Cop Kneels On Black Man's Neck As He Screams, "I Can't Breathe!" Murderer and Inmate Derek Chauven Was Shanked


Rising Star
Platinum Member
"You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you’ll never see this stuff again." :eek2: :smh:

Watch this fool Trump gonna call in thousands of national guards & military soldiers to protect the White House
I have a feeling something might pop off later tonight
Be safe out there fellas



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i saw this when it was happening in Philly.
dudes were poppin the trunks of cop cars,....taking bullet proof vests.....flash bang grenades....flares....
shit was crazy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This is a very true statement but Trump lacks logic and wisdom. While yes, the statement may be true but is it the best solution?

Logic and Wisdom says that while force could be used to stop the protest immediately but what irrevocable damage can be created by using that method.

This is what makes Trump so dangerous. He is simple minded and does think about or care how his decisions could impact others

Young Sir

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
IDK what it will take for black people to realize that Democrats
Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz Exposes Democrats, Antifa, BLM & More

In 2017, Chaziel Sunz shined the light on who pays for Antifa, Black Lives Matter, what the plan is of the Democratic Party using the groups.​

are not are friends either..


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
The problem is that we will lose the battle in a way we as black folks are not prepared for.
when it comes to gardening, you are the fucking man. You really know about and dirt and shit. But, perhaps you should stay in that lane and stop trying to bring attention to yourself. I may need your assistance when i start gardening though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
when it comes to gardening, you are the fucking man. You really know about and dirt and shit. But, perhaps you should stay in that lane and stop trying to bring attention to yourself. I may need your assistance when i start gardening though.
Each generation black folk pass on nothing but debt to the next generation. It is the evil cycle of systemic racism.

For example we have rappers bragging about having $300,000 on their necks when that could have been a educational center.

We don’t and have never invested into our homeland where our original ancestors were born to have a land for ourselves and governed by us.

At the moment we are asking for help from the exact people who have oppressed us for over 400 years. We need to decouple from white people and stop being so reliant upon them.