Cop Kneels On Black Man's Neck As He Screams, "I Can't Breathe!" Murderer and Inmate Derek Chauven Was Shanked


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Isn’t that standard protocol?

Correct it is standard protocol
But the question is "protocol for what"?
A possible terrorist attack?
One of the newscasters said they last time a POTUS or V.POTUS had to run to the underground bunker...was Dick Chaney during 911
But Trump is running from his own people, that are throwing sticks & stones & water bottles, LOL


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor

as an FYI Dr. Baden performed the independent autopsy. I'll trust him over a crooked county coroner.

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the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

Several years ago, I posted the documentary Eyes on the Prize on my website. I remember several international folks commenting on that post and saying they never knew that type of movement happened in the United States.

The plights of Black Americans are coming out in the Digital Age. America can no longer hide its abuse.

For Black AMERICANS to be such a small population of the world, we easily have some of the biggest influences on cultures. There is something to that!

Just MAYBE, we are not as alone as we thought we were. Maybe, we do have friends.


Rising Star
Platinum Member