
Rising Star
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We knew that Josh Trank's reboot of the FANTASTIC FOUR franchise would be "A Matthew Vaughn Production", and now, Hollywood Reporter has announced that Simon Kinberg will also be onboard as a writer/producer on the flick. Kinberg, who first made his bones with his MR. AND MRS. SMITH script (which doubled as his grad school thesis), has worked on the last three X-MEN movies (including DAYS OF FUTURE PAST and excluding the two WOLVERINEs), JUMPER, and SHERLOCK HOLMES, not to mention in an uncredited capacity on the 2005 Tim Story-directed FANTASTIC FOUR (which does nothing to boost my confidence in this new incarnation). He's expected to do a massive re-write on the film, so hopefully the final product will be more FIRST CLASS than THE LAST STAND or the '05 FF4.



Rising Star
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Michael B Jordan as Johnny "Human Torch" Storm..bad casting IMO

not yet.

we gotta find out who the rest of the FF is.

He could be adopted or they make the rest of the FF Black or multi-cultural which would actually work well.

I'm more worried about the director...

Disney need to strong arm these cats and get the rights back.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
Marvel getting it back is the only Good idea. Then we can get the normal Galactus back.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Only done without the campy bullshit. The FF deals with Cosmic entities like the Watcher, Annihlus, Galactus and the like. They need to also CGI the Thing. The guy in the suit isn't massive enough.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
He could be adopted or they make the rest of the FF Black or multi-cultural which would actually work well.

white people would have a fit.

Sue and Johnny are brother and sister, you cant change that. That would be like making Loki black.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
white people would have a fit.

Sue and Johnny are brothers, you cant change that. That would be like making Loki black.

I think you can change it. The movie won't be effected and the Fantastic Four story isn't based around them being brother and sister.

They could do this a few ways. Have Sue and Johnny be black, have them being adopted, or have them not be brother and sister. Knowing Hollywood, I expect them to be adopted.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
I think you can change it. The movie won't be effected and the Fantastic Four story isn't based around them being brother and sister.

They could do this a few ways. Have Sue and Johnny be black, have them being adopted, or have them not be brother and sister. Knowing Hollywood, I expect them to be adopted.

that would be weird. i'd go see it no matter what though.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
white people would have a fit.

Sue and Johnny are brothers, you cant change that. That would be like making Loki black.

Yep. The only character they could get away with making black is the Thing. They ain't gonna have no black siblings and they ain't gonna have Sue Storm fuckin a black Mr. Fantastic.


Rising Star
I think you can change it. The movie won't be effected and the Fantastic Four story isn't based around them being brother and sister.

They could do this a few ways. Have Sue and Johnny be black, have them being adopted, or have them not be brother and sister. Knowing Hollywood, I expect them to be adopted.

people like u with that "you can change it" attitude are the reason all the other movies sucked

marvel has proved that sticking as close to the source material as possible is the best way to go


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
not yet.

we gotta find out who the rest of the FF is.

He could be adopted or they make the rest of the FF Black or multi-cultural which would actually work well.

I'm more worried about the director...

Disney need to strong arm these cats and get the rights back.


Yep. The only character they could get away with making black is the Thing. They ain't gonna have no black siblings and they ain't gonna have Sue Storm fuckin a black Mr. Fantastic.

A black Thing could work actually. His race doesn't matter.

or making Nick Fury black.

For the last time he was based on Ultimate Nick Fury. The movies combine 616 and Ultimate universes.

people like u with that "you can change it" attitude are the reason all the other movies sucked

marvel has proved that sticking as close to the source material as possible is the best way to go

I agree 99%. Certain charactersdon't matter. ex. Heimdall


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
people like u with that "you can change it" attitude are the reason all the other movies sucked

marvel has proved that sticking as close to the source material as possible is the best way to go

Well I just don't give a shit about skin color about fictional characters. I mean its one thing to make a movie about Malcolm X starring Tom Hanks as Malcolm X. Or having a biopic about Martin Luther King starring William Shatner or some shit. But if a Fantastic Four movie came out and it SUCKED it wouldn't be because of a black cast or a black Johnny Storm. :lol: Sorry. That's scapegoating the shitty ass writers and producers.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Well I just don't give a shit about skin color about fictional characters. I mean its one thing to make a movie about Malcolm X starring Tom Hanks as Malcolm X. Or having a biopic about Martin Luther King starring William Shatner or some shit. But if a Fantastic Four movie came out and it SUCKED it wouldn't be because of a black cast or a black Johnny Storm. :lol: Sorry. That's scapegoating the shitty ass writers and producers.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
For the last time he was based on Ultimate Nick Fury. The movies combine 616 and Ultimate universes.

I know fam :D

but with ALL the changes that has happened in the actual comics let alone the movies why would it be so out of the realm of possibility that Sue Simmons father adopted a boy and they were close the bond could be played up as even deeper because of the differences and people's prejudices I think it would raise enough uproar to get the audience out but not enough to totally lose the core fans.

And you could have the "REAL" Johnny come back and say he was kidnapped as a baby and trapped in the Negative Zone or something then you can have 2 Torches...and then change the black Torch to Toro or something hell Vision...


Rising Star
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Fantastic Four reboot: trailer news, reshoots and more


The trailer for Josh Trank's Fantastic Four film will debut next month, Simon Kinberg confirms...

Given that the film is out this coming August, official visuals and promotional activity for this summer's reboot of The Fantastic Four have been non-existent thus far (it sounds odd, but we don't even have a logo, which is why this story is illustrated with imagery from Fantastic Four past). The film is being directed by Chronicle's Josh Trank, and it'd be fair to say that rumours that have sprung up surrounding the project have not been met favourably. Yet in the absence of anything official, those rumours continue to grow.

However, the wraps are coming off the film early next month.

Simon Kinberg, who has produced and co-written the movie, has revealed that the first trailer for the film is just under a month away. He said that it will be playing before Kingsman: The Secret Service in US cinemas, when the film lands in America on February 13th.

He also confirmed that Fantastic Four "will be doing 3-4 days of additional photography with director Josh Trank and some key cast members".

Kinberg said this in response to internet chatter that had suggested that there were big problems with Fantastic Four. There had been reports of extensive reshoots, but three to four days, as it turns out, is pretty much par for the course on a big movie.

More on Fantastic Four as we hear it.

Read more:


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Rising Star
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Filmmakers Break Down 'The Fantastic Four' Trailer, Reveal Most Viral-Ready Frame (Exclusive)

When a trailer for a would-be blockbuster like The Fantastic Four arrives, we typically examine the clip frame-by-frame, sussing out the tiniest details and extrapolating key plot points.

This time around, though, we figured we’d have the filmmakers do the heavy-lifting themselves.

Cue director Josh Trank (Chronicle) and screenwriter-producer Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past), who graciously agreed to sit down for this exclusive commentary (above) on the newly released teaser about the Fox reboot of the classic Marvel hero team.

These guys have nerd bona fides.
In case it wasn’t abundantly clear from their track record, Trank and Kinberg are big comic fans. While previous movies adapted the 1961 origin story by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Trank and Kinberg chose the Ultimate Fantastic Four for their source material, which reimagines the team.

"I really wanted to tell the story of a young Reed Richards," says Trank, noting he was especially inspired by a scene in the Ultimate book of Reed as a child prodigy tinkering in his garage.

"The next generation," Kinberg adds. "A younger Fantastic Four."

Forget those other Foursomes.
The film aims to make distant memories of Tim Story’s jokey 2005 version (and its sequel) and Roger Corman’s 1994 campfest.

Says Trank: “[Stan Lee] loved the idea that somebody would take the Fantastic Four seriously and put them in a modern space.”

To wit, the filmmakers cast the quartet of Miles Teller (Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic), Kate Mara (Sue Storm/Invisible Woman), Jamie Bell (Ben Grimm/The Thing), and Michael B. Jordan (Johnny Storm/The Human Torch). ”I don’t think we could possibly find four better actors to portray these characters in this version of the story,” says Trank. ”We wanted [the movie] to be grounded and dramatic and we went for the four most dramatic actors.”

Cosmic rays don't cut it anymore.
While Lee and Kirby conceived the team as astronauts blasting off in the Cold War space race and gaining their powers due to transfiguring "cosmic ray," this film features the gang attempting to teleport to another dimension. Trank sought to make it as believable as possible. "I really wanted to see science in science fiction, which I think we rarely see," he says. That extended to the costumes. “[We wanted] to create these suits that had a real science function to them,” says Kinberg, adding that Trank "termed them containment suits to contain their powers."

The one GIF you need to grab from this story.
The Thing, with his rock-hard exterior, arsenal of wisecracks, and classic catchphrase (“It’s clobbering time!”), has always been the most popular team member. While Fox’s last two Fanatastic Four films relied on Michael Chiklis in an unconvincing orange costume, Trank decided to use motion-capture CGI of Jamie Bell to render the ever-lovin’ brute. And his initial appearance in the teaser is a highlight


“That,” says Kinberg, “will be the frame that is frozen and screen-captured and emailed the most.” We also get a quick glimpse of Johnny Storm flaming on as the Human Torch. Then later, we have the Torch fully engulfed while sister Sue shows off her force field skills.


(We don’t see Mr. Fantastic go full stretchy, but there’s a brief shot at the 1:26 mark where Teller throws a punch that could keep going.)

No room for Dr. Doom?
This is a teaser, after all, so Trank and Kinberg are saving some reveals for the Aug. 7 release. Among them, what chief antagonist, the armor-sporting Dr. Doom, will look like.


We think that might be a glimpse of Doom’s alter ego, the scarred Victor Domashev (Toby Kebbell), on the hospital bed, but Trank and Kinberg aren’t spilling.

First family of the comics.
"All of the dynamics, both good and bad, about being in a family were playing out in a comic book," says Kinberg of the kind of stories that made the Marvel title so enduring. And the filmmakers wanted to stay true to that motif.


"The most important thing about the Fantastic Four," Trank says, "is that this is a movie about a family."


Rising Star
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There's An Easter Egg In The New 'Fantastic Four' Trailer


The Easter Egg occurs at 45 seconds into the new "Fantastic Four" teaser.

The internet’s detective skills never cease to amaze me. When Steve spoke with Josh Trank and Simon Kinberg for our Fantastic Four exclusive, Kinberg confirmed there would be an Easter egg hidden somewhere in the trailer. The trailer hit the web just over an hour ago and it looks like one of our sharp-eyed readers already found it.


Can you spot the Easter Egg?

About :45 into the trailer Sue Storm (Kate Mara) is working on a computer and on the bottom left corner of her screen an IP address:


Type that address into your browser and it leads to a wiki page on the fictional nation of Latveria.


Rising Star
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"He can warp the space around him, and appear to stretch his body into impossible forms and to incredible lengths."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's An Easter Egg In The New 'Fantastic Four' Trailer


The Easter Egg occurs at 45 seconds into the new "Fantastic Four" teaser.

The internet’s detective skills never cease to amaze me. When Steve spoke with Josh Trank and Simon Kinberg for our Fantastic Four exclusive, Kinberg confirmed there would be an Easter egg hidden somewhere in the trailer. The trailer hit the web just over an hour ago and it looks like one of our sharp-eyed readers already found it.


Can you spot the Easter Egg?

About :45 into the trailer Sue Storm (Kate Mara) is working on a computer and on the bottom left corner of her screen an IP address:


Type that address into your browser and it leads to a wiki page on the fictional nation of Latveria.

What type of bullshit Easter egg is that. A good Easter egg would have been showing Xavier's school of mutants


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I wonder how much longer will Fox be able to hold to the media rights for this as well Xmen?

like i said half jokingly awhile back in another thread...

there will be a day when the mouse gets it best legal team together and goes before a judge and presents a suit stating that they are actually devaluing and DAMAGING the properties with these shoddy releases just to keep the rights and then show the receipts from Avengers Iron Man Thor Daredevil (Netflix) and Guardians...

case closed.


Rising Star
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Fantastic Four 2015 Director Regrets Tweet That Cost Fox $10 Million
Director Josh Trank has admitted he regrets a negative tweet he posted about The Fantastic Four, which ended up costing Fox $10 million.


Josh Trank, director of The Fantastic Four, has admitted he regrets a tweet that cost Fox $10 million. The comic book adaptation, which opened in 2015, was a box office bomb, making only $56 million domestically against an estimated budget of $120 million. The film was met with an overwhelmingly negative response from fans and critics alike, leading to a litany of behind the scenes information coming to light that factored into the maligned finished product.

The Fantastic Four wasn't Fox's first attempt at bringing the popular comic book characters to life on the big screen. Before Trank came into the picture, the studio had made two previous attempts: Fantastic Four and its sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Both films were financially successful, the first grossing $333 million worldwide while its sequel reeled in $301 million globally. Trank was coming hot off the heels of his beloved box office hit, Chronicle, a film that made an impressive $126 million worldwide against a budget of just $12 million. Trank's take on the reboot teleported the beloved characters to an alternate dimension, where their physical forms are altered in stunning ways, giving them their well-known abilities. The film starred Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, and Toby Kebbell.

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RELATED:Why Toby Kebbell Didn't Really Play Fantastic Four's Doctor Doom

In an interview with Polygon, The Fantastic Four director revealed he regrets a negative tweet he made about the film is estimated to have cost Fox $10 million. The tweet he refers to is the one that reads, "A year ago I had a fantastic version of this. And it would've received great reviews. You'll probably never see it. That's reality though." Viewing the tweet in retrospect, the director admitted that it was speaking ill of his collaborators who had attempted to make his version of the film work and ended up causing a falling out with friends he had in the industry.

The behind the scenes drama pertaining to the film has been overwhelming. One of the more notable tidbits had to do with the extensive reshoots on the film, due to the film's lack of a satisfying ending. Trank has recently revealed what really happened in Fox's reshoots, revealing some shocking information about the production process. It was even rumored that Trank had cut his own version of the film after battling with the studio, but it was recently revealed that The Fantastic Four's director's cut doesn't fully exist. Another reboot of the comic book property has been teased by Marvel's Kevin Feige, with actor John Krasinski already expressing he'd love to play Mr. Fantastic.

The director has since moved on from his failure, set to release his new film, Capone, on VOD May 12th. The film follows Al Capone, played by Tom Hardy, after his ten year stint in prison, as he begins to suffer from dementia and trauma from his violent past. The film is Trank's first project since The Fantastic Four, the director possibly hoping to earn back back some good will from film fans and critics. When the Capone trailer was released, he commented on the film's title change and made a subtle reference to his production woes on the The Fantastic Four by saying, "Different title. My cut."

Trank proved he was a director with substantial talent when he made his debut with Chronicle. The film showed a firm grasp on character and the director also fully utilized a modest budget in order to tell an offbeat, unique superhero origin story. The Fantastic Four was a notable misfire, a film that had a tonal identity crisis, paper-thin characters, and embarrassingly poor visuals. However, considering the film's troubled production, the notion of Trank directing a small-scale film about Al Capone is appealing and certainly more in his wheelhouse. However the film turns out, Trank is clearly happy to put The Fantastic Four in his rearview mirror.
