Critical Race Theory: GOP Operative Says It Hurts White Kids When ‘Kids of Color Feel They Belong’

GOP Operative Says It Hurts White Kids When ‘Kids of Color Feel They Belong’
Allison Quinn
News Editor

Published Oct. 07, 2021 5:54AM ET
Michael Loccisano/Getty
A Republican campaign manager for school board candidates in a Connecticut town has sparked controversy by telling participants of a virtual education forum that “helping kids of color to feel they belong has a negative effect on white, Christian, or conservative kids.” Mary Beeman put forth that bizarre argument during a virtual education forum where the right-wing boogeyman known as “critical race theory” was discussed, according to local news outlet WFSB. She later sought to clarify her statement, which she admitted was “poorly worded,” and claimed it had been shown “out of context.” In trying to mop up the mess, Beeman said she’d been referring to “students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values, or simply are conservative thinkers,” and are now being “bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies.” Bill Bloss, the Guilford school board chairman, made clear he wasn’t buying Beeman’s excuses for the racist remark, questioning “exactly what context would that comment be positive in.” He has called on Beeman to step down, blasting her remark as “false, outrageous, negative (and) destructive.”
Guilford GOP school board campaign manager says helping children of color feel like they belong hurts white children

Guilford GOP school board campaign manager says helping children of color feel like they belong hurts white children

GUILFORD, CT. (WFSB) - Mary Beeman, the campaign manager for the Guilford republican school board candidates, commented, "helping kids of color to feel they belong has a negative effect on white, Christian, or conservative kids," during a UConn. virtual education forum.
The forum was on how to teach race and critical race theory (CRT) in school.
According to the American Barr Association, CRT is the practice of investigating the role of race and racism in society and how that role impacted the legal academy and other fields of scholarship.

When questioned about her comment, Beeman said, "The statement I made was poorly worded and shown out of context. Guilford students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values, or simply are conservative thinkers, have been bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies."
Former Guilford Chairman Bill Bloss said, "exactly what context would that comment be positive in."

Bloss, who was on the school board for 20 years, said that republicans falsely claim CRT has been taught in Guilford schools, without proof.
He is advising independent candidates and feels Beeman should resign.
Truth in Education, a national group that says its for parents' rights to decide what their children are taught.
David Holman is a member, while he does not have children, he is still fighting to stop CRT.
Holman said, "we are a great country-our founding documents says all men are created equal."
Do you UNDERSTAND what he is saying...??

No problem Im hear to translate... bruh when you

KNOW how to CAC code.. the shit they admit too...

Ok basically he is admitting..

caucasoids are an inferior species, and if we were to level

the playing field.. Our inferior species wont stand a chance...

just further proving the delusional psychosis of

"white supremacy"

Oh tell them to wait, soon they'll be the ones wanting to belong. That's when the hurt will start. They haven't felt shit yet.
If you cannot reverse it, then it's not logically sound,
i.e. 'it hurts black kids when white kids feel they belong'.
Think he would agree with this or admit his logic is flawed?
Do you UNDERSTAND what he is saying...??

No problem Im hear to translate... bruh when you

KNOW how to CAC code.. the shit they admit too...

Ok basically he is admitting..

caucasoids are an inferior species, and if we were to level

the playing field.. Our inferior species wont stand a chance...

just further proving the delusional psychosis of

"white supremacy"


I disagree.

The whole backlash against so-called critical race theory came about because younger white kids want to know the real truth about American history.

The 2020 George Floyd protests show that once white kids realize who the founding fathers, military generals, and religious officials truly were they tear down their statues. They're willing to match alongside their black peers against the police barricade.

They are constantly canceling racist public figures. 20 years ago most white kids would have ignored barbecue Becky or even took her side. Now they're starting to realize the full danger that she represents and they won't stand for it.

This anti-critical race theory movement is designed to reign this disobedience in. To make white kids fall in love in with America's mythologies so that they can become the next generation of white supremacists.

Banning CRT is the last dying gasp of the old guard. A Band-Aid over a cultural bullet wound.
I disagree.

The whole backlash against so-called critical race theory came about because younger white kids want to know the real truth about American history.

The 2020 George Floyd protests show that once white kids realize who the founding fathers, military generals, and religious officials truly were they tear down their statues. They're willing to match alongside their black peers against the police barricade.

They are constantly canceling racist public figures. 20 years ago most white kids would have ignored barbecue Becky or even took her side. Now they're starting to realize the full danger that she represents and they won't stand for it.

This anti-critical race theory movement is designed to reign this disobedience in. To make white kids fall in love in with America's mythologies so that they can become the next generation of white supremacists.

Banning CRT is the last dying gasp of the old guard. A Band-Aid over a cultural bullet wound.

facts but
I was referring to the old guard and their need for a

mythical history...
facts but
I was referring to the old guard and their need for a

mythical history...

A mythical history as long been the greatest propaganda tool in the government playbook.

Problem is that white kids are no longer mushrooms. You can't just keep them in the dark and feed them shit. Not when they can access the world's collective knowledge from a device that fits in their pocket.
A mythical history as long been the greatest propaganda tool in the government playbook.

Problem is that white kids are no longer mushrooms. You can't just keep them in the dark and feed them shit. Not when they can access the world's collective knowledge from a device that fits in their pocket.

Yeah that mythical history is no joke, even though its been proven

christopher columbus never existed, they still run strong with the narrative,

this fictional being discovered america...
Do you UNDERSTAND what he is saying...??

No problem Im hear to translate... bruh when you

KNOW how to CAC code.. the shit they admit too...

Ok basically he is admitting..

caucasoids are an inferior species, and if we were to level

the playing field.. Our inferior species wont stand a chance...

just further proving the delusional psychosis of

"white supremacy"

This is it right here. "I told my kids they were great, and I have to keep up the act by denying them access to reality." It's like when you see a chick tripping on a dude, he slaps her, and she's like "oh shit this is what equality feels like.". They don't want the equality they preach, they want unquestioned privileges.