watch the movie..then watch that clip.
Release date: August 1, 1954 (USA)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Screenplay: John Michael Hayes
All things considered??
Not that impressive??
That movie premiered in 1954 which means it was shot in 1952,53...
Technical Details:
3 Channel Projection
Full Duration: 20 min
Full Resolution: 2400x600px
Projection surface approx.: 10x2 meters
Software: After Effects, Photoshop
the version of Photoshop and After Effects to even be ABLE to do this didn't exist until 2011,12 and the IDEA for that guy to map those scenes together that way occurred some 60 YEARS after Hitchcock filmed it never knowing that one day somebody would be able to visually stitch the scenes together in such a fashion. Because you NEVER see all that activity happening together at any time in one shot like that in the movie.
Whats amazing is there is only a couple of wide or establishing shots in the whole film pretty much every scene is medium close ups and close ups of the apartments and people.
Dude we are LITERALLY looking at a world that screenwriter John Hayes and Alfred Hitchcock saw in their minds but from a proscenium shot they never imagined the film could be seen in and it has 95+% consistency and continuity.
That is a flat out absolutely incredible blend of imagination and technology spanning 60 years from people from two completely different times and eras.
If you read about this type of shit happening in a would be SCIENCE FICTION!
and your looking at it going
meh.. Thats just pure classic young buckism taking shit for granted