Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T last


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Instead of relying on the horror stories and hearsay of others, Laptop Magazine decided that they wanted to test out the customer service of the big four American cellular carriers for themselves. So they set out on a trip across New York City, the phone lines, and the interwebs in an effort to gauge the parts of the carriers’ customer service departments that customers will interact with the most. In their surveying, Laptop Magazine visited two New York City stores for each carrier, called customer service once during the midday and once during the post-work ‘rush hour,’ and then got onto the carrier’s website to seek help. All the while they were attempting to solve problems with a BlackBerry from that carrier: setting up email, tethering, and internet radio.

So how did the carriers rank? Laptop Magazine has fairly extensive notes on each customer service experience they had, but what we find most interesting are the final results. The grades for the individual evaluations varied between a C- (AT&T phone support) and multiple A-, the overall grades ended up closely paralleling that spread. T-Mobile took the customer service crown with a composite score of A-, while Sprint and Verizon had to settle for sharing the second place medal after both solid B's. Poor AT&T, however, was levied with a aggregate C+, dragged down by scores of B- and below.

It definitely has to be the Iphone that keeps AT&T customers there because the expensive prices & reports of poor customer service sure can't be what's doing it. :smh:


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I have never had any problems with ATT cust serv., but I have only
called them twice in two years.

I used to have T-mobile and I know their cust serv is on point.

I think the main problem with ATT is they have soooo much going on
and the are outsourcing most of the cust serv out of country.

I also blame the consumer for expecting wayyy to much from customer
service, I'm sure that over 50% of the cust complaints are folks who refuse
to goto the website and log into their account or that bought a phone and know
absolutely nothing about it:(, won't read the fucking book that came in the
box...or don't understand it.:confused::smh::smh::smh:
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Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I've had Sprint and I couldn't stand their customer service. They'd charge me late fees on automatic withdrawals. :smh:

Been with AT&T since 2004. Can't complain one bit. And with the iPhone, they send you straight to Apple Care if you have any questions. :yes:

But i'm just one case. :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I can vouch for T-Mobile being #1 and ATT being last. After being with ATT for 4 years I finally bounced after convincing myself I wasn't copping an iPhone.


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

The only company that i have ever dealt with that gave me shitty customer service to the point of cursing and throwing shit was ebay/paypal

Verizon was cool when i had them, sprint was cool when i had them, att was cool the first time i had them and when i called to port my number back they were cool too.

The people that are having problems with customer service so much why are you calling them so much that you are having problems?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

There was already a thread made about this when it was new information two weeks ago.

As it was said then. They only checked in New York, and their real beefs were that one worker didn't know what Slacker or Blackberry App world was. and the other said that they didn't support slacker. The only reason Verizon supports slacker is because they install it from the factory.


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

Verizon has always been good to me when it comes to cell phone and FIOS TV customer service. But they customer service for FIOS broadband SUCKS.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I can vouch for T-Mobile being #1 and ATT being last. After being with ATT for 4 years I finally bounced after convincing myself I wasn't copping an iPhone.

Might have been a smart move I gotta feeling 2010 will be the year of official
non-att carriers.

I got until 2011 with att I'm hoping if other carriers do pick up the iphone the att prices will drop.;)


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I've never had any issues with Sprint even though I've heard the horror stories that others have had. Perhaps it's because I switched to them right before they joined with Nextel & most of the horror stores I had were prior to that. I used to have T-Mobile & their customer service has always been good. I switched to AT&T(before they became Cingular)as they had the phone I wanted & wouldn't have to pay to get it unlocked. I ended up leaving AT&T after the blackout in NY for Nextel since the walkie talkies were the only thing working & most of my friends had Nextels at the time.


Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

ATT been good to me with my cell phone and UVERSE service. I agree with dasmybikepunk about people expecting too much. You cant be mad cuz you bought a phone you dont know how to use or you calling to look up some shit you could easily do yourself on the internet.


Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

T Mobile is good. I hear other people bitch about their service, I never think about mine.


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I've been rolling with Verizon since '98 and no problems here:yes: Phone selection could be better though:smh:


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

t-mobile does have great customer service..


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

i left T-Mobile for Verizon like 4 years ago because they had shitty customer service, poor phone choices (I was ordering my unlocked gsm phones from overseas) and poor phone call reception. And even then they was winning the JD Power bullshit awards! That is total fraud in my eyes!

I have never been not satisfied with VZW. They should be number one!


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

T-Mobile + Blackberry = For The Win!


Support BGOL
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I've had Sprint and I couldn't stand their customer service. They'd charge me late fees on automatic withdrawals. :smh:

Been with AT&T since 2004. Can't complain one bit. And with the iPhone, they send you straight to Apple Care if you have any questions. :yes:

But i'm just one case. :cool:

Sprint had a new CEO for the last year and stepped it up. thats why the complaints have dropped drastically.


Rising Star
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

I cosign Sprint... all I heard before I got Sprint was "the customer service sucks, the coverage sucks, they charged me this or that, yadda, yadda, yadda..."

I'm proud to say I have no complaints whatsoever. I can't speak about how they were back in the day, but in my experience, everything is all good.


Support BGOL
Re: Customer service showdown: Sprint and Verizon tie for second, T-Mobile #1, AT&T l

Best cingular story:

My cell phone broke on the week of christmas. It was like the 21st and I called them up. They said they'd have a replacement handset out asap. Now, I figure to be w/o a phone till after the holidays with the way shipping and the mail had to have been.

Phone arrived on the 23rd.