Crazy kinda Prank …..One of these days


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor

Everything is not fucking funny.

People are wound tight now a days. Rents are high, insurance is high... people are wondering how they are going to make it. Then some asshole does something like this, and shit just explodes.

People who do this dumb shit are either entitled, or they grew up without their dads. Because fuck around and find out is real, and that's a lesson you'll usually get from your dad.

Remember this one from years ago? 34 second mark:



" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
We need to push a law against this shit and have it catogorized as harrasment. people just want to chill and Enjoy themselves without being bothered by somee dumb gen z idiot that wants to be famous.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Man, this is why you need to have a law firm with a good injury attorney on speed dial. Fall to the ground and grab your knee with one hand and your back with the other. Lay there groaning and writhing in pain until someone calls the police and a rescue squad. Decline to go in an ambulance and have someone else take you home. Then go to the doctor your lawyer advises. Easy money.