Damn! D.L. Hughley on Argument with Bill Cosby: "I Use the N-Word But I Don't Rape Girls"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
decent interview.....
couple funny things.... at the 00:38 mark, he can't get the word palatable out :lol:. He tries and just kinda gives up.
Also at the very end, he said that one of the reasons he wouldn't be able to find Cos guilty is because the first victim looked like Colin Kapernick..... I feel bad for laughing, but completely disconnected from innocence/guilt..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
White boy baited this dumbass and he was more than happy to oblige. I'm sure this coon has never fucked a girl while he was on drugs either :rolleyes:.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
now thats an opinion and voice on someone who has physical evidence of any crime committed....so whats his opinion and where is his voice on r kelly child pissing self??

whats the difference??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bill Cosby is getting a healthy dose of Karma. I have absolutely no sympathy for him mainly because of the way he constantly and hypocritically slammed black youth for a lack of morals.
Some of his comments were opinions might have been on point, but there was no balance in his views. He always pointed out the negative and rarely spoke of the positive things young black men were about. I distinctly remember him telling young boys to pull their pants up all the while pulling down the panties of women he drugged. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To be fair, the interviewer took the convo to cosby... And DL had a history with him so it's not like he is giving R. Kelly a pass, at least not in the clip. The subject never came up. Now, has he opened for Kels or been cheesin it with him on Instagram or something?

now thats an opinion and voice on someone who has physical evidence of any crime committed....so whats his opinion and where is his voice on r kelly child pissing self??

whats the difference??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude is clearly still carrying some sort of grudge against Cosby and is EXTRA salty about it. :dunno:
So, now (while Cosby is in a weakened state) is the time to lash out.
It's funny how these guys are coming out of the woodworks now... :rolleyes:
Oh well, they should all be grateful to this guy for making it possible:


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
None of the behavior can be equated so an equal argument is impossible, basically the only one who comes out ahead is that scumbag vlad.

This shit has so many disparate levels to it it's impossible to make a definitive statement.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bill Cosby is getting a healthy dose of Karma. I have absolutely no sympathy for him mainly because of the way he constantly and hypocritically slammed black youth for a lack of morals.
Some of his comments were opinions might have been on point, but there was no balance in his views. He always pointed out the negative and rarely spoke of the positive things young black men were about. I distinctly remember him telling young boys to pull their pants up all the while pulling down the panties of women he drugged. :hmm:

I been spitting this for years..the only coon is COSBY..never ever heard him put a cac down...brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude is clearly still carrying some sort of grudge against Cosby and is EXTRA salty about it. :dunno:
So, now (while Cosby is in a weakened state) is the time to lash out.
It's funny how these guys are coming out of the woodworks now... :rolleyes:
Oh well, they should all be grateful to this guy for making it possible:

This nigga here....Should be shot on sight. Yeah I said it.

oolong tea

Rising Star
Bill Cosby is getting a healthy dose of Karma. I have absolutely no sympathy for him mainly because of the way he constantly and hypocritically slammed black youth for a lack of morals.
Some of his comments were opinions might have been on point, but there was no balance in his views. He always pointed out the negative and rarely spoke of the positive things young black men were about. I distinctly remember him telling young boys to pull their pants up all the while pulling down the panties of women he drugged. :hmm:

I can't call it. This generation is too sensitive to be called out on their bullshit. He's tired of sugar coating shit for hardheaded kids. If I told you to pull your pants up, you're going cry over that also? If Cosby really was a rapist, applaud his ass because he was thugging on the low low. Truth is the man is trying to tear apart his legacy, like Bush did Powell, like Trump is doing Obama. Hey hey hey, MLK was accused of womanizing too. Maybe he was drugging white women also come to think of it...


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Bill Cosby is getting a healthy dose of Karma. I have absolutely no sympathy for him mainly because of the way he constantly and hypocritically slammed black youth for a lack of morals.
Some of his comments were opinions might have been on point, but there was no balance in his views. He always pointed out the negative and rarely spoke of the positive things young black men were about. I distinctly remember him telling young boys to pull their pants up all the while pulling down the panties of women he drugged. :hmm:

What did he say that was false? I actually agree with much of what he said.My issue is that he said it in front of white folks,but I think that is because he didn't care more than he was trying to impress them. I really don't get why people are so bent out of shape over what he said.

I can't call it. This generation is too sensitive to be called out on their bullshit. He's tired of sugar coating shit for hardheaded kids.

This here. Nobody is picking out what he said that was not true.


Rising Star
C'mon, are you calling D.L. Hughley a coon????? Hardly... :smh:

Are you serious. How is DL a coon? Talking about over using and abusing the word Coon.

He's saying something that he doesn't believe in to gain points with whitey. That's the very definition of cooning. He could have said Bill Cosby was an asshole that did drugs and fucked a lot of women. He could have said he hated Bill Cosby for his arrogant, asshole ways. But claiming rape is something that he has abosultely no idea whether it happened or not. None. No one knows but those lying broads and Bill. In US society, any sex between a black man and a white woman is considered rape, whether consentual or not.

Every straight man on Earth has had sex with a woman who has been under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And Hughely knows this. Plus he knows that everybody in Hollywood did and still do quaaludes, cocaine, etc. But he said Bill raped them. Hughely was trying to gain points with massa by jumping on the lets lynch the black man bandwagon even though we have no proof of rape. I put Hughely under Michael Vick status. Fuck him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's saying something that he doesn't believe in to gain points with whitey. That's the very definition of cooning. He could have said Bill Cosby was an asshole that did drugs and fucked a lot of women. He could have said he hated Bill Cosby for his arrogant, asshole ways. But claiming rape is something that he has abosultely no idea whether it happened or not. None. No one knows but those lying broads and Bill. In US society, any sex between a black man and a white woman is considered rape, whether consentual or not.

Every straight man on Earth has had sex with a woman who has been under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And Hughely knows this. Plus he knows that everybody in Hollywood did and still do quaaludes, cocaine, etc. But he said Bill raped them. Hughely was trying to gain points with massa by jumping on the lets lynch the black man bandwagon even though we have no proof of rape. I put Hughely under Michael Vick status. Fuck him.

You say on the one hand that Hughley "... has absolutely no idea whether it happened or not". Then in the next breath you say with absolute certainty that "no one knows except those lying broads and Bill". You just did the same thing you accused Hughley of doing, that being, how do YOU know those broads are lying? In cases where there is no witness to a crime the accused has usually been found guilty based on evidence and testimony that lead a jury to believe he or she was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt, get it??? Over 50 women all claiming Cosby raped them while they were in drug induced unconsciousness leads me to believe he did commit the crime, maybe not on all because some of them may be just trying to get paid. But if only one is telling the truth Cosby is still guilty of rape, and when 50 or more tell the same story, even though I didn't want to believe it, to me he's guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

As for D.L. trying to "gain points with massa", c'mon that doesn't sound like the D.L. Hugeley I've heard on many occasions get in right in whitey's ass and boot lickin' House Niggas' too. A coon he ain't. I think most people on the Board would agree. :hmm:
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Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
How is an 8 year old story gonna benefit Hughley who already has a career? He was only in the same comedy circles and is speaking on the same shit people have whispered for decades.

I guess Sway what you'd call a 'black massa'?:rolleyes:

Might as well call Willie D a coon too. Fuck it, let's just roll call coons now.



Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Dude is clearly still carrying some sort of grudge against Cosby and is EXTRA salty about it. :dunno:
So, now (while Cosby is in a weakened state) is the time to lash out.
It's funny how these guys are coming out of the woodworks now... :rolleyes:
Oh well, they should all be grateful to this guy for making it possible:
He is a bad guy for bringing up the Cosby rapes? You going to ignore the fact that Cosby he been costantly being accused of rape over the decades and have been paying off bitches?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
So what did Bill think of Red Foxx and Richard?

And DL seemed unbiased. He gave credit to Bill for the good he did with the Cosby Show and Different World.

But he's right preaching to people when your life ain't right

And Vlad is an idiot

He didn't get the precursor for Obama comment


Rising Star
He's saying something that he doesn't believe in to gain points with whitey. That's the very definition of cooning. He could have said Bill Cosby was an asshole that did drugs and fucked a lot of women. He could have said he hated Bill Cosby for his arrogant, asshole ways. But claiming rape is something that he has abosultely no idea whether it happened or not. None. No one knows but those lying broads and Bill. In US society, any sex between a black man and a white woman is considered rape, whether consentual or not.

Every straight man on Earth has had sex with a woman who has been under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And Hughely knows this. Plus he knows that everybody in Hollywood did and still do quaaludes, cocaine, etc. But he said Bill raped them. Hughely was trying to gain points with massa by jumping on the lets lynch the black man bandwagon even though we have no proof of rape. I put Hughely under Michael Vick status. Fuck him.

DL is one of the most vocal black celebrities we have right now. All hes been doing for the last year or two is telling the truth which is pissing white people off. He's doing it to a point that he probably is losing money in the process. So him exposing Cosby, a black man that was cooning, makes him a coon. Some of you Noteps need to log off. It's people like you that make the word coon lose its meaning.