn't want my kids to be raised around the troubled kids and horrid brothas and sistas who don't have the skill set to be a Cosby like parent for example. I believe in economic segregation. I only support black businesses of Quality. I have several friends that I suport. I drive 40 mins a haircut that's dedication.

You know that may not be a bad idea. Of course you are going to have a few jealous assholes but I think it would benefit the our young black people to see a successful bother and sister everyday.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.

This is not a black issue.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

He tells his white wife that it's not their fault, and at the same time he says it's all ours. And then he says it's a "dirty little secret"? Fuck outta here. When did it become the norm to lack gray in our thinking? Pardon the pun, but this shit ain't as black and white as the "spokesman" makes it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

This "unintelligent", "brainwashed" married to a cave-bitch negro has some nerve.


He should just be grateful he was able to excel athletically otherwise he'd be in the same position he's looking down on.
Hes a clown. All his wealth goes to an ugly white bitch.


Rising Star
OG Investor
He tells his white wife that it's not their fault, and at the same time he says it's all ours. And then he says it's a "dirty little secret"? Fuck outta here. When did it become the norm to lack gray in our thinking? Pardon the pun, but this shit ain't as black and white as the "spokesman" makes it.
This thread will be overrun by house niggas.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

none of that has anything to do with black kids picking on other black kids for doing well in school.

as someone who learned early on to do well in school but not be super public about it i am sure that the kids that attempted to pick on me had no knowledge of what you were talking about.

i had to learn to hide my intellect early and be an 'athlete' not to get picked on.

yes, the system of racism has impacted black people. but barkley has a leg to stand on here. crab in the barrel syndrome is not new and it is real.

kids pick on other kids in school so what's your point? That has nothing to do with race. before you sit there and deny the systematic racism in the educational system have some sort of understanding before you coon it up. you got picked on due to your lame personality not due to your race. sometimes we have to state the obvious and stop looking for a crutch for which held our childhood back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

Why are we posting shit from a racist website like the dailycaller?


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

This is not a black issue.

while it is not solely a black issue it is definitely a larger issue in black schools.

as someone that went to well to a well to do white schools and well to do black schools i can tell u that it was far worse in the black schools.

as a matter of fact in the white schools we didn't get picked on at all for being smart. u got picked on for being dumb.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
Fuck a Charles Barkley.... This ain't no damn dirty little secret... Nerds get teased all the time no matter their ethnicity.... Difference is black nerds take it in stride and white nerds go Columbine.....

I’m just out here working hard every single day, just trying to be the best poster I can be....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

honestly barkley has a valid point. :dunno:

it starts early in life. kids who do well in school get picked on for doing well. it just translates on to later in life as well.

no u don't geeks get picked on..u can be a clown with good grades, u can be a thug with good grades..ur character has nothing to do with ur intelligence...i was a bigtime class clown that had great grades..disrupt the class, cut class, get kicked out the class, but at the end of the day still damn near got perfect scores on test turned in majority of my homework, killed all assignments so they had no choice but to pass me..the worst nigga they hated an asshole that they couldn't fail:dance::dance:


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

no u don't geeks get picked on..u can be a clown with good grades, u can be a thug with good grades..ur character has nothing to do with ur intelligence...i was a bigtime class clown that had great grades..disrupt the class, cut class, get kicked out the class, but at the end of the day still damn near got perfect scores on test turned in majority of my homework, killed all assignments so they had no choice but to pass me..the worst nigga they hated an asshole that they couldn't fail:dance::dance:

I was also one of those A's and B's for my grades, and N's and U's for conduct. Drove my pops mad! One day, after looking at one of my progress reports, he just stared at me for a minute and said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

kids pick on other kids in school so what's your point? That has nothing to do with race. before you sit there and deny the systematic racism in the educational system have some sort of understanding before you coon it up. you got picked on due to your lame personality not due to your race. sometimes we have to state the obvious and stop looking for a crutch for which held our childhood back.

i don't deny systemic racism at all. it exists.

it is easy to toss that coon label online. anyone that know me personally would call ask what the fuck are u smoking. no one IRL life would label me a coon. both of my parents were REAL black panthers and i was raised as such.

also both of them knew education was the way to improve our lives and was became an attorney/judge and the other a cpa/public works director. my father didn't want us growing up lily white so he took us out of the white district and put us in an afro-centric private school. and then he decided we needed to live around more black folks so we moved to a 'black' neighborhood. please miss me with the bullshit.

i have lived on both sides my entire life. some shit is about racism. other shit is not. some shit is cooning. other shit is not. barkley isn't cooning on this shit.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and calling people coons everytime they are critical of black people is just a bad as homos calling people homophobic or women calling people misogynistic when they are critical of those groups.

so everything that black people do that is not good is automatically traced back to systemic racism. fuckouttahere...

please step up your deductive reasoning.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

I was also one of those A's and B's for my grades, and N's and U's for conduct. Drove my pops mad! One day, after looking at one of my progress reports, he just stared at me for a minute and said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

lol mom know's i'm a clown hell i come from a family of clowns so she knew my asshole was next level and when she met some of my lame ass teachers she already knew that it was no way in the world i wasn't gonna entertain myself in order to get thru that moms would see some of my teachers than look at me than be like i understand:lol::lol::lol::lol:...hell on the low low i think the higher ups in my school knew the deal..i swear to this day that they would purposely put me in class with all the lame rookie teachers juss so i could mentally break them down and have them leave the school after the first was the school way of getting rid of the weak or undesirable teachers at my school..motherfuckers used me for their agenda


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

i don't deny systemic racism at all. it exists.

it is easy to toss that coon label online. anyone that know me personally would call ask what the fuck are u smoking. no one IRL life would label me a coon. both of my parents were REAL black panthers and i was raised as such.

also both of them knew education was the way to improve our lives and was became an attorney/judge and the other a cpa/public works director. my father didn't want us growing up lily white so he took us out of the white district and put us in an afro-centric private school. and then he decided we needed to live around more black folks so we moved to a 'black' neighborhood. please miss me with the bullshit.

i have lived on both sides my entire life. some shit is about racism. other shit is not. some shit is cooning. other shit is not. barkley isn't cooning on this shit.

so you went to a white District first and then you ended up in a black district.? And you can't see the disconnect here and why you were picked on? it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out. By the way I did not call you a coon, I said do not act like a coon. there is a fundamental difference between the two. Again this is more so a lame personality issue rather than a racial issue. its obvious your father saw how lame you were and that's why he wanted you around your own people. In retrospect it was probably an error on his part and now you have internalized this bullshit to the point where you're almost cooning


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

This "unintelligent", "brainwashed" married to a cave-bitch negro has some nerve.


He should just be grateful he was able to excel athletically otherwise he'd be in the same position he's looking down on.



A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Re: Charles Barkley:‘Unintelligent’ Blacks ‘Brainwashed’ To Keep Succesful Black Men

and calling people coons everytime they are critical of black people is just a bad as homos calling people homophobic or women calling people misogynistic when they are critical of those groups.

so everything that black people do that is not good is automatically traced back to systemic racism. fuckouttahere...

please step up your deductive reasoning.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, but at the same time, I get tired of people like Barkley broad brushing us all the time. Do you honestly think ALL of us don't like to see other black men succeed? When it comes to him, he's quick to show the whites that ALL blacks aren't bad, but when he speaks to them about us, somehow he fails to make that distinction.